
everyone’s a crictic.

@tu1i / tu1i.tumblr.com

hey, i’m tuli, i’m 18 and my pronouns are she/they. i am a creative writer and hopefully will be able to write for fun. :)

Hickory Dickory Dock

Summary: [Y/N] Stark learns how to deal with her father's death- but it’s very hard for her. 

Requested: Nope

Word Count: 2,700+

Pairing: (Platonic) Stark!Reader x Tony Stark and Stark!Reader x Peter Parker


Notes: MY FIRST FANFICITION. ignore all the grammatical errors and my past/present tense difficulities. my first post got deleted and it had 102 notes so PLEASE SPREAD THIS AND SHARE THIS! everything italicized is a flashback!  


Hickory, dickory, dock, the mouse ran up the clock; the clock struck one, the mouse ran down, hickory, dickory, dock.”

The poem repeats in her head as she watches the blood drip down the drain. It trickles down her arm, tickling her fingertips. Her eyes, once filled with hope, is as soulless as it could be. She stares at herself through the mirror. The pain is gone once again—at least until it isn’t. There are loud bangs on the door, a faint male voice telling her to open it.

“[Y/N]- please open the door!” His voice cracked with fear. He is begging her.

“Daddy! Daddy!” A high-pitched voice exclaims. She sounds excited.

“Yes?” A calmer voice answers the young girl, walking towards her. She was tucked into bed.

“Sing the poem again!” The little girl demands. It was her favorite nursery rhyme. The man chuckles.

“One more time [Y/N], and then it’s bedtime.” He assures the child as he begins to recite the poem.

“Hickory, dickory, dock, the mouse ran up the clock;” Her father paused, smiling at the child before continuing. This was it. This was all he ever wanted in his life.

“—the clock struck one, the mouse ran down, hickory, dickory, dock.”

Both the father and child giggled together. Joy filled in the room. The father stands, kissing the child’s forehead. She wanted to protest. To tell him to stay forever with her. But she didn’t. She remained silent. He closed the lights and walked out of her bedroom, shutting the door behind her.

“Go to sleep, or I’ll sell all your toys.” She hears her father faintly behind the door. The little girl giggles and tries to fall asleep.

Silent cries escape the poor girl’s mouth. The pain has settled in. Not the physical pain, but the emotion. The physical pain doesn’t hurt her. It’s a pain she’s dealt with before. She’s immune.

It’s the type of pain that fills the void.

The type of pain that numbs the heart.

The type of pain that lets her forget.

“N-No...” Her voice trembled as she ran over to her father. She can’t tell what he’s propped up against. [Y/N] stared at him. His eyes looked soulless. But he seems scared. She can tell he’s not ready to leave.

“We won Mr. Stark, we won...” Peter said to his mentor. His voice cracks as he looks at Tony Stark. Pepper helped up Peter and then kneeled down to her husband.

“You can rest now.” She whispered But he can’t. It’s not fair. Pushing aside Pepper, [Y/N] leaned down.

“No daddy...you can’t go!” She sobs into his chest. She’s 16 now.

“Hickory dickory dock, the mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck one, the mouse ran down—“She began to recite. So silent that only he can hear.

“—Hickory dickory dock.” Her father whispers as his last breath escapes his chest.

“I love you 3000.” She sobbed louder, repeating “I love you” silently in her dad’s arms. Peter helped her up, embracing her as tight as he could. She couldn’t breathe. That’s what real pain felt like.

That was one week ago.

“[Y/N]..please...” The voice is softer now and she can tell who it is. She bandages her arm slowly, unlocking the door. She hesitates to open it but reluctantly does.

Peter Parker.

The love of her life. They together vanished when Thanos snapped his fingers.

They were on a bus, heading toward god knows where. [Y/N] rested her head against Peter’s body—his arm wrapped around her. [Y/N] ’s eyes were closed, but she faintly heard something. She looked out the window to find a spaceship shaped like a donut.

She looked at Peter and watched his hair rise on his arm. He quickly looked outside and then immediately at [Y/N]. They both knew what they had to do.

Peter tried to grab Ned’s attention by tapping on him. Peter couldn’t take his eyes off the spaceship.

