

@vitosscaletta / vitosscaletta.tumblr.com

amina | 24 | back on my bullshit


  1. 🫀 ANATOMICAL HEART: Do they have any “upgrades” to their body, like cybernetic enhancements?
  2. 🩰 BALLET SHOES: Can they dance? Do they enjoy dancing even if they’re bad at it?
  3. 🤡 CLOWN FACE: Are they afraid of clowns? What “silly” fears do they have?
  4. 🧥 COAT: What’s their style like? Do they put a lot of effort into what they wear?
  5. 👻 GHOST: Do they believe in the supernatural or paranormal? Have they ever had any “encounters”?
  6. 💋 KISS MARK: What’s their signature look, if any? Do they have a gesture or piece of jewelry or something else that acts as a calling card for them?


  1. 🌵 CACTUS: What are some reasons someone might not like them? What are their personality flaws?
  2. 🐈 CAT: Are they a cat or a dog person, or something else? How do they feel about pets?
  3. 🎄 CHRISTMAS TREE: Do they celebrate any holidays? How do they feel about holidays in general?
  4. 🪹 EMPTY NEST: When did they move out of their family home, if ever? What was the relationship with their family like?
  5. 🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL: Are they good at keeping secrets? Do they share their own secrets?
  6. 🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL: What’s the worst thing they’ve ever seen? Do they tend to be a bystander or do they intervene?
  7. 🌱 SEEDLING: How are they at gardening? Do they have a green thumb or do they let succulents die? Would they rather have flowers or edible plants?
  8. 🐌 SNAIL: What’s their happy place? Do they have somewhere they can retreat to just chill out for a while?
  9. ❄️ SNOWFLAKE: Do they prefer cool or warm weather? How do they deal with each?
  10. 🙊 SPEAK-NO-EVIL: Are they talkative or quiet? Are they the type of person who talks more the more you get to know them?
  11. 🌻 SUNFLOWER: Do people generally tend to like them? What personality traits do they have that draw others in?


  1. 🍼 BABY BOTTLE: How do they feel about babies and children? Would they ever have any?
  2. 🍫 CHOCOLATE BAR: Do they have a sweet tooth? What kind of candy do they prefer?
  3. 🍸 COCKTAIL GLASS: Do they drink alcohol? What kind do they prefer?
  4. 🍴 FORK AND KNIFE: Do they have good manners? Were they taught to be that way, or are they just polite?
  5. ☕ HOT BEVERAGE: Do they prefer coffee, tea, hot chocolate, or something else for their “hot beverage”?
  6. 🍄 MUSHROOM: Would they ever experiment with psychedelics? How would it affect them?
  7. 🥞 PANCAKES: What’s their comfort food?
  8. 🥧 PIE: Do they like cooking or baking? Are they good at it? What are their go-to creations?
  9. 🍕 PIZZA: When they’re having a “lazy day”, what do they like to do?
  10. 🍿 POPCORN: What’s their go-to food or candy at a movie theatre?


  1. 📚 BOOKS: Do they like to read? What kind of books do they like?
  2. 🏹 BOW AND ARROW: What’s their preferred weapon, if anything?
  3. 🎪 CIRCUS TENT: Would they ever go to a music festival, a Renaissance fair, a holiday parade, or some other large communal event? Would they dress up to fit a theme? What would their favorite part of it be?
  4. 🎧 HEADPHONES: Do they like listening to music? Do they prefer going to live shows or listening to stuff prerecorded? Do they make playlists?
  5. 🎤 MICROPHONE: What does their voice sound like? Do they have a notable accent? Can they sing, and if so, what would they sing at a karaoke night?
  6. 🎨 PALETTE: Are they artsy? Which art medium do they prefer?
  7. ♟️ PAWN: Do they like board games or games of strategy?
  8. 🎭 PERFORMING ARTS: How do they feel about theatre? Can they act? Would they ever watch a musical or a play?
  9. 🎷 SAXOPHONE: Can they play any musical instruments? Do they prefer the sound of any particular instrument?
  10. 🎾 TENNIS: Do they play any sports? Are they particularly competitive?
  11. 🧵 THREAD: Can they mend their own clothes? Have they ever knitted, embroidered, or the like?
  12. 🎮 VIDEO GAME: Do they play video games? What kind of games do they prefer?


