

@tricksytrinity / tricksytrinity.tumblr.com

35/NB/Pan They/Them  Formerly: Dystopian-Dez382 Voice actor for Mischievous Readings. Commissions are now open!
Mr. Gaiman said it was ok, so here goes!

Check it out on YouTube here!

Insane//Crowley Music: Insane - Black Gryph0n, Baasik
(So, as I suspected would happen, TikTok ended up taking it down for copyright. I must be missing something cause on YouTube the artist(s) have set the song's copyright so that people who aren't making money off of it can use it freely. Maybe TikTok is different in some unknowable way?)

There's some dude (derogatory) on FB who is PISSED people are pricing their farm fresh eggs at $2 and $3 a dozen instead of $4+, saying it's "disrespectful" and "undignified" and "I'm trying to feed my kids" like Sir, you are on a Facebook group page bitching about your neighbors egg prices because your pet chickens aren't earning you a living wage and you think it's your neighbors' fault, you do not have a leg to stand on here wrt dignity.

Also half the answers are like "I give them to friends and family free" or "I donate them to food banks" or "I'm making them affordable to folks who might not otherwise be able to get them now that they're so expensive in the store" and "if you think you're going to turn a profit keeping backyard chickens you have been wildly misled" and so on, and so forth, and I'm so living for it.

and I can tell you right now, he did NOT like my answer of "if you're trying to feed your kids, I hear eggs are edible."

This is going around right now and I just want to make it clear that the guy had a real job that wasn't selling his pet chickens eggs, he was just mad he couldn't price gouge the locals and he was getting absolutely dragged for it. And rightly so.

Here's why: there's a lot of tags about people who give away eggs or sell eggs cheap and how pretty much everyone who owns chickens has too many eggs and that's because chicken math gets people. A family of 4 that eats an egg-heavy meal 3-4 times a week probably only needs 4 chickens. You get kind of sick of eggs, at that rate, unless you're super into them, Gaston. You can get creative for a while. Add them to things like meatloaf, bake things, egg wash things, etc...

But at some point it's a lot. And most people aren't keeping 4 chickens unless local regulation prevents them from having more. Because chicken math gets them. They get a small coop with a reasonable amount of chickens. Maybe 4-6, maybe they plan to give extras to friends or something.

And then they love it actually. They love having the tiny little fluffballs in a brooder. They love petting the silky adults and watching them scratch around. It's spring and they go to TSC or wherever to get feed and there's peeping chicks and they already have a few what's a few more chickens? 6 chickens plus 4 chickens is basically still 6 chickens anyway and if you're going to get 10 chickens you might as well make it an even dozen.

And then it's 3 years later and they have two dozen chickens in Cluckingham Palace, and it's actually 30 chickens but the babies following mom don't count because one of the "pullet" babies was a rooster so now their chickens make more of themselves every chance they get but there's always a favorite to hang onto, so it will probably be 26 soon, and no one is eating 20+ eggs a day.

And the thing is, you give them to friends and you give them to family and you give them to neighbors and you give them to co-workers if you have them. Maybe you sell some, to cover the cost of feed, and maybe EVENTUALLY you will make back the hundreds you put into the coop and the equipment, if you were thrifty and you're avid about selling. But mostly by the time chicken math gets you, you're doing it for fun and to have fresh eggs from chickens you know are being treated humanely.

And sometimes, if you are also lucky and social, you learn to barter with locals who have other things. Local honey, local meat and milk, local veggies or fruit, local Stuff. This year I traded many dozens of quail eggs for a metal spool I could disassemble and use to hold up netting over my bird pen.

But what you don't do, and what is considered gross by pretty much every other chicken keeper out there, is bitch that you can't collude with all other local backyard chicken keepers in order to price gouge your community together. That's just unilaterally considered being a dickwad.


Omg my chicken coop was literally named ‘Cluckingham Palace’.


