
don't send help, send money


I am not 20. I am actually a 13 y/o girl who is afraid of talikg to the boy she has a crush on
Anonymous asked:

Hi!! Can you please please please write something with weird reader x akaashi? Have a lovely day ♡

Keiji smirks as two arms snake around his neck and gently pull him close, your lips pressing to his head, then ears, where you playfully bite the lobe gently.

“I want to gnaw on your bones,” you whisper into his ear.

“Yeah?” He asks, dog earring his page before closing the book and setting it to the side. He spins in his seat to face you. “You’re feeling that intense about your affection?”

“Of course.” You round the couch and make a move to plop on his lap; his arms instinctively wrap around you, and his lips press a kiss to your temple. “You’re just so pretty today, Keiji. Pretty everyday.”

“Thank you, baby,” he coos, his kissing moving down your cheek then jawline. You mewl and squeeze him, smushing his face against you. “Ow.”

“Sorry. Had to be done.”

“You had to squish me?”

“Yes,” you purr, pressing kisses to his cheeks as compensation for hurting him. Your hand comes up to grip his cheeks, pursing his lips out for you to kiss. “Mwah.”

“Mwah,” he returns.



“I’m gonna bite you.”

“Please don’t-“ his words are cut off as you bite the squish of his lips, not hard enough to make him wince but enough to playfully bite. “Thank you for being gentle with your feral behavior.”

“You’re welcome.” You plant one more kiss to his lips before hiding your face in his neck, letting the scent of his warm skin lull you to a state of relaxation. “Love you, Keiji.”

“I love you too, baby.”


me and WHO


hello my name is Very tiny flying insect i see you’ve got an uncovered beverage outdoors. Can i fall into it and kill myself please please please please please please please please please please


HUGE shout out to purple for being the only color that has like no losers. Deep purple royal purple bluish purple redish purple pastel purple dusty purple lavender periwinkle violet like. Banger after banger after banger!!

look at these. there r all absolute fuckin stunners:



this girl does NOT want to work. she wants to go back to bed because she is sososososo tiredd. she wants no responsibilities either please.

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