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The Sound of Silence - The Maze Runner Newt Imagine

Request from @ausblack: was wondering if you could write a newt x reader where she’s like the new greenie and the only girl. Everyone think she’s mute because she never talked and Newt decides to take care of her since he’s the only one she seems comfortable with. One day another glader attacks her making her scream and for some reason Newt recognizes that it’s her, he gets protective and helps her out. Eventually she speaks her first words to him and they both get together in the end 

Warning: Some mature language

Author’s Note: Sorry I haven’t posted in…a while. If it helps, you can think of me as a turtle. I’m damn slow and it’s pretty frustrating to wait but I’ll get there in the end! I hope I did this idea some justice because I thought it was pretty cool. Thank you for the request, I’m always open! (just remember the turtle analogy.) 


Word Count: 3.6k

You stood in darkness. There was nothing in the darkness except for a quiet hum that rumbled the floor and the walls and the ceiling. It was power, some type of power that was running through this room and making it rise.

You stood in darkness. And you waited.

You weren’t alone, because your fear was so strong it had formed an icy hand, which wrapped around your throat, so tight it was hard to breathe. It took every ounce of your concentration to inhale, and exhale, and inhale again, and all the while the box hummed and rose, and you stood in darkness.

The hum cut off abruptly, the room halting with it. You strained your ears, and, through the loud beating of your heart, you could hear voices. Four heartbeats passed before the roof opened and the room was flooded with light.


Just a couple of hopeless romantics

She told me

she couldn’t stop thinking

of the story of Achilles

And asked me to promise

That I would go on a killing spree

and drag her enemies for miles

(should anyone wrong her)

I answered:

My dear,

if someone is foolish enough to wrong you

We would set the world ablaze together

And watch it from mount olympus

She fell silent

Her eyes widened

Not in fear or surprise

But rather in excitement

Then she said:

I love the scent of smoke


A scene from Sorcery of Thorns that I’ve been wanting to do for the longest time. Silas’ summoning scene was the capstone of this book for me. It was terrifying, sorrowful, and bittersweet for the trio to go through. Silas is my favorite character of the three, as a non-human character learning or questioning human feels is one of my favorite tropes, and this scene tested that with a ferocity. 🕯️ I went a bit extra on this one, as I usually don’t put much detail into backgrounds 😖, but since I meant to include Elisabeth’s and Nathaniel’s reflections in the window (so we could see everyone’s face), everything in between had to be in focus and detailed. 😵 Also had to break out my anatomy references for the first time in a while for Silas, especially since he’s meant to be so gaunt - good exercise!


Heya! I’m looking for some books and I’d love a great recommendation. What I’m looking for it’s oddly specific though, I’d like a good YA Fantasy romance, with a great love story between the two main characters (I’m a bit of a sucker for a good romance between teens -I just love it when the guy is sweet and kind and she’s the badass protagonist-). Hope anyone can help!


Resources for Writing Injuries

Head Injuries


Chest (Thoracic)




Skin & Bleeding

Gunshot Wounds

Stab Wounds

General Resources

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Shoutout to my $15+ patrons, Jade Ashley and Douglas S.!


How To Reference Romantic Attraction Between Your Characters:

  • Person A’s inability to make eye-contact for long periods of time while Person B is constantly looking into A’s eyes. (extra points if Person A looks away and blushes)
  • Interest Copying (When interested in another person, humans tend to copy that person’s movements, stature, etc)
  • Cute nervous ticks while around one another (Dont just use blushing and stuttering! Other ticks exist! Shuffling, fiddling their thumbs, scratching the back of their neck, bouncing their leg, nervous laughter, picking at their palm, biting the inside of their cheek, etc!)
  • Remembering little details about one another (How person A never eats the beans on their plate, or person B’s favorite color, the color of their eyes, where their birthmark is, are they a morning or night person? Bonus points if they figure this information out by observation, not by being told!)
  • Constantly smiling or laughing around their love interest
  • Confessing their love (but only in Spanish)
Fantasy Guide to Royal Households and How they Work

When I say Households, I mean the entourage that follows around the royal family. The household went everywhere with them to care for their needs from the people who would empty their chamber pots to their noble companions. Most royal households are basically the same as noble ones, only on grander scale. Every royal had a household and an entourage as well as every noble at court.

Palace Personnel ~ The Commons

The commons were an intregal part of every household. They made up perhaps 80% of the work force. Royal courts were often on the road and never spent more than a few months at every palace. The court was constantly moving. Some positions were not permanent, meaning certain servants did not travel with the court because they were employed at the palace only. They would be paid by the Monarch's paymaster.

