
@samcky / samcky.tumblr.com

Kristina, she/her. | this blog is dedicated to Sam Wilson's tiddies and his boyfriend | Ao3: capstiddies | 25+ years old
Anonymous asked:

rooting for you to quit!!! do it for yourself so you can enjoy your perfumes! 💕

Thank youu send prayers my way


For anyone who's never seen this fruit before, it's a quince. They're the most amazing fruit. But, here's the thing, you can't eat them raw, they have to be cooked, and cooking them takes ages.

My greengrocer had a whole crate full from a local farm this week so I bought 5. Two hours later I'm still baking them with gingerbread honey. When they are baked they will be a beautiful translucent pink and taste like heaven. Maybe another half hour...

I'll bake peaches for pudding while I have the oven on too.

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