“Ned, hey, I need you to cause a distraction.” Ned took out his earphones and looked outside.

“Holy shit. We’re all going to die! There’s a spaceship!” All the students stood up and looked outside. There was fearful chatter about the spaceship. [Y/N] and Peter both escaped the bus when they found the chance. Peter jumped from the bus and swung from the bridge and into the city. [Y/N] touched her necklace which turned into a full body suit, similar to Pepper Potts. She flew into the city, trailing behind Peter.

Loud cries escape her throat. It was uncontrollable. She collapses in Peter’s arms, looking for some sort of comfort. He strokes her hair letting her cry into him. She pulls away from, letting her arms rest on his chest.

“I-I’m s-sorry...!” She was full on weeping.

They arrived as quickly as they could. They both saw Tony about to get attacked in the park and rushed toward him. Tony was against the ground when Peter stopped the alien’s shield from impaling his mentor.

“Hey man. What’s up, Mr. Stark?” Peter asked. Tony looked to see Peter saving him from immediate doom. [Y/N] chuckled at his causality and tried punching the gigantic alien. It lost its balance for a moment.

“Hey, dad!—“She was cut off because the alien threw her across the park.

“—Guys where’d you come from?” His voice was laced with concern.

“A field trip to Moma!—“Peter said before he was chucked as well and fell on top of [Y/N]. She groaned but flew in the air when Peter stood up using his web shooters to grab onto the alien.

“That was today?” Tony asked himself.

“Uh, what is this guys problem, dad?” [Y/N] asked while both she and her father used their repulsors to blast the alien.

“Uhh he’s from space, he came to steal a necklace from a wizard,” Tony spoke.

“A what now?” [Y/N] asked, watching the monster throw a car toward her and then Peter shooting webs at it to redirect it back to the alien.

He knew the pain was terrible. But he didn’t realize that it was this bad.

“Shhh...” He whispers in her ear. His heart broke as he watches her cry. Tony Stark meant everything to her, and now he was gone.

“Daddy? Daddy? What’s happening?” [Y/N] asked softly. She was crying, looking at her hands and then to Tony.

He turned to his daughter. Bits and pieces fell from her. He ran toward her, wanting to hug her.

“[Y/N], please don’t.” He whispered, a tear falling from his eye. He wished he never let then come to space. He wished they stayed on Earth. Because at least on Earth they would’ve been surrounded by everyone they love.

He wanted to protest. He wanted to tell her to stay forever. But he didn’t. He knew there was no use. She collapsed to the ground.

“Hickory dickory dock.” [Y/N] whispered as she started to fade, looking at her father. He knew that it meant, “I love you.” She didn’t know what was happening, all she knew was that she was disappearing. She was going somewhere, and she knew she wouldn’t like it.

“No—no, no, no!” Tony screamed as he tried to catch her remains. More tears fell from his eyes. Then he heard Peter.

Peter stood there as he watched the love of his life vanish. He felt empty, but he knew he’d be joining her soon.

“Mr. Stark.” He paused. “I don’t feel so good.” The words escaped softly from his lips. His voice was cracking, tears filled his eyes. He tried to walk to Tony. He looked at himself, wondering if what just happened to [Y/N] would happen to him.

“Are you alright—“

“I don’t know- I don’t know what’s happening...” Peter cut him off as he collapsed into Tony’s arms.

“I don’t want to go, I don’t want to go...Sir please, I don’t want to go—we have to save [Y/N].” Peter was crying now.

“I don’t want to go.” He repeated as Tony helped him down. Peter’s eyes were puffy, and he looked at Tony.

“I’m sorry,” Peter whispered as he vanished. At least he would be with [Y/N].

Peter is in grief as well. He woke up with night terrors but [Y/N] always was able to soothe him back to sleep. [Y/N] never shows grief in public. She was numb after it all—or at least that’s what everyone thinks. She was there to calm Peter, that was it. He matters more than her, that’s what she believes. All Peter could do was hug her again.