  • Scullion: The scullion was a relatively easy position to fill so they were often changed as the court went from palace to palace. They would be responsible for scrubbing and cleaning the servants quarters and the kitchens. They would scrub floors with lye, scour pots with sand, sweep put the fireplace and clean up after the other servants. They were the first to rise in a castle and tasked to light all the fires in the kitchens. Scullions would just be employed to the palace and serve a multitude of chambers
  • Laundress: The laundress was responsible for the cleaning of anything made of fabric in the household. Since they are handling unmentionables, they knew what happened behind closed bedchamber doors. They knew when the King visited the Queen or hadn't, they knew when marriages were consummated or not and they knew when the Queen and royal women were not pregnant. They often sold secrets to pad their pockets. Laundresses might be permanent staff but sometimes not.
  • Minstrels: The minstrel was a commoner hired to play an instrument or sing for the entertainment of the royal. A royal might staff a few at a time but they would always have one on hand. The minstrel would likely come with their masters as they travelled. The minstrel might serve the main royal household but a royal might retain their own.
  • Cook: The cook was one of the most important servants in the household. They would have the task of overseeing the running of the kitchens and keeping supplies in order. They would likely be on call at all times. Henry VIII's cook was often woken in the night because his royal master wanted a midnight snack. The cook was a valued member of the household and would have been highly sought after if they were a very skilled cook. They would have travelled with the joint. Cooks were apart of the greater royal household but often royals retained private cooks for their own use.
  • Maidservant: The maidservant cleans the castle. She would sweep the floors, scrub them, empty the chamberpots, get rid of the ashes from the fire and ready the fire for later. She would make up the bed or strip it for the laundresses. She would wash anything that needed washing including furniture and ornaments. She was likely not a travelling servant and would be strictly employed at a single palace.
  • Jester: The jester was the hired entertainer. Working under the master of revels, the jester had the daunting task of making the monarch and their family laugh. They would tell jokes, tell stories, cause havoc in the court for laughs and lighten the mood. The most successful jester of all time was Will Somers, jester to Henry VIII. Will broke bad news to the infamously bad tempered monarch and got away with things that would have sent others to the block. Will survived most of Henry's reign, his head intact. Jesters would be apart of the main household though each royal might have one of their own.

Positions within the Royal Household ~ Noble

Nobility were always welcomed at court. They eat at court, slept at court and were cared for by the monarch. Some nobles had to sing for their supper and most were hired as royal servants. They weren't exactly scrubbing floors and would be paid handsomely with land that would generate wealth for them

