
Lindar 'the Bard' Greenwood

@lindarthebard-blog / lindarthebard-blog.tumblr.com

http://patreon.com/lindar Support me on Patreon. "they/them" or "ey/em" pronouns please and thank you. Bitcoin: 1JM9dKpsNgNVpAYiwuMnTKYMLxuLSBa42b

Do you think he’d be up for tattoos

Link as a PTSD survivor. After everything is over and he learns to let down his guard... this would be an amazing way to get closure. Also, that's ancient Sheikah on his chest. I'll translate it later maybe, but it actually says stuff.


A friendly reminder to my gentile friends re: Charlottesville

There are a bunch of posts going around about donating to local Charlottesville charities in the face of the hate march, and I think this is a great idea.

Do you wanna know an even better idea?

Donate in multiples of $18.

Here, I’ll explain!

Hebrew is a numeric language. That is, all of its words have a numeric value. If you’ve ever seen the movie π, by Darren Aronofsky, there’s a great scene with a Chasidic Jew who explains a little about this and shares a word problem that hinges on it. So there are lots of puns and things that don’t translate, because, well, even if English had numeric values, we can’t guarantee they’d be the same, you know?

So, let’s take a second and talk about chai. Not the tea, the Hebrew word: חי. Those of you who followed my conversion may know this is also (part of) my Hebrew name, in its feminine form: חייה. It means “life.” Chai, you can imagine, is a great word! Lots of kids named Chaim (male) or Chaya (female). “L’chaim,” or “to life,” is the traditional Jewish toast. Our most important holiday, Yom Kippur, features a greeting that translates to “may you be inscribed in the Book of Life.” We talk a lot about chai.

And chai, as you may have guessed, has a numeric value of 18.

It’s a very common Jewish practice to give cash gifts in multiples of $18. For Chanukkah last year I donated $36 to my nieces’ Hebrew school, $18 for each of them, without even a moment’s thought to sync up “what I can afford” with “what’s appropriate and meaningful.” My temple does their donation forms in multiples of $18, with a couple of nominally-normal numbers like $50. It’s one of those cool little cultural things. And I promise you, if Charlottesville gets flooded with $18 donations, the white supremacists and Nazis setting up camp there will notice, and they will know what it means.

Fight the 1488 with the 18.

Fight hate with life.

(Non-Jews, feel free to reblog and share this to other platforms. In fact I genuinely and unironically hope you do, because I’d love to see this take off among gentile donators who want a great, nonviolent way to offer a one-two punch.)



Because this stuff gets lost in the shuffle, here is all of the Sword & Backpack RPG material that’s been published to date in one place, beginning with the broadsheet essays that started it all and ending with our latest publication, the Lanternport Adventure Setting. Everything you need to play Rothbard & Gazpus’s free, Moleskine-based RPG (except for a pencil, 20-sided die and a Moleskine or equivalent). Many thanks goes out to our artist collaborators on these things: Skuds McKinley, Pablo Clark and Sam Mameli are amazing. Click on the photos to download stuff/get swept away to a magical land.










MUSIC ASKS these are actually pretty fucking hard but why not.

  • 1:A song you like with a color in the title
  • 2:A song you like with a number in the title
  • 3:A song that reminds you of summertime
  • 4:A song that reminds you of someone you would rather forget about
  • 5:A song that needs to be played LOUD
  • 6:A song that makes you want to dance
  • 7:A song to drive to
  • 8:A song about drugs or alcohol
  • 9:A song that makes you happy
  • 10:A song that makes you sad
  • 11:A song that you never get tired of
  • 12:A song from your preteen years
  • 13:One of your favorite 80’s songs
  • 14:A song that you would love played at your wedding
  • 15:A song that is a cover by another artist
  • 16:One of your favorite classical songs
  • 17:A song that would sing a duet with on karaoke
  • 18:A song from the year that you were born
  • 19:A song that makes you think about life
  • 20:A song that has many meanings to you
  • 21:A favorite song with a person’s name in the title
  • 22:A song that moves you forward
  • 23:A song that you think everybody should listen to
  • 24:A song by a band you wish were still together
  • 25:A song by an artist no longer living
  • 26:A song that makes you want to fall in love
  • 27:A song that breaks your heart
  • 28:A song by an artist with a voice that you love
  • 29:A song that you remember from your childhood
  • 30:A song that reminds you of yourself

Ask me plz im trying to distract myself from my mind rn



Oh shit. No. Shit. Thank you

Just gonna reblog this out of gratitude because I actually did forget…

Fffffffff let me get right on that. 

and then reblog for the next forgetful son of a bitch

I’m so great full for everyone that is reblogging this. I totally forgot to take mine

I think that there is some sort of unspoken fairy godparent thing where you see this, realize that you forgot your meds, and rebagel it because if you forgot someone else must have. And in our turn we all take care of each other, even if we don’t know it.


I have bipolar mood disorder and I get worried that I’m too reliant on my medication especially if the dosage goes up

Then I realized

NEUROTYPICAL PEOPLE ARE JUST AS RELIANT on the neurochemicals in my medication, it’s just that their bodies produce it and mine doesn’t, it’s not that I’m a bad person and idk this realization seems to have really helped me understand and not feel so bad about it?




