
I Probably Should Be Studying


Caitlin | ace | Star Wars blog: @tatethecorgisstarwarsstash | writing sideblog: tatethecorgiwritinghoard | aesthetic sideblog: creatureofwandering | header by justlgbtthings

It’s hard to go alone. Take your Bhaalspawn. Even of they have a falling out with their family and are extremely bad at what they’re doing.


gale's reaction to mystra telling him to blow himself up is obviously heartbreaking but on the other hand it is deeply DEEPLY hilarious when Gale, Learned professor of renown, is like "if there was another way to defeat the absolute don't you think the goddess of magic would have thought of it" and the band of badly socialized half-feral murder children he's running with just go "well maybe the goddess of magic is stupid, gale"


People headcanon Astarion getting emotional/soft/weepy when you do nice things for him but may I present to you:

An Astarion who gets /mad/ about it. You wash his clothes for him while he's gone, and instead of being grateful, he asks you what you want out of it.

You bring him things you think he will like, extra loot, etc and of course he takes it and is ever so grateful... but his eyes narrow in suspicion and a frown tugs at his lips. He stares at the items, turning them over, wondering what's wrong with them.

Give me an Astarion who is always waiting 'for the other shoe to drop', who questions every kind thing you try to do, who accepts it but does not bask in your light- he winces, for it is too bright.

Give me Astarion learning how to trust your kindness with the same enthusiasm one would have going to the dentist to get a rotten tooth pulled without anesthetic.


I love all the Astarion posts with the “where were you 20 years ago how dare you come to me when I am this” quote but all I can imagine is a human Tav sitting there like


tfw your dumb bloodkin gets to hold the heart on evil family portrait day


Patch 3 highlights

(They also fixed the bug where you have to break up with Gale to be with someone else even if you aren't dating him.)


Wyll being a terrible monster hunter is something that is so special actually. told to hunt heartless devil? immediately convinced of her goodness and humanity and without hesitation agrees to defy the devil who has his soul in custody and spare karlach at tremendous personal physical cost. vampire in camp? well hes handsome and funny and pretty polite about where he puts his teeth so it’s fine all things considered. finding out the person who ritualistically disemboweled a tiefling in front of him is a bhaalspawn like an unholy progeny of the god of murder that is culturally immediately reviled? no that’s his friend and he completely trusts in their ability to fight their nature with their own inner light. it doesn’t matter that they created the absolute they’re not that person anymore. Like Wyll. you are literally categorically not hunting the monsters. guy of all time

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