


Call me Gozy! | 23 | she/they/he | Demisexual Biromantic |
This is a side blog for the sanders sides! Feel free to ask if you need anything tagged
My main blog is awkwardbundle


I like to imagine this is set like right at the end of WTIT before the end card. You canā€™t bury these things forever, Logan and you certainly canā€™t fix him alone.

If you like it please reblog it! <3


ā€œHe laughs and he laughs and he cries, there is only pain left within his eyes..ā€

I found a w.i.p. based on one of these song lyric sets i wrote from who knows how long ago and randomly felt inspired to finish it, so have some Roman angst out of the blue.~


tear it down (around my head) (1)

first chapter of a superhero AU commission im very excited to share! it additionally fills (or will fill in next couple of chapters) the patron prompts: Patton and Remus bonding/or being friends, Remus Janus and Virgil hanging out together, & more Remus-focused content!

warnings: injury, blood, panic attack, arguing, flashback to implied abuse, amnesia, mild cliffhanger


Patton wasnā€™t sure how heā€™d gotten here.

He wasnā€™t really sure where ā€˜hereā€™ was, either. There were plenty of tall buildings stacked in neat little rows around him, slowly becoming big blocky silhouettes as the sun sank low in the sky.

Heā€™d thought to ask someone, but the streets were surprisingly bare, and every time he called out to any distant figure, they hurried away as though their lives depended on it.

It sort of hurt his feelings, but he was sure they had a good reason for it! Something they knew that he didnā€™t, probably.


This is supposed to be the last post of 2021 but so much stuff came up for me and I just whip it out as quickly as possible.

What I want to say is, last year (my god it is weird to say that) was a rollercoaster for me and I vomited all over the track, but Sander sides really did kept me going through all of it and I got to meet crazy lovely wonderful people along the way and created silly little dudes to express a lot of my thoughts, and people enjoy it and support me, all crazy stuff I still canā€™t process it.

So thank you everyone who has been there with me last year, I appreciate your existence so freaking much and I canā€™t be grateful enough for you. Itā€™s you that made me still continue to exist and I will keep thanking you with all my life, I hope to stick around with you till the next years ahead.

Cheers x


Seasons Readings

Hello hello! Iā€™m so excited to present my secret santa gift for @strongindependentcheesecake for the @sanderssidesgiftxchange ! I tried to combine your first two wishes, and Iā€™m pretty pleased with how it turned out. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season and a happy new year!

Summary: Roman and Remus co-own a bookstore, The Royal Bookshop. The others come and visit them often, though there seems to be some confusion among the employees on who Roman is actually dating.

Pairing: DLAMP, QPP dukeceit, platonic creativitwins

Word Count: 4421


Roman hummed quietly to himself, shifting some books over on the shelf to add the newest inventory. They had just gotten the first of their holiday shipments in, and while he usually manned the counter or sat in the office working on paperwork, Elliot was in today and had trouble bending over repeatedly. So, they were manning the counter and had put everything in the system while Roman worked to shelve the new books they got in.

From where he was standing, Roman couldnā€™t see the front door or counter over the shelves, so his only warning that a customer came in was the bell above the door tinkling and Elliot saying, ā€œHi, welcome into the Royal Bookshop! Do you need any help today?ā€

Roman was already making his way towards the counter but sped up with a grin when the customer spoke.

ā€œOh, no thank you. Iā€™m actually looking for Roman?ā€ The voice was even and calm, and when Roman turned the corner, Logan was standing next the counter, his laptop bag hanging from his shoulder.

Anonymous asked:

hey uh idk if youā€™ve answered this already lately i looked and didnā€™t see anything (also sorry if this not a good time to ask or if this comes off as rude or smth) but do you have any updates on the uni au? i recently remembered it again and i miss it :)

no updates, per se, as in i havent finished the one story from like forever ago because life is busy and ive been in a rut :( but here's a ficlet for you because i love them and this was a very sweet ask :)

(if you remember the fic from a looong time ago where janus is very gay for logan being unkempt, here's the inverse of that because ive wanted to write it since i wrote the first one lol)


I just love so many things about the latest sanders sides video. Like Janus hitting Remus with the spoiler spray so he would shut up, Roman saying Virgilā€™s name so softly, Patton calling himself the Dad and Logan the Mom, Logan being confused as to why heā€™s the ā€œMomā€ of the family while looking like a ā€˜Wine Momā€™, Virgil being the emo gay cousin and Janus and Remus being his parents AKA Remus being the uncle of the family and Janus being the mean aunt who talks sh*t about everyone and Roman being the son of the family AKA Patton and Loganā€™s son lmao. Virgil teasing Janus about the Lies song video, Loganā€™s wine glass growing bigger and bigger each time we see him. Roman saying that Nico and Thomas should be on the millionth base already and Virgil being sarcastic and asking if the millionth base would be getting married in space and gandalf and dumbledore would be there and Roman just says ā€œ thats exactly what it isā€¦ wow he got that right on the moneyā€


my friend came up with some ideas and im destined to provide them serotonin so i made sum

[you can, too, feed me some ideas because drawing these boys is such a nice past time, strangely therapeutic] [send some requests and prompts if you like]

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