Little girl teaching her cats how to draw a flower 

they’re? just? sitting there ???


it makes it 100% better that i can’t understand her, i feel like i’m hearing what cats hear


Heh, she’s speaking Portuguese! Here’s what she’s saying:

*baby voice* “… and if you have any questions, just ask me! And now… yeah. And now you draw the roots. You draw them all twisted up! Got it? A flower? Now draw it. Did you get it, Luis Roberto? Did you get it, Jurandir? Look. Did you get it? That’s how you draw a flower.”

Luis Roberto and Jurandir are people names (Jurandir is especially a name associated with older men) so it’s extra funny that the cats are named that, heh.


It can be, but it also can not be, and it's really up to the individual person whether they like a particular term or why they use it. I know older bi people who are like... well, pansexual actually fits me better, but I've been calling myself bi for so long that changing just feels exhausting. I know people who use bi or pan based on which flag they like better. I know people who use them interchangeably.

As long as people don't give bi or pan weird exclusionary definitions (like the people who were saying bi is transphobic and so if you don't identify as pan you are a transphobe a couple of years ago), I don't think it really matters.

This meme probably best expresses how I feel about the subject.


figured out why there's been an uptick in me getting blocked by seemingly cool people recently. apparently my description looks like this on ios:

it's supposed to say "transmisogyny not welcome". tumblr fucking "coolsville sucks"ed me. i'm literally a trans woman.


fountain in italy


This is what I tried to explain to US platforms like Patreon when they suspended my account for having a nude statue as the background image: I live in Europe, I can go and see a nude statue within a 5 minutes walk. Children can see them, they're not in some 18+ container. I will never understand those policies.


I recently learned that, a few years ago, the Vienna Tourism Board had such a problem with this that they opened an OnlyFans for their museums.


when the story is just not working, but you keep writing anyway

Current mood…


Reminder that she actually wins that season, so keep your head up.

Reminder that she constantly had trouble believing that she deserved to be there and her first few could best be described as ‘not the worst’.

And she won. She stayed positive, cried when she needed to, and kept going.

Once more:

  1. Stay positive
  2. Cry when you need to
  3. Keep going

everyone living in EU - please support the citizens initiative for safe and accessible abortion!!

If I may, I'll use this as an opportunity to also share this EU citizens' initiative to ban the conversion therapy


I do not request reblogs often, but reblog this no matter where you are from so people from the EU can see and sign this. Please. Let's make a difference. Thank you! ⚔️🌈


Bafflingly, some of my posts are yet again getting notes from terfs and transphobes, so once again, here is a reminder that:

  • I am literally trans and extremely happy about it. Love being trans and injecting myself with testosterone and being hairy and having a deep voice and being called "sir" by strangers. It fucking rocks.
  • Trans rights and let people do whatever they want with their bodies and gender presentation forever.
  • Men are great, I love men, they are not evil or inherently dangerous.
  • Penises are not inherently dangerous.
  • Women can have penises and men can have vaginas and anyone can have any combination of genitals and it's none of your business what they have.
  • Trans men are men, trans women are women, nonbinary people are nonbinary, people's gender is whatever they say it is and I don't care how many times they change it.
  • Trans women are great, I love trans women. I love all trans people but trans women get a special shout-out because they really seem to have to put up with the most bullshit, hate, discrimination, and violence. I am giving every trans woman who wants one a hug and/or a fresh-baked cookie and telling you how beautiful you look.
  • Yes, every trans woman is beautiful, this transcends cultural ideas about what is attractive, they are all inherently beautiful.
  • Intersex people are fucking awesome too by the way, whether they're trans or cis or don't think of themselves in either of those terms.
  • No one is giving the surgeries you're all so afraid of to typical trans kids, but they sure as fuck are doing them on literal babies who were just born if they are visibly intersex and that is some fucked up shit and needs to be banned everywhere forever.
  • Conversion therapy is just torture, doesn't work, does immeasurable harm, and should be banned in every circumstance everywhere in the world forever. (That also includes conversion therapy for autistic kids, typically called "ABA therapy," just while we're on the topic.)
  • People can fuck around and explore gender and try something and decide it's not for them and transition and detransition and retransition and redetransition as many times as they want and that's all fine and cool.
  • Dysphoria is not a necessary part of being trans, you can be trans without dysphoria. Gender euphoria is more important than gender dysphoria.
  • Medical transition is not a necessary part of being trans, you can be trans without hormones or surgery.
  • Not all trans people know they're trans as children. Some of us don't figure it out until we're much older. (I was 35!) It doesn't matter when you realize you're trans, it's still valid.
  • Ignore whatever other people say about who you "really" are and whether you're "allowed" to be that. You are whatever version of you makes you feel the happiest with yourself, end of discussion.
  • Gender can also change. Genderfluid people are real and valid and awesome.
  • Trans people are in no way inherently a danger to children. While we're at it, neither are drag queens, I love drag queens too.
  • Misogyny is inherent in our culture and we are all touched by it but we can choose to fight against it, and that includes transmisogyny.
  • Medical misogyny is real and it sucks and we need to fight against it. (So is medical racism and medical fatphobia and all kinds of other discrimination.) These are structural problems caused by the way doctors are trained and not the result of men being evil. Female doctors are frequently just as bad or even worse in how they treat female patients.
  • Toxic masculinity is real and baked into our culture but it is not an inherent aspect of men or masculinity itself, it is something we are taught growing up, it can be unlearned, and we can fight against it.
  • Men are not inherently bad or dangerous, and if you hate all men you should genuinely get some therapy and work on that. Yeah, even if you were traumatized by a man, that doesn't mean they're all bad. The vast majority of them are good and awesome.
  • If you have been so badly traumatized by a penis that you can't handle seeing one, then I am genuinely sorry to hear that, but it is on you to avoid any place where people might be naked, and not on literally half the human race to hide themselves from you.
  • Women can also be aggressive, violent, and abusive. They are not all inherently pure and gentle and nurturing.
  • Most women are good too though, just like most men. People are mostly good!
  • Gender is not a binary but neither is "biological sex." Your third-grade education in biology was, believe it or not, extremely simplified, because you were a child, and does not reflect actual reality. If you can't face that, then I guess you are still a child, no matter how old you are.
  • Feminism is about how women are as good as men and can do everything men can, not about how women are weak and soft and men are better at everything. That's sexism, you're doing sexism, not feminism.
  • Fuck terfs, transphobes, radfems, "gender criticals," or whatever the fuck else you're calling yourselves these days when you realize once again that everyone hates you so you change your name to try to make yourselves sound like you're not a small, sad group of conservative extremists that, again, everyone seriously fucking hates.
  • Focusing on helping the people you love is more important and productive than focusing on punishing the people you hate, so once more: trans people are fucking awesome and I love every one of us.
  • Trans rights forever.

In the words of the legendary @drchucktingle, love is real. Now get out there and prove love and make your world a little brighter today.

Terfs please out yourselves in the notes so I can block you. 💖


An interesting demonstration of how the human brain works.

But also something of a lesson regarding perception, and the unreliability of subjective perspective versus objective reality.

You can be extremely certain about how you perceive the world, your "lived experience," that which you "feel it in my heart." But that doesn't mean it's actually true. And it doesn't mean we have to endorse it, or ignore or outright deny objective reality.

That's a "you" thing, not a "we" thing.

shout out to the sound designer who was like "I know exactly what kind of music to whip out for this one!"


I've never actually seen this before, and WOW is that cool!


Source: twitter.com

To some people you’re an NPC

To other people, you’re the special, unlockable character that they worked and worked to finally get- and when they do they’re so happy because they got the game just so they could find you.

The fact y'all are still passing around this post, eight years after I made it. Exquisite. I hope it’s still resonating with people outside of mid-2010’s tumblr.


hey, actually, i’m the main character

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