Everyone was at the dock. Except for [Y/N]. She was near the lake, watching them float her father’s reactor. She was under a tree watching her mother clutch onto Morgan, her little sister she met days ago. Everyone was there. Steve Rogers, Peter, even Harley made it.

It said, “Proof that Tony Stark had a heart.” But he always had a heart.

[Y/N] looked down. She played with her necklace, looping the chain between her fingers. He made it especially for it. It was her suit, after all.

On the back of the small reactor, it was engraved.

“For the best Iron-Girl in the entire universe.”

She giggled, remembering when he gave it to her. It was the first time she smiled in a while. It was a birthday present, of course. He always gave her the best gifts. She took a deep breath and inhaled.

“Hickory Dickory Dock. The mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck one, the mouse ran down, hickory dickory dock.” She whispered to herself.

She always wondered why her father would recite the poem to her. It was something that stuck between the two.

This was the first time he saw her cry about his death. After the funeral, she didn’t speak for days until, today. Though she was there for Peter she never physically spoke. It was too hard for her. She knew that if she did, she would break down crying. She couldn’t put Peter under that pressure to make sure she was okay. She wanted to be strong, but instead, she just crumbled slowly.

It was just Thanos and Steve. Everyone was down. That was at least until the first portal opened. Thousands of Wakanda’s mightiest warriors stepped out. More and more portals opened up. Tony stood watching everyone in awe.

And then [Y/N] and Peter walked from a portal, ready to attack. A determined look on both of their faces ready for the war at hand. They stole glances making a note to themselves to give each other a kiss after it was all over.

As they fought both [Y/N] and Peter found their way to Tony.

“Hey!” Peter gasped for air as he smiled jumping toward Tony. [Y/N] chuckled, as she flew to the ground, helping her father up.

“I bet you missed me, right dad?—“

“Holy cow you will not believe what’s been going on.” Peter cut you off. [Y/N] rolled her eyes at Peter’s awe. He tried to catch his breath before continuing. They might’ve been dating, but Peter still idolizes Tony.

“You remember when we were in space? And we both got all dusty? We must’ve passed out because we woke up and you were gone.” [Y/N] couldn’t help but laugh at Peter’s rambling. It was adorable. She squeezed her boyfriend’s shoulder as he continued to talk.

“But Dr. Strange was there, right? And he was like ‘It’s been 5 years, come on they need us!’ And you know that sparkly yellow thing he does all the time? Wait, what’re you doing?” Peter asked as Tony ignored everything Peter was saying to hug both of you.

“I’m guessing that you did miss me.” You said, signing into the hug.

“Huh, this is nice,” Peter said as he let go of Tony. Peter left to go help get the gauntlet.

“We’ll catch up later!” He yelled running into the distance.

Before Tony went back to fighting, he looked at his daughter and smiled. He squeezed her shoulders, he couldn’t believe she was there.

“Take a photo, it’ll last longer.” She commented. He chuckled.

“I can’t believe you’re here.” He said.

“So what, you had another child after me? I have a little sister—or least that’s what I’ve heard.” She smirked at her father. He nodded.

“Her name’s Morgan.”

“Morgan, huh?” [Y/N] smiled. Tony then clapped his hands together.

“There will be time for pictures after. We have a war to fight.” [Y/N] presses her reactor for her helmet to come back on her head. They together flew up into the sky.

“[Y/N], why did you do this to yourself?” Peter asked in the silence. He was still hugging her.

She pulled away from him.

“I wanted to be with him.”

[Y/N] watched her father try to pry the gauntlet off of Thanos. She wanted to get up, and help but she couldn’t.

Thanos flung Tony off of him as if he were a bug. She silently gasped, trying to stand up.

“I am, inevitable.” She heard Thanos say.

“No...please no.” [Y/N] whispered, closing her eyes and clutching onto Peter, hoping not to get dusted again. Then he snapped his fingers.

Nothing happened. She opened her eyes, and nothing had happened. She stood there confused, and let go of Peter.

Thanos looked at the gauntlet. The infinity stones were gone.

Then [Y/N] looked at her father. She covered her mouth as she watched the stones burn him. It was hurting him, but he didn’t care. He let the power consume him. Everyone knew Tony wasn’t powerful enough to take the damage to the stones.