So, here’s the thing...

I'm feeling a little more level-headed after this most recent episode of Steven Universe (which by the way, is absolutely amazing, and where was this show when I was growing up?). I have unemployment insurance doling out $900 at the start of this month, I have whatever I can make from the live show happening at the Billy DeFrank Center ( http://defrank.dangerpri.me/ ) on Saturday, the 3rd of September. Rent is $2340 and then we have a bunch of overdue bills and food costs. All in all, I think we'd rather keep our apartment than not, and to do that, it would take about $1500 in donations, which is not unheard of because I am part of an amazing community of artists, musicians, game developers, community leaders, technicians, and other really cool people. That said, my mother has graciously offered to let my family move in with her until we get back on our feet. This is not GAME OVER by any stretch; we'll be moving to the suburbs where it is much quieter. I'm working with the Department of Rehab to find work, I'm looking for work on my own, I'm interviewing with a company today and I have no idea how that'll turn out; my last interview took two months and after all was said and done they rejected me because they were looking for someone 'more senior'. If I lose my apartment, which seems the more likely outcome, I'm going to be burdening my mother for a little while (yet again), but we'll be all right. We're going to get back on our feet like we always do, I've learned from this experience and will keep improving, and the world will keep turning until it doesn't anymore and the sun goes out. If you'd like to hear the music I (co-)write/produce, check out Studio Thumpy Puppy on SoundCloud, and if it does something for you, consider throwing a few dollars our way. When all is said and done, we're going to start putting albums up on BandCamp for people to buy, but in the mean time we have donation links if you want to support our music or just support my family: Square Cash PayPal Patreon


How to feels?

"We'll get back to you this week with a decision." So the rest of the week I get to sit around waiting for someone to decide how the next year of my life will turn out. This is it. I lost my job April 7th; it has been about five months that we've managed to keep the apartment with no savings in pocket, we've run out of favours, this is it. We should probably start packing now, because either we lose our apartment in September, or we move to San Francisco in November. They have no way of knowing how inconsiderate they're being by making me wait for a decision and I'm too scared of changing the outcome by letting them know I'm on a tight schedule. "Oh, well if you're going to rush us into a decision then we don't want to hire you." I imagine them saying over and over again while I silently and impotently seethe about the whole situation. Advice on how to deal with a situation that is completely out of my hands is welcome. Also any advice on how to beat the 'Fight or Flight' mission in Kogane-cho in Jet Set Radio is appreciated as this seems to be the only game I can play right now without being depressed and I'm very stuck on this mission due to machine-gun-weilding jetpack soldiers using excessive force to deal with 17-20 year olds. (JSR feels a little too accurate a predicition of the future at this point.)


Thoughts on my gender...

I don't really have a good place to put my thoughts and I should definitely be articulating them more often (at least when it comes to my emotional state), so I'm going to start posting such articulations here. I have recently encountered a number of situations wherein I am incorrectly gendered in a number of ways. I identify as "non-binary", mostly because anything more specific is not important as it relates to my sense of identity, but I am regularly read as 'male'. Recently I was in a situation (yes I am being intentionally vague) wherein the other people involved knew about my pronoun preferences, but elected to repeatedly use my name or altogether avoid using any pronoun; I understand feeling uncomfortable with the possibility of messing up something like that, and so I said nothing. The thing that bothered me was that the people involved, both men, used masculine-coded language, and did not use this same language when talking to femme-presenting peers. In light of this all too common scenario I feel inclined to simplify my gender in the future by presenting myself as female (which will not be hard considering I will be taking hormones) as I believe most people understand "transgender" but don't seem to grasp "non-binary" and I feel conveying the idea of non-male-ness is more important for my comfort and mental health than presenting my actual gender and having it ignored. This feels like a Bad Thing to do because I will be intentionally misrepresenting myself for personal benefit. I would like a very simple solution that means I do not have to have the Gender Theory 101 conversation with every new person I meet, but at least gets people to stop treating me like a man. In my personal life, when making friends, when doing something in explicitly queer spaces, when in game development/audio, I will absolutely make my gender known, but outside of that... I've already spoken to a few people about this, and everyone says I should do what I feel is best for my own health, but I am not sure what that will be. I suspect that my solution is one created out of frustration and that it will only be helpful in the extremely short term. Feedback is appreciated.


There’s lots of different ways to be median, and they’re all OK.

Some median systems have several members who all have different identities, looks, pronouns, names, etc, but still all see themselves as being the same person. And that’s OK!

Some have facets that are all the same person in different modes or ages or roles, and that’s OK too!

Some median systems are really stable, the same persons or facets day in, day out always and forever. Others are more fluid, with persons or facets shifting and blending and changing. And both ways are OK!

Some have facets that are easily discernible from each other. Some are much harder to tell one from the other.

“Median” means being somewhere between singlet and multiple. It’s a spectrum, and it’s all beautiful. So no matter how your median system is set up, it’s still valid. You are still valid. And you’re lovely.

-Mod Willow


Wrongful Termination

I'm under a lot of NDAs, but I was just wrongfully terminated due to circumstances surrounding me being autistic and/or genderqueer. If you can help me get a job as an audio engineer, musician, information security engineer, or pentester, it would help me out a lot.

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