
@gayjolynecujoh / gayjolynecujoh.tumblr.com

head empty. no thoughts.
Lizzy II she/her II 22
"There are no coincidences in this world, only the inevitable."

and if his whisper splits the mist— just think of what he's capable of with his kiss


My beloved mutuals watching me go through something


people will try sooooo hard to apply their own personal tastes to who you, personally, find attractive and it’s so bizarre. “i can’t believe you’d fuck him” Well Elizabeth someone has to. and for me it’s a privilege and an honor


Can I speak my truth. I don’t think Brienne is even a little gay. I think she’s a kinsey zero who false positives on everyone’s radar. I think if you dropped brienne into new age 2024 she would get treated as a lesbian in her day to day life but whenever a woman liked her she’d be like. Ummmmmmm I’m really sorry but I don’t. Feel like that. I think she’d give lesbianism the good old college try bc of the direness of her male love life and come down firmly on the side of not attracted to women. I think she is quintessential pnw woman who you think is a slam dunk homerun lesbian based on everything about her who drops the word husband on you. I think she gets clocked on sight and mentions a partner named Jaime which makes people go. Okay. Partner i know that game. Jamie easily the name of a lesbian. Easily. And then she drops the he pronouns and you go. Well. Could still be a weird lesbian. And then Jaime is a business major in a frat with generational wealth. And HE is the kinsey five in the relationship.


westerosi perfume culture thoughts based on medieval/early modern ^^

  • incense in septs to the point of both cat and sansa immediately thinking of the smell of it when thinking about the faith. this is fully a ‘the faith is just catholicism’ thing theres reference to a censer being used at tywin’s funeral, though this is also to cover the smell of the body - i believe its implied theyre using a lot more incense than they typically would and failing to overpower the rot smell
  • scented candles and incense are both used in septs and to scent rooms - scented candles higher-end, beeswax candles, which even unscented smell quite sweet and are quite expensive (they burn cleanly and don’t spit). animal fat tallow candles are much cheaper but perfume can’t stop rotting fat smelling of rotting fat it just combines with it. tallow tends to be used in poorer settings, for light not scent
  • scented beeswax candles used by tyrion and cat, and in the sept of baelor - imo v unlikely most smallfolk or smaller septs are buying them regularly, especially considering how many candles they need to keep lit. i’d say tallow 90% of the time beeswax on holy days
  • basically every noble in kings landing seems to wear perfume, ned specifically repulsed by the fact that robert now does which is crazy. whats roberts taste in perfume like

The "Save me X" meme is such an integrated part of my brain now that I just go around chanting it in my head constantly. Save me nice clean sheets. Save me YouTube drawing tutorial. Save me Aldi's frozen Bavarian pretzel. And you know what? They do.


ROMAN: i don't