  • The Steward/Seneschal: This person was the head of the royal's staff. They would have the task of running the lands and servants their master or mistress. The steward served as a backup and assistant in all the tasks even representing their master or mistress when they were unavailable. Would be a high ranking noble. Each royal household would have them.
  • Treasurer of the Household: The treasurer was the accountant and pay master. They would be in charge of ensuring debts were settled, wages were paid and the household was running within the budget. This was a coveted position because it gave the treasurer insight into the financial situations of the royals. Such info was wroth its weight in gold. Each royal would have one.
  • Usher: The Gentleman Usher would be in charge of escorting guests into the royal chambers and into the royal presence. They would act as a go between their royal master/mistress and the guest often going back and forth with messages. It was just as coveted as the position of chamberlain but with less responsibilities.
  • Master of Horse: The Master of Horse was in charge of seeing to the horses of their master. They would oversee the grooms or the stableboy/hands who were employed at the stables to actually care for the horses. The master of horse would ensure that the stables were in order and the horses were up to parr in order to bear royalty across the kingdom. Each royal would have one but there would a main one who acted as overseer.
  • Master of the Wardrobe/Mistress of the Robes: These are the nobility who are employed to look after the clothes of the royal they serve. This would mainly involve a managerial position, overseeing the inventory of the royal wardrobe (a warehouse like building that housed the clothing) and placing orders for new clothes. It was a tidy job that rarely involved getting the hands dirty. Each royal would have one.
  • Chamberlain/Valet: The chamberlain is employed to look after the Lord's bedchamber. This was the most sought out position as they effectively were the gateway into the royal presence. Their main task was making sure their boss was comfortable and happy. Could be a well born commoner or a noble. Each royal would have one.
  • The Page: All royal households had pages. They would be a young noble boy about seven years old sent to their royal master. He would be in charge of tidying up after the lord, carrying messages to other servants and occupants of the castle and serving him at meals. Unlike others on the list, the page would not be paid. His experience was his payment as he would learn the running of a court and how to be courtier. Each royal would have one.
  • Squires: Squires were like pages though they only served the men. They would accompany their royal master to battle, look after his armour and mail, ensure that his lord's horse was saddled, caring for their master's weapons. The squire would always be a young nobleman on the cusp of becoming a knight.
  • Governess: The governess is a noblewoman woman employed to oversee the Monarch's children's household. She would be the first teacher a royal child would have and would oversee the nursemaids who would have care of the physical person of the child. She would be appointed when the child was four or five. Notable governesses include Katherine Swynford (wife of John of Gaunt and mother to the Beaufort line), Margaret Pole (wife of Tudor Loyal Sir Richard Pole, sister of the last York heir Edward of Warwick, daughter of George Duke of Clarence and niece to King Edward VI and Richard III), Kat Ashley, Margaret Bryan, Madame de Maintenon and Baroness Lehzen. Most unmarried Princesses retained their governesses while Princes generally outgrew their governesses after they were breeched.
  • Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber: They were the male companions of a King or Prince, sort of like ladies in waiting but manly. They would accompany the King or Prince everywhere they would go and shared duties with Groom of the Stool (royal toilet paper dispenser) and the Chief Gentleman of the Chamber (overseeing the staff and maintaining the chamber). They would help their master get ready, serve him at the table and organize hunting and games to keep him entertained. Gentlemen and companions where often chosen for their connections as well as their master's own opinion. Henry VIII's gentlemen included: Sir William Compton (ward of Henry VII and heir to rich lands), Sir Henry Norris (the grandson of William Norris who fought with Henry's father at Stroke and a relation to the Yorkists Lovells), Sir Anthony Denny (son of Sir Edmund Denny Baron of the Exchequer) Sir Michael Stanhope (brother in law to Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset), Charles Brandon (ward of Henry VII and son of Tudor Loyalists)
  • Ladies in Waiting and Maids in Waiting or Maids of Honour: These are the female attendants to the Queen or Princess. Ladies in Waiting were married while the Maids were unmarried. They would have to attend their mistress wherever she went, help her get ready, keep her chambers in order, write letters for the Queen and maintaining her honour. They were chosen for their connections. Using Katherine of Aragon as an example, her Ladies in Waiting included: Maria de Salinas (daughter of Juan Sancriz de Salinas secretary to Isabella, Princess of Portugal and a Spanish courtier in the service to Katherine's parents, wife of Baron Willoughby de Ersby), Elizabeth Howard (the daughter of Thomas Howard, 2nd Duke of Norfolk, sister to Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of Norfolk and wife to Thomas Boleyn, ambassador to France), Anne Hastings (daughter of William Hastings, 1st Baron Hastings, wife to George Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury and Lord Steward.), Agnes Tilney (wife to Thomas Howard, Earl of and 2nd Duke of Norfolk.), Elizabeth Scrope (wife of John de Vere, Earl of Oxford, a loyal Tudor lord), Margaret Scrope (wife of Sir Edmund de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk cousin to the King), Anne Stafford (sister of the Duke of Buckingham, married Sir George Hastings, Earl of Huntington and daughter of Henry Stafford, 2nd Duke of Buckingham (cousin to the King) and Lady Katherine Woodville (sister of King Henry VIII's grandmother and his great aunt by her marriage), Elizabeth Stafford (sister to Anne Stafford wife Robert Radcliffe, Lord Fitzwalter and Earl of Sussex around). Their connections are what got them their places and you can see why they were chosen.


Accommodation can be a difficult thing to sort both as a writer and a steward. You might have a palace of 200+ bedchambers in which you must house a staff of 500-/+, a varying amount of nobles, the royal family (of a varying amount) and their own households. When assigning rooms it is best to think of a Russian nesting doll. Start from the inside and work your way to the outside.

  • The best rooms go to the monarch, their consort and their children/siblings/parent(s). These chambers would include the bedroom, a drawing room/ common area, a privy, a closet (a small chamber that can be used for prayer or work). They would be furnished with the best cloth, the best candles and whatever furniture brought by the resident since most royal courts travelled from palace to palace. They will also have chambers for their personal servants such as ladies in waiting and grooms.
  • The second best set of rooms would go to the highest ranking nobles/people in the court. These rooms would be less fancy and a little smaller. These would be given to from titled nobility descending from those of Ducal rank (Dukes/Duchesses) or even members of the council such as Thomas Cromwell in Tudor times.
  • The next set would be considerably smaller, perhaps minus a closet or a drawing room. Given to lower nobility.
  • The next level of chambers would be smaller perhaps only the bedroom and a common area given to minor nobles.
  • The last set of rooms would be small and only hold enough room for a bedroom. Servants would have to sleep on the ground on pallets beside their masters.
  • Any other guests at court would have to stay at off-site locations around the palace in the city. Some nobles at houses around major palaces just in case they arrived late or were kicked out of court.