“Please no...dad...please.” [Y/N] mumbled.

“And I,” He paused.

“No.” [Y/N] said.

“Am.” She shook her head with disbelief.

“No.” [Y/N] repeated.

“Iron Man.” Tony finished his sentence. [Y/N] shrieked as he snapped his fingers.

“NO!” She cried, running toward her father. Peter held her back, knowing she could get caught in the crossfire. She collapsed on the ground but was engulfed in a hug.

“It should’ve been me. I had the gauntlet last. I should’ve worn it. I should’ve snapped my fingers.” [Y/N] cried Peter’s arms.

Then, she looked up and ran over to her father.

That was the one time, she wished he wasn’t a hero.

That was the one time she wished that her father stuck to making weapons and that was it.

That was the one time.

“He’s in a better place now, [Y/N].” Peter murmurs into her hair as he hugs her. He pulled away again for a moment to look at her.

“I promise,” Peter said and took her hand. All she could do was weakly nod. Together, they walk into her bedroom where they sat on her bed.

Peter pulls out a USB. [Y/N] wants to question what it was, but all she did was watch him. Peter plugs the USB into the computer and presses play to the recording that comes up.

“Hey, kid. You were dusted away. And so was Parker. Now I’m stuck on a ship with the blue girl, and she’s been no fun. I bet if you were here, you would kick my ass at paper football.” Tony paused, laughing. “I left you Stark Industries. Can you believe that? In my will—I left you Stark Industries. I knew that being a superhero had its price, but I never imagined losing you.” He shook his head.

“Don’t worry. I will get you back. And I’ll get Parker back. I’ll get all of you. I swear.”

[Y/N] knew he was crying now.

“Hickory Dickory dock, kid.”

He really did try to get you back at first. But everything he tried didn’t work. He had to move on. He knew if he didn’t, things would only get worse.

“Where did you get this Peter?” [Y/N] looks at him.

“Pepper gave it to me...” He says looking with sad eyes. [Y/N] nods at him and hugs him tightly.

She understood now. Why she and her dad always said “Hickory Dickory Dock.” When she was younger, her dad used to tell the poem when she was mad. Not a lullaby, but instead the nursery rhyme.

Instantaneous it calmed her down. The poem reminded her of her dad. When she grew, it stuck. Sometimes they said it jokingly, but sometimes they meant it as “I love you.”


💍 for the #nushcelebrates !! i’m 5’4 and brown (aka indian). a curvy girl who has insecurities. i play music constantly—the piano, guitar, ukulele, violin, and i sing !! my hair is short, almost half-way at my neck. black hair and brown eyes. i’ve been wearing glasses my whole life. i love dogs and cats (even though i’m allergic to cats:(🐱)—but in general i love all animals !! one last thing, i just love reading and i’m kind of disorganized. thanks !!


ok but you and thor would make the softest couple ever holy shit 

Think about it. He’d love how tiny you are. He already thinks that humans are tiny and then comes along this small adorable woman who has a personality almost as big as the world and is the purest person he’s ever met. He’s immediately obsessed with you and you’re more than happy to hang around the God of Thunder. 

You guys love just taking walks in the local park and the first time he saw a dog, he just freaked. And then, even more, when he saw how perfect and happy you looked when said dog bounded up to you and you patted him. 

Thor just wants to make you happy and one day comes home with a stray cat. He’d walk in with it just nestled in the crook of his arm and he’d open his mouth to ask you if you could keep it and take care of it because “he has no home!” but when you start sneezing uncontrollably and backing away, he’s confused

“I’m allergic to cats!”

“Allergic?”. He just looks so confused, Asgardians don’t have allergies

“Yeah, I can’t be around cats Thor”, you sniffle

“Do they make you sick?”

“Yeah ahaha, my body doesn’t really like cats which is a bit sad”

“Awww”, his shoulders slump but a minute, he perks back up

“Can we get a dog though?” he beams 


FUCK YEAH HAHA ;; i should’ve mentioned that i’m very sarcastic and a bitch sometimes but THOR WOULD STILL HANDLE ME ; BET !!

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