  1. 🛩️ AIRPLANE: How do they feel about flying? Are they afraid of heights or crashing?
  2. 🏖️ BEACH WITH UMBRELLA: What do they like to do while on vacation?
  3. 🏕️ CAMPING: Do they like the outdoors? Do they like camping, hiking, fishing, etc.?
  4. 🏪 CONVENIENCE STORE: What would be their go-to convenience store snacks?
  5. 🏝️ DESERT ISLAND: How would they answer the classic question about what items they would bring to a deserted island?
  6. 🎡 FERRIS WHEEL: What’s their favorite ride at an amusement park?
  7. 🛸 FLYING SAUCER: Do they believe in the extraterrestrial? Have they ever had any “encounters”?
  8. ⛽ FUEL PUMP: Would they ever go on a road trip? Who would they go with, and where would they go? Are they the driver, the planner, the backseat sleeper, etc.?
  9. 🏡 HOUSE WITH GARDEN: Where do they live? Do they have a house to themselves or do they live with somebody, or something else?
  10. 🚂 LOCOMOTIVE: What’s their preferred method of transportation? Do they prefer commuting in silence or with music or audiobooks playing, or talking to someone else?
  11. 🧳 LUGGAGE: Do they like to travel? What’s their favorite place to visit?
  12. 🌃 NIGHT WITH STARS: Do they like the night life? Do they go clubbing or to bars?
  13. 🪂 PARACHUTE: What’s the craziest thing they’ve ever done? Did they want to do it?
  14. 🛝 PLAYGROUND SLIDE: What was their favorite thing to play on at parks as a child?
  15. 🪐 RINGED PLANET: How do they feel about space? Does it inspire them or make them feel lonely?
  16. ⛵ SAILBOAT: How do they feel about sailing or being on boats? Are they afraid of the ocean?
  17. 🌠 SHOOTING STAR: If they had one (or three) wishes, what would they wish for?


  1. 🧮 ABACUS: Are they good at math?
  2. 🎈 BALLOON: Do they like parties and celebrations? What do they think about surprises?
  3. 🩹 BANDAGE: What do they do when they’re sick or injured?
  4. 🧼 BAR OF SOAP: What are their morning and night routines like?
  5. 💣 BOMB: What sets them off? Do they have a short temper?
  6. 🧹 BROOM: How neat are they? Do they like everything clean and neat, or do they prefer “organized chaos”?
  7. 🚬 CIGARETTE: Do they smoke or do any drugs? What vices do they have?
  8. ⚰️ COFFIN: How do they feel about death?
  9. 🖍️ CRAYON: What was their favorite thing to do in school as a kid?
  10. 🔮 CRYSTAL BALL: Do they believe in psychics, Ouija boards, crystal balls, etc.? Have they ever successfully “seen the future”?
  11. 🎞️ FILM FRAMES: Do they prefer movies or television? What genres do they like?
  12. 🧨 FIRECRACKER: Do they like pranks? Have they ever pulled a particularly nasty one (or had it pulled on them)?
  13. 🖋️ FOUNTAIN PEN: What’s their handwriting like?
  14. 💌 LOVE LETTER: How do they like expressing their love? Do they like to be straightforward or are they more romantic?
  15. 🪆 NESTING DOLLS: Do they have any collections or cool things around their living space? Are they materialistic?
  16. 🗝️ OLD KEY: What do they always keep in their pockets or purse?
  17. 🛍️ SHOPPING BAG: Do they like shopping? What sort of stores do they gravitate towards?
  18. 🧸 TEDDY BEAR: What was their favorite childhood toy? Do they keep any stuffed animals now?
  19. 🧪 TEST TUBE: Are they good at science? Which disciplines do they prefer?
  20. 🎁 PRESENT: What kind of gifts do they like to give? To receive?


  1. 💈 BARBER POLE: How particular are they about their hair? Do they prefer to do it themselves or get it done professionally, if they care at all?
  2. 💔 BROKEN HEART: What would break their heart? What’s the worst thing a significant other or a close friend could do to them?
  3. ❤️‍🔥 HEART ON FIRE: What really gets them going? What’s their favorite thing for a significant other to do?
  4. 💘 HEART WITH ARROW: Do they ever get crushes? What do they do when they have feelings for someone?
  5. 🃏 JOKER: Do they like card games? Do they prefer gambling games or playing just for fun?
  6. ❤️‍🩹 MENDING HEART: When they’re heartbroken or extremely upset, what makes them feel better?
  7. 🏴‍☠️ PIRATE FLAG: Have they ever stolen? What’s their opinion on stealing, piracy, scams, etc. in general?
  8. 💞 REVOLVING HEARTS: Do they have a best friend? What’s their relationship like?
  9. 🏳️ WHITE FLAG: What is their breaking point? When do they feel like they have to give up, if ever?
  10. 💤 ZZZ: What are their sleeping habits like? Do they snore, move around a lot, etc.?

31 + althea? 👉👈


"Lies," her father continued, hands firm atop the back of his leather desk chair, “are useful. Not just the little white lies. None of them are an inherent evil.”

Althea sat on the other side of the office, lounging on the black velveteen loveseat he kept beside his bookshelves. She seemed to be ignoring him, manicured black nails clicking away at the keyboard of her Nokia.

But she was listening very closely.

“Put that damn phone down, will you?” he exclaimed suddenly, raising his voice like he rarely did.

She threw it on the other side of the couch. “Whatever, Dad. Continue.”

“As I was saying...” He shook his head, pacing across the room until he was standing in front of her. “No one’s on our side but us. You remember that.”