not-so-opposites attract (n.longbottom)

description: a very unlikely friendship forms when slytherin!fem!reader is caught helping the hogwarts house elves in the kitchen. when you mix a kind, confident slytherin and a shy gryffindor with a heart of gold, what will be brewed? request idea by @ausblack​ thank you dear<33

pairing: neville longbottom x slytherin!fem!reader

warnings: none i think

requested: yes / no

taglist: @jud3cardan@dray-cookies

a/n: love this idea and lil neville warms my heart !!! also this is so long MY GOODNESS 


Omg this is the best thing I’ve ever read


Beater - George Weasley

Request: yes :) “Heya! First of all I’d like to say that I absolutely LOVE how you write💕 Could I request a George x Reader where she’s a Slytherin and they’ve been dating for a while. She always goes to his matches and one day while someone from the other team insults her just to get him distracted on the game and he gets into a fight^^” Pairing:  George Weasley x Slytherin!reader Summary:  The Hufflepuff seeker decides insulting you is the best way to distract George from the ongoing Quidditch game Warnings: none Word count:  1.1K A/N: first of all; thank u 🥺 I love this request sm! TAG LIST: @space-helen If you want to be added / removed from any of my tag lists, send me an ask!

Quidditch is one of the few things that could get everyone at Hogwarts, both students and teachers, extremely loud and excited. Not to mention very competitive. The rivalry between the four houses was always very intense as the end of the Quidditch season drew nearer. 

On various occasions, Quidditch players had to be taken to the hospital wing with all kinds of magic injuries. Nothing too bad, luckily. Although one time a Slytherin chaser had his face covered in nasty little tentacles, which had to carefully be removed by Madam Pomfrey. 

Almost everyone loves Quidditch, including you. Though there was something odd about your love for Quidditch that was quite uncommon within the walls of the castle. 9/10 times when you were at a match, you were the only one wearing red in a sea of green. The only Slytherin cheering on Gryffindor. 

Then again, it was quite uncommon for a Slytherin to date a Gryffindor. But you and George proved everyone wrong. You’ve been together for several years, ignoring everyone who made assumptions about you. People of different houses dating wasn’t that uncommon, but most of those relationships were between a Gyrffindor, Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. Slytherin had always been the odd one out. Everyone knew why, of course. 

But that didn’t stop you. You loved George, so you might as well cheer for him when he was out there on his broom, trying to hit bludgers at his opponents alongside Fred.


Love this!!


Hi love! Could I request a George x Slytherin reader? Maybe she’s a bit of an outcast in her house and she’s the twins best friend but George is madly in love with her. She’s just oblivious to his feelings until someone pulls a mean prank on her and he gets in a fight to defend her before confessing his feelings while she cleans up his cuts in the bathroom💕


Loyal as a Lion : Fred Weasley x Reader

Summary: Lions protect those they love, and George is no exception. (aka, in which George throws hands because Malfoy is being a git to you)

Warnings: Mentions of fighting and injury

Author’s Note: Ahhh it’s been so long since I’ve posted, thank you everyone for being patient with me!

It was no secret that although Slytherin was your house, it wasn’t your home. You were a muggleborn and the other Slytherins treated you like the filth beneath their shoes.

As you walk down the corridors, Draco Malfoy brushed past you roughly, “Get out of my way you filthy mudblood,” he hissed, his aristocratic face was twisted in disgust as he glared at you.

You mumbled some choice words under your breath, quickly trying to distance yourself from him. He grabs your wrist before you can melt into the crowd, “What did you say?” He asked, voice dangerously low.

You stumbled away from his painfully tight grasp, spilling all your books on the floor with a loud bang. “I said, I’d rather be a ‘filthy mudblood” instead of a pompous cowardly arse,” you spit, channeling an inner bravery you didn’t know you possessed.

He opened his mouth to say something, but before he could, Fred and George came up behind you. “Having any trouble?” George asked, looking at you in concern while Fred gathered your books.

You gave them both a thankful look, “Nope, just having a friendly chat with Malfoy here.”

Malfoy gave the twins a weary look and subconsciously touched his nose, remembering the disasterous match in 5th year.

“Well,” George said pleasantly, “I’ll walk you to your next class. Wouldn’t want you to catch the fleas that Malfoy picked up while he was a ferret.”

