
Gandalf Kei with @shuttercrazyphotos

It was an attempt at Mori but it really does look like Gandalf.


Man eating rice, China, 1901-1904

this is an extremely important picture

Ive never seen someone from 1904 having fun omg


He has a nice face

No but the history behind this picture is really interesting

The reason that everyone always looked miserable in old photos wasn’t that they took too long to take. Once photography became widespread it took only seconds to take a picture.

It was because getting your photo taken was treated the same as getting your portrait painted. A very serious occasion meant so thst your descendants would know that ypu existed and what you looked like.

But one time some British dudes went to china to go on an anthropological expedition, and they met some rural Chinese farmers and decided to take their pictures. Now, these people weren’t exposed to the weird culture of the time around getting your photo taken, so this guy just flashed a big grin during the photo because he was told to strike a pose and that’s the pose he wanted to strike.


man laughing alone with rice

It took him 3 years to eat rice


I’m going to think this way for a while.

I’m going to stop selling myself short.


This is why when people go “oh hey wanna look at my art? I MEAN IT’S SO BAD I DID SUCH A TERRIBLE JOB” my first instinct is to just tell them “nah, I’m good” I really hate self-deprecation. It does you no good. It does me no good. Stop it.

I find it really interesting and a bit relieving that people are identifiying with the boy in this image set and not making the typical niceguy comments.

You’ll be happy to know that there’s more to this than what’s been shown here; behold!

: 3

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