


Now, I’m not saying romantic relationships are inferior, or that they’re useless, or that you being in one or that you shipping some characters romantically is Bad or something off the walls like that. What I’m saying is that two people (or characters, since we’re talking shipping here) can be just as devoted to each other, love each other just as deeply, mean just as much to each other while being in a platonic relationship. The end point of caring about someone doesn’t have to be romance.

Friendship isn’t a stepping stone between strangers and romantic partners, it’s a different path. And you can follow that path as deep into the wood as a romantic one if you want, and neither is inferior to the other, they just have different views.

reblog my aro posts you cowards


he found a poster for a phineas and ferb theme party and just. decided to go. oh my god 😭


i call this the headcanon chart. see my vision


if I may:


I'm not here to tell Zionists that they're on the wrong side of history, they're well aware of that and they don't care.

It's been seven months and all they've done since then is double down on their horrid fucking behavior.

These folks will go out of their way to brag about being pro genocidal lunatics because they don't view Palestinians or Arabs as people. And if they see other westerners call them out on their shit, they'll just play the antisemitism card.


the most annoying people are the ones who just reply "no 💖" to recovery/self-improvement posts



ill never forgive you guys for reblogging the version without the wet box addition now there's edgelords in my notes and nobody gets to hear about the wet box


people have been calling this portrait very befitting considering the amount of blood on the british empire's hands, and i absolutely agree (i also don't want to know how much this was commissioned for because i think of how many British people are struggling with food and fuel poverty):

[photo: @/WorldTimesWT with caption "Britain's King Charles unveiled the first official portrait of himself since his coronation last May." May 14, 2024.]

in one direct action response to the portrait's reveal, Palestine Action activists did this:

never forget the British royals' support for a terrorist state -Israel, and never forget that king colonizer has personally voiced support for the bombing and genociding of Palestinian people.


Happy International Museums Day to the following people:

  • The guy who called me the Whore of Babylon for teaching kids about Ancient Egypt as I stood there and nodded.
  • The woman who was deeply incensed that staff wouldn't open the cases so she could touch the organic objects.
  • The one guy who made me translate hieroglyphs on a stele for him, then was mad because it didn't say what he wanted it to say, and reported me for 'lying' to the public.
  • The parents who objected to the taxidermied animals having taxidermied genitalia because it was unseemly.
  • Those kids on a school trip who got on the floor in front of a mummy and started chanting 'we worship Ra' as their teacher desperately tried to get them to leave.
  • That one guy who...uh...really liked geodes. No, they were not a special interest. He really, really liked geodes.

While pretty and sparkly on the inside, the outer shell of a geode is incredibly hard, just like the man who was viewing them.


New rule, non muslims can’t say the word jihad. Until you stop conflating a word that means personal struggle with faith and temptation with terrorism youre just not allowed to say it.

I’m not a Muslim but I just thought I would reblog this because I think it’s definitely worth listening to.

It’s totally okay for non muslims to reblog this, and i encourage it. Im just glad you’re listening.

Oh god, finally someone said it. Every time I see words like “jihadist” I want to scream, but I’m not Muslim, so I wasn’t sure I should say anything. 

Jihad means struggle. It doesn’t mean holy war or anything like it. In fact, there is no word in Islam for holy war, because the nature of Islam does not leave room for holy war. Islam has a juridical system, not a Pope who can just say “Go wage holy war.” Conflating the personal nature of jihad with violence is so very gross and it needs to stop. Period.


Actually, there’s another word non-muslims in the media shouldn’t use:

Allahu Akbar. It’s not a statement of terrorism. It means “god is great”. It’s something we say to praise our lord. It’s what we say when we pray. It’s not a statement of terrorism. Allahu Akbar doesn’t mean terrorism stop using it as one

I would really appreciate it if non Muslims understood this


I know a ton of people have said this before but for the love everything PLEASE stop treating AO3 like instagram. It is NOT cringe to comment on an old story. It’s an archive old stories are still meant to be found and read. Please think about interacting with the fic you read: at least kudos if you read it, a comment would be ideal. The authors will be over the moon. I guarantee you not a single author is going to ask why someone is commenting on an older fic.


Coming home after a proposal is awkward. Especially when it’s a proposal to prevent your best friend from banging the hot woman next door.

Or maybe that isn’t the uncomfortable part about it. It’s the silence in the car, because they had to leave together. The silence that follows when you have to kiss your best friend in front of a whole restaurant after he said yes. After he put the ring on because he wanted to see if it fits (it did and Wilson had been as proud as he had been mortified by the whole situation).


i just want to one day be loved like elle woods’ sorority sisters loved her

they all simply do not understand why elle wants to go to harvard so bad... yet they help her study, grade her tests, motivate her and all around fully support her from the moment she decides to go and never stop believing in elle not for a single second... like wow name me one sweeter moment in all of cinema, i’ll wait

sorry to be legally blonde blogging on main once again but i just wanted to talk about how easy it would’ve been to screw that movie up. the entire premise is based around a girl doing the most to get a guy, the main conflict of the film is the one between elle and viv, elle and her friends are stereotypical girly girls, etc - all that is just a perfect setup for a kind of passive aggressive lowkey misogynistic film that aims at actual feminist themes but falls short at #girlboss. but it doesn’t! while vivian is certainly catty to elle at first the insults aren’t sexist, vivian is just threatened but the confrontation is surprisingly and refreshingly... levelheaded? is the best way i can describe it. there is none of that one scene that a lot of 90’s movies seem to have where the two female protags have a fight where they insult each other’s appearance and then latch onto each other’s hair and yell bloody murder. ya know the one. there is none of that, none of the throwing around lowkey insults to women left and right, and in the end it works out quite beautifully because the only character we meet who is actually outright sexist is warner, which sets him up to be a gigantic asshole without having to have him like kill a kitten or something. it’s clever writing! and for a movie that came out in 2001 to toe that line between empowerment and sexism so well and come out the other side an enjoyable story with realistic women that does not fall under sexist tropes and stands the test of time is very admirable imo


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