“Oh yeah!” Fred interjected, “Remember that Malfoy? Fake Moody turned you into a white ferret? He bounced you up and down and up and down until McGonogall stopped him? Reckon it was the highlight of my 6th year.”

Draco glared, “Blood traitors sticking up for a mudblood? No suprise there. Especially since you’re fucking at least one of them.”

All three of your faces flush at the implication, Fred and George have murderous expressions on their faces.

Malfoy turns and stalks off, dissapearing into the sea of students.

“That little-” George huffed, he looks at you and his face softens, “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?”

“He grabbed my wrist pretty hard,” you shrugged, showing him the light bruises forming on your inner wrist.

“I’m going to kill him,” George declares loudly, his expression thunderous, and Fred nodded in agreement. Some passing students gave the twins weird looks.

“Don’t bother, he’s not worth it,” you sigh, “And it’ll just make everything worse.”

After making the twins promise not to do anything, George walks you to class.

The rest of the day is uneventful. At mealtime, you sit alone like always. Sometimes, Fred and George would try to sit with you at the Slytherin table, but it always resulted in them getting detention and being sent back to their own tables.

George walks you back to your dorm, like always. He started in your 2nd year when the Chamber of Secrets had been opened and has done it ever since.

When you walk into your dorm, all the chatter abruptly cuts off. The other girls stare at you and start whispering behind their hands, making barely any effort to keep their voices quiet. Pansy Parkinson looks about you and scowls, crossing her arms.

You silently get ready for bed, trying to get away from the prying eyes and judgmental glares of your peers.

The next day, you wake up feeling strangely refreshed. You go to change into your robes, but as you’re unfolding them, you notice something.

“Mudblood” was scrawled in big, red letters on the back of the robe.

“Scourifgy,” you point your wand at the robe, but nothing happens. You let out a growl of frustration and discard the robe onto your bed.

You sigh and weigh the pros and cons of wearing one of your out of school outfits. You’d surely get detention for being out of uniform, but the alternative was much worse.

Pulling out your favourite sweater, you find that it also has “Mudblood” on it. You start to search through your closing, growing increasingly frantic when shirt after shirt are all marred with the slur.

Settling for the robe, you quickly walk to class, keeping your back to the wall. Draco slams into you and you fall face first on the floor, the ugly, red “Mudblood” on display for all to see.

“You did this,” you accuse, your face burning with shame.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he says smoothly.

Pansy Parkinson shoulders through the crowd and when she sees you, she laughs. “Good one, Draco.”

You can hear some people snickering and some others gaze upon you with pity.

George stumbles toward you, he’s breathing hard and sweat shines on his forehead. “What the fuck is going on?”

He catches sight of you, curled up on the floor as if you’re trying to shrink. Misery paints your face and your eyes lack the brightness they usually hold. George scans the crowd quickly, trying to look for the cause of your pain.

He locks eyes with Malfoy and before you could say “quidditch,” the two were rolling on the floor, each fighting for the upper hand.

Both boys get in quit a few punches before Flickwit Impediments them. Flitwick looks at you before zeroing in on your robe. He looks at George, and then looks at Draco, quickly putting together what had happened.

“Mr. Malfoy, with me,” he says sternly and Malfoy tries to protest, but is cut off with a sharp look.

The crowd disperses and you and George are left standing in the empty corridor. His lip is split and he has a dark bruise on his jaw. His hands are cut up and beginning to bruise.

You sigh, “George, come with me.”

He silently follows you, raising an eyebrow when you pull him into the girl’s bathroom.

You summon some basic medical supplies and set them on the counter. Instructing him not to move, you start to tend to his wounds.

“You’re an idiot,” you say affectionalty, “You know that, right?” You gently wiped the blood away from a particularly nasty cut under his eye, causing George to wince.

“That’s not very nice,” he pouts exaggeratedly.

You two lapse into a comfortable silence, occasionally punctuated with a hiss of pain followed for a soft “sorry.”

“Why’d you do it?” you ask.

“Do what?”

“Fight Malfoy.”

“Because he’s a git,” George shrugs.

“You shouldn’t have done that. You’re lucky that Flitwick didn’t get you in trouble. It wasn’t worth it,” you say, finishing up on his face and moving onto his hands.

“Not worth it?” He asked incredulously, “He wrote ‘mudblood’ on your school robe!”

You shrug, “That’s what I am though.”

George gently urges you to look at him and when you do, his eyes are earnest, “You’re not, and don’t ever call yourself again. You may be muggleborn but you an amazing witch and you don’t deserve to have to put up with assholes like Malfoy.”