“I know.” Althea agreed with him. She often did, though she was loathe to ever show it.

“And remember what I was saying. I won’t ever fault you for lying. If you’re protecting yourself or what you love, it doesn’t matter what you do. It’s all worth it in the end.”

He was right. She wasn’t sure why he was even giving her this lecture. She had followed and learned from his example her entire life.

“Now get out of here. I have work to do.”

“Thanks, Dad,” she replied as she stood, grabbing her phone on the way. She looked back briefly as she left the room to see him sat behind his desk, pulling out a white binder several inches thick. That would be her problem one day.

The ghoul trembled before her. He wouldn't even look her in the eye.

He had been slacking recently. The swing had to take his place for the past several days because he was too out of it and strung up on something to act, and Althea was getting sick of his excuses. They needed him; he was one of the actors that people came here to see—their ratings and box office would be tanking soon enough, if they weren’t already.

She had no affection for the ghoul, as obsessed as he was with her. Everyone was replaceable—and controllable.

"You'll get your blood tomorrow," she finally said with a forced sigh, tilting his chin up to look at her. "Now get back to the stage."


— gen (friendship)  |  2755 words

Valentina embarks on her first mission as a Ranger, and Yelena experiences the surface for the first time.

The veteran Ranger, Ilya, shoved the bag into her arms. “You’re the recruit, you carry the things we’ll need on the surface.” It was mostly full of filters and ammunition, and Valya swore under her breath as she shouldered the pack. At least it was much lighter than the bags she used to carry back to Polis.

The other woman jogged over from behind, leaving a conversation with another recently returned stalker near the exit. “You’ve been to the surface, and I haven’t, and yet you’re the mule. Funny how things can turn out down here.”

Valya shrugged, trying to recall the woman’s name. She only heard it once earlier, where it was directed towards Ilya while she stood dutifully behind, listening more to the whirring of the fans in the vents than the discussion between the so-called veterans before her. “Funny indeed. You’re Yelena, yes?”

The other woman nodded, adjusting the straps of her sniper rifle. Valya wondered if they would actually need such a weapon during this excursion. All the countless missions she had been on, stealth was the preferred method of travel, and if you got caught in a bad spot, it was better to be prepared for an all out firefight. At her own hip she had a silenced pistol, and an issued shotgun on her back after her own was lost on the surface some weeks earlier in her fight with the demon.

“That’s right. It’s nice to meet you at last. I heard about where they found you up there. It’s impressive. To tell you the truth, I’m a little excited about what there is to see on the surface.” She lowered her voice, careful not to invite Ilya into the conversation. He would most likely scold her for what she said.


sam trapani / julia daniels  |  1789 words

Julia, employed with the Lost Heaven Courier once more, waits up at Salieri’s one night after work—her confusion surrounding Sam Trapani’s behavior is decidedly not resolved.

The mass lay-offs in the editorial industry were hardly over with, and Julia was lucky to have gotten her job back in the midst of the Depression. She couldn’t deny that her connections made it easier to worm her way back in, but no one she worked with had to know about that. It was enough that she was back at her typewriter earning them money—and of course she was happy to be writing again.

But despite the recent good fortune she’d attained, Julia was far from content—how could she be when every day she walked into Salieri’s Bar, Sam Trapani took one look at her and walked the other way?

She tapped her pen against the tabletop, eyes darting to the street every time some car shone its headlights through the slits in the blinds. She worked late that night, ‘til nearly midnight, editing articles and finishing some things that had been left undone since she was laid off several months before. No one had her work ethic.

A door at the back of the bar swung and so did her head, looking to see who was coming out of it. Paulie.

“What’re you doing here so late, huh Julia?” he questioned, adjusting his hat back on his head.


sam trapani / julia daniels  |  1853 words

After months of frustration and wondering what might be, maybe Julia can finally finish giving Sam Trapani a piece of her mind.

The door seemed to be rotting, and the paint above it looked like it had peeled off a hundred years ago. It made sense to Julia that this was the club Sam ran.

Clamped in her left hand was a white envelope, its edges slightly curled after having apparently been lost in some drawer for weeks. It was important, according to Salieri, and Cecilia—the usual courier for these sorts of messages—was off that day, probably somewhere with Carlo. It was just Julia’s luck that she already agreed to deliver the message when Salieri told her where she had to bring it.

She couldn’t bring herself to knock on the door. It was deep into the fall now, and a biting November wind whipped around her ankles, and a primal feeling wanted her to burst through the door into the warmth that likely lay inside. She just couldn’t bring herself to do anything.

When she felt the first drop of stinging rain run down her back above her coat’s collar, however, the primal feeling won out and she gave three sharp knocks. It was the side door, not the large rolling door that opened into the street. She still had no idea what sort of club this even was—it looked like an abandoned building. Officially, it probably was.

To her surprise and dismay—and frustration, at the way her heart quickened—Sam himself opened the door.

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