
tsc book content


willow • she/they • 20 • book blogforever book >>> live action. that's just how it is. spoilers everywhere; you've been warned.

a very merry holiday season from me here at bookclarysupremacy

i really want to thank all of you who have decided to come along on this journey with me. i'm not sure if i've ever publicly told the story if this blog here, but i think it's worth it.

i made this blog in march of 2021 - it was a year into the pandemic, i was still a newly-minted adult, i had recently moved to a new city (alone), and i was in a seriously deep funk as spring was approaching. i've been in tumblr on my main since about 2018, and then on other accounts before my current one. In the midst of my funk, I decided to re-read one of my favorite series from when i was younger, for a little nostalgia. it started with picking up a copy of city of bones at a second hand bookstore - and rereading the series was like meeting an old friend.

i blew through the first 3 books in about 2 weeks - and then, wanting to talk about it, i made this blog. those of you who were here in the beginning probably remember my early posts and memes about tmi - and my first post to go kind of viral.

i had expected blogging about the series would be a bit like shouting into the void of the internet - but it wasn't.

you liked what i had to say. you followed me. you dm'd me and you asked me questions about my theories.

you became my friends.

it blows my mind that in 9 months this blog has amassed several hundreds of followers. i'm so glad i've been able to share this - my love of reading, and my many thoughts on it - with all of you.

books do really have the power to change us, and i can vouch for that first hand. i got the in-person help i needed for what i was struggling with, and all the while, this blog and my books have given me a necessary escape when i've needed it.

and i can't stress this enough: it gets better. no matter how terrible things seem in the moment, it truly gets better. find the little things that spark happiness, and grab them with both hands. the world is full of possibilities for you, and the fictional world is no exception.

here's to another year, and to another adventure - together.

willow x

if you're struggling with your mental health, here's some resources for confidential support.


the only problem with having a bike powered by demon energies is that jace can never give clary a ride to buy art supplies when the stores are actually open - i guess the starlit midnight rides instead more than make up for it 💫

characters by @cassandraclare 🤍


oh so when Lucie Herondale, a 16 year old shadowhunter with unusual powers, raises her boyfriend from the dead it has no major consequences and when she goes to Edom with her bestie and future parabatai the worst thing that happens is that they have to share a secret but when I, Clary Fairchild-


hi all! back from the dead here... i won't fill you in on all of my life happenings, truth be told, i don't think that i could fit all of it here if i tried. but, i had a lot of major and sometimes scary things happen in the last year that culminated in me an official conversion to judaism (i'm ethnically jewish, but i wasn't raised jewish, hence 'official conversion'). the process of which requires a lot of studying and cultural immersion and on the other side of it, i have a renewed interest in rereading TSC because guys, it is such a heavily jewish fantasy series.

believe me, i'm not just importing values onto it - cassie is jewish and you can really see the inspiration behind a lot of the world building in jewish theology and culture. so, i'm planning on re-reading and analyzing it for it's jewish themes!

stay tuned!


i like to imagine that, 10 years on, clary still dresses like a box of crayons amidst all her fellow shadowhunters and their neutral, utilitarian day clothes. she rolls up to meetings wearing a novelty comic book t-shirt, striped pants, and red converse, 3 different pencils stuck in her hair, sipping a guava smoothie - and that's what i love about her.

TL;DR: I'm writing a book

hey guys! when i started bookclarysupremacy, i never expected it to become my most popular or far-reaching account. hell, i've even got actual cassandra clare interacting with my more popular posts. but, being that this is the case, I thought it'd be the best platform to put out some feelers on this.

I'm writing a book.

If you don't personally know me - hi! I'm Willow, and I'm a 19-year-old college student and lifelong fantasy reader. In june of this past year, I started writing my first full length novel - it's still in progress, and I'm looking at a potential release for fall 2022, assuming I meet all my deadlines.

If you love TSC - and if you follow me, I know you do - you'll love this book.

The working title right now is The Shadow Heiress

In this book, you can find:

- victorian antics

- court intrigue

- mysteries that have more depth than they let on

- queer main characters

- an unseelie fae girlfriend

- fancy balls

- seedy taverns

- and many twists and turns

in all likelihood, i'll be publishing with Ingramspark, an international distributor, so you'll be able to request it to your local library and bookstore.

But - if you're interested in a free (yes, free) copy of the book before it hits the shelves, I could really use some ARC readers.

What's an ARC?

ARC stands for Advance Reader Copy - basically, you get a free copy of my book a month to two months before it's release, in exchange for an honest review on goodreads. ARCs are great for indie authors and first time authors (i'm both!) because they allow us to put review quotes on the cover to help boost sales.

If you're interested in The Shadow Heiress and might be interested in being an ARC reader - feel free to reply to this post or DM me! I'd love to have a list ready when the ARC launches.

hey guys - i'm consciously moving the prospective release of The Shadow Heiress back by about 6 months - that's Spring/Summer 2023.

Why? I'm balancing a lot of stuff with school at the moment and I want to take some of the burden of writing and editing off of my plate. I've held myself to a 5k word/month schedule (which doesn't even include what gets cut in the editing process - and believe me, it gets put through the shredder sometimes) and I don't want my writing to suffer for the sake of deadlines, and I'm sure all my prospective readers would rather it cook a little longer than be rushed to finishing.

hope you all understand! x


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