“Amazing?” you ask, teasingly.

George blushed, “Yeah, you’re pretty amazing.”

You bite your lip, unable to tear your gaze away from him. George’s Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows nervously.

“Can I-?” he starts.

You cut him off, “Yes.”

Tilting your chin up, he presses a gentle kiss to your lips. You grab onto his biceps to steady yourself and George’s hands cup your face lovingly.

“Ouch,” he yelped, pulling away from you and touching his lip.

“I’m so sorry,” you say, mortified.

“It’s fine,” George brushes it off. “Make it up to me by accompanying me to Hogsmeade this weekend?” His voice is confident and smooth, but you can see the nervousness in his eyes.

You press a small kiss to his nose and smile, “Of course.”




Heya! Could I pretty please request a Neville x Slytherin!reader (I sent request to a lot of people but no one responded so I wish someone could do this request :c). Basically the reader is known to be an extremely kind Slytherin and always sneaking to help houseelves in the kitchen and they all love her very much (it’s in there that she meets Neville and they become friends). One day she gets into a fight and when Neville cleans her cuts, he confesses his love. I’d love for u to write this 😭❤️


His Courage

Summary: Neville always finds her in trouble, this time was no exception, and in moments like this, Neville has the courage to ask Y/N out.

Warnings: Bullying, Swearing, Pansy being mean, fluff, flustered Neville.

Word Count: 1.8k

A/N: This took me weeks! The first draft was far gone so I had to do it again, but here it is! I'm happy with how it came out and I truly hope you like it! Neville is such a cute lil guy I love him. Also! Totty is the name of one of the house-elves. They meet in their way to the Great hall so sorry if I didn't do the kitchen, Hope you can all enjoy this! ❤️💖❤️


"Slytherin!" The Sorting Hat shouted gloriously, Y/N didn't know at the time, but that would be what ultimately be considered as the door to hell.

Y/N was surprised, that's for sure, but she couldn't complain, she expected herself to wear yellow and brown, not silver and green. Still, she was proud of calling herself a Slytherin, after all, she was sorted in the same house as the one and only Merlin himself, she took pride in being in such a powerful and cunning house.

Unfortunately, this was not the case for everyone in her house, peers from Slytherin, especially a certain witch, Pansy Parkinson, took Y/N as the perfect victim she can torment every day and every time she wanted, a reserved girl who always showed compassion to those in need. She thought of that as a weakness, and she loved to make fun of her.

This made her existence controversial in itself, either she was loved by people that appreciated her kindness, or people who would mock her for it, and it caused her some issues, especially in making friends, even though they liked her for not being like Draco Malfoy or Marcus Flint, it was not enough to make a friendship out of it. This made Y/N find another kind of friend, either magical creatures, that Hagrid would present to her with joy or the house-elves in the kitchen, who didn't seem to be bothered by Y/N's presence.


"Watch it, you ogre!" Pansy spat, shoving Y/N and making her fall to the ground, and causing Pansy and her posse to laugh at the little girl.

"Sorry…" Y/N mumbled, fighting back the urge to cry right there, in front of the girl who made her life hell.

"What was that?" Parkinson asked with a snort, kneeling and grabbing her hair "I didn't hear you… Spit it out!"

"I-I said…-"

"Hey! Leave her alone! O-Or you'll see!" A boy shouted at the end of the long hallway, causing the four girls, including Y/N.

"Oi! Who said that?! Reveal yourself!" Said the blonde girl on the right side of Pansy.

And that's when he showed up, Neville Longbottom, at a certain point, you could relate to him, both of you were perceived as the black sheep of each house, in his case, everyone thought of him as a shy and awkward Hufflepuff, not a Gryffindor at all.

"Oh yeah? And what are you going to do? Tell McGonagall? You coward!" Pansy sneered, yet walking away, she wouldn't risk losing house points, after all, she wants to impress Draco, as the hopelessly romantic she is.

Y/N stood up, looking down and blinking away the tears that Parkinson caused, startling Neville, as he rushed to her side and looked at her concerned. "Are you okay?" The boy asked while licking his lips worriedly.

"I'm fine… Thanks, Neville" Y/N smiled up, cleaning her face, causing Neville's face to heat up, with how you called him by his first name and the way you showed your smile, even though you were about to cry seconds ago.

"I-It's nothing" Neville waved off while looking at the ceiling, cheeks red and hands already sweaty.

"No Neville, truly… Thanks" Y/N smiled, walking away to the great hall.

"Where are you going?" Neville mumbled, not sure if you could hear his voice.

"Huh? Well, I'll go and hang out with some friends" Y/N pointed at the kitchen, returning her gaze at the awkward boy "But, we can study tomorrow together! I know you fainted in herbology class" She said gently, causing the boy to look down and smiled embarrassed "Yeah… Studying together sounds cool"

"I'll see you tomorrow then!"


Two years had passed since that encounter, Y/N and Neville were now best friends, she trusted him everything, and he did too with her, except with one thing, in particular, the thing is, Neville fell for Y/N, and he fell hard, seeing her smile, bite her lip whenever she tries to focus, or even when her eyes shine whenever she mentions Totty, the house-elf that was always there for Y/N since the first year.

He admired the fact that she showed love even to creatures like Totty, he felt as if she had more courage than him. And be felt lucky to be considered her best friend, which is why it pained him to think about his feelings, he didn't want to ruin the relationship both of them had, even with the flirtatious jokes the witch told him later, he never considered his option of Y/N reciprocating the feelings he has kept deep in his heart.

"Neville… Neville?"

Y/N's voice made Neville come back from his thoughts of you and him in a relationship, noticing how close she was and how her eyes stared at him.

"Sorry… What were you saying? I was thinking about…Something?" Neville questioned himself, trying to convince himself more than Y/N. Causing Y/N to raise her brow curiously.

"You've been way too dreamy lately, is it the Yule Ball that's bothering you? Or is it… Someone perhaps?" Y/N nudged his shoulder teasingly, as her mouth tugged up into a cheeky smirk.

"M-Maybe… I don't know how to dance and… About the second part… I-I" Neville's voice just went weaker and weaker, he couldn't tell her about how much he spends his time practicing different ways he can come up and ask her, it would be weird, and awkward, and, ironically enough, the boy didn't want to be more awkward than he usually is.

"I-I'll tell you later ok? It's getting kinda late Y/N" He distracted her as he pointed over the clock, causing Y/N to gasp.

"Shit! I told Totty that I would be with her baking cookies! Bye Neville!" Y/N rambled while packing up her things hurriedly, leaning on to leave a kiss on Neville's cheek, making him reach his cheek flustered.

Y/N ran as fast as she could to get in there in time, after all, she had a few hours before heading back to Slytherin's common room.


"Totty! Sorry, I arrived late I was-" Y/N breathed out, as she found herself a sight that she didn't want to see. Pansy Parkinson and the two dumb girls who always seemed to be following her.

"Huh? Who the fuck are you calling that you pig?" Pansy turned her heel in your direction, wasting no time into messing with you.

"I wasn't talking to you" Y/N replied flatly, trying her best to avoid any sort of problem with her.

"Miss Y/L/N! You came!" Totty said excitedly, as Pansy looked between both of them, laughing mockingly and walking towards Y/N.

"Really? You're that pathetic you hang out with house-elves?" Pansy sneered, as her posse laughed at Y/N.

"Yes, I do, and? I don't have the female version of Crabbe and Goyle as friends… Now that's pathetic" Y/N snapped back, having the courage of stepping up for Totty.

The girls gasped dramatically, looking at each other, Pansy pulled out a handful of Y/N's hair "What did you say bitch? Besides being so fucking ugly and a filthy little blood traitor, you dare to be disrespectful to your superiors! If you want to defend the slave over here so badly …Then we'll treat you just like her you cockroach!" Pansy dragged Y/N to the floor, and started to kick her, soon enough, her friends joined in, causing Y/N to resist the urge to cry.


Neville was on his way to the kitchen, trying to gain the courage to ask you out to the Yule Ball, he had the excuse of Y/N forgetting her Herbology book, so it was now or never, he felt nervous, he did, but Neville was not backing down now.

It was when he saw, Pansy and her friends walk out of the kitchen laughing uncontrollably when he ran towards the kitchen, nerves now turning into full-on concern. Knowing something must've happened to Y/N.

"Y/N!" Neville yelled, startling Totty as she was trying to reach and clean the bruise that was formed into Y/N's face.

"Leave it to me Totty… Please" Y/N mumbled, looking down and whimpering at the sting of the bruise, feeling ashamed of herself.

"Y/N…" Neville repeated, walking towards Y/N with caution, kneeling and grabbing the cloth that the witch was gripping, cleaning gently her bruises on her delicate skin.

"Pansy did it… She did it again, she mocked me for hanging put with Totty… She told me things that-" Y/N's voice breaks a little, causing Neville to wince, he didn't want to see her suffering, she didn't deserve it, any of it.

"I-I am pathetic right? Being friends with house-elves… How lame am I?" Y/N cried out, pouring out all of her feelings.

"Don't say such things Y/N… You're not lame, you're a powerful witch, Even more, powerful than Pansy, she is just jealous-" "About what?" Y/N looked at him, desperate to find a reason as to why she was better than Pansy, thinking that she was bellow her, she didn't understand why Neville said that.

"Well, she is jealous at how kindhearted you are, at how much joy you can bring to the world with your smile, at how big your heart can truly be. Y/N, you're not lame, you're one of the kindest people in this school, you see the good in people and creatures, you cheer up anyone and you're always there showing me to be confident about myself, you have no idea of the impact that you bring to this world… To me, I can't stop thinking about your smile and-" Neville stopped, realizing that he just confessed to her, he gulped, looking at Y/N's face, it was Scarlett red, her eyes were shining as if she was going to cry again.

"You fancy me?" Those were the only words that came out of Y/N's mouth. Clearing his throat, Neville nodded, looking at her and asking nervously. "I do, i-is it wrong?"

Y/N giggled and there herself to Neville's arms, hugging him as if he was a teddy bear "Merlin! You fancy me!" Y/N cried out happily. Neville couldn't believe it, Y/N, the girl of her dreams had the same feelings as him. He embraced her back, nuzzling his face to her neck, chuckling a bit at how surprised he was.

After a couple of seconds, their embrace ended, Neville was now confident enough to ask "I-In that case… Would you like to go to the Yule Ball with me?"

"I thought you'd never ask"


Omg I’m in love


Invenio | p.jm

Request: “Here I am!! Can I request a series of witch au jimin x reader, I leave to you the plot decision I know you can write such wonderful things thank you in advance.”  


I’m aware that I said that this blog was dead and buried, but I found this fanfic in my drafts and I decided to post it as a farewell, to give you one last nice goodbye to the BTS Fanfics that I’ve posted during these years. Since it was in my drafts, I didn’t write a complete story and it’s a bit rushed especially in the end (because I meant it as a first part of a series) but I think it’s nice to just post it like this, so you can all see what has been sitting in here for 2 years. I love you all and who knows, maybe I’ll write some fanfics about other things in the future💕

✵ Summary: During your escape from the royal castle, you meet Jimin, a beautiful witch who offers you help in exchange of a little favor. 

✵ Genre: Fluff , tiny Angst, mild smut lol

✵ Pairings: Witch! Jimin x Reader

Anonymous asked:

Hi ! Are you still active/active again ? Or do you think you will come back ?

I don’t think I’ll ever come back but from time to time I’ll check on the page!

Anonymous asked:

Rest In Peace VIRAGO, one of the very few stories that caught my eyes and the story that could have been one the best out there. I loved it so far even though it was just 2 chpts. I returned a yr later to see if its completed by now but learnt that it hasn’t and moreover the author has decided to quit.. I think this is the most depressing thing to happen after the pandemic lol. Wish the author a good life

Hi! I’m so sorry that you feel that way🥺 I’ve thought about it for such a long time and that’s just what I think is best for me. Too many changes happen and I couldn’t keep up with writing anymore. Hopefully you loved what I wrote and you’ll find someone else with stories that you’ll like even more❤️

Anonymous asked:

Hey are you still active ? Idk on computer but on phone I can't tell when things are posted so I never know if the admin is active or in hiatus !

Hi! I’m not active anymore but all the work that I’ve done in the past is on my masterlist :)


Hi everyone it’s been a while, I’m sorry about the long wait that you had to endure because of me and I’m sorry if you waited a long time for any update about any of my stories. Maybe it’s an expectable (bad) news but I decided that I’ll stop writing fics because of my personal life, that at the moment is getting busier and busier. I will never forget the amount of love I recieved thanks to all of you and this blog was the reason why I decided to write. This blog truly helped me and saved me, so I’m extremely thankful and my heart is broken right now.



this blog is the reason why you and I became best friends, I won't ever forget this part of my life, and even though we have both grown up and drifted apart from this platform, I don't think we'll ever forget the beauty it gave to each one of us✨


Hi everyone it’s been a while, I’m sorry about the long wait that you had to endure because of me and I’m sorry if you waited a long time for any update about any of my stories. Maybe it’s an expectable (bad) news but I decided that I’ll stop writing fics because of my personal life, that at the moment is getting busier and busier. I will never forget the amount of love I recieved thanks to all of you and this blog was the reason why I decided to write. This blog truly helped me and saved me, so I’m extremely thankful and my heart is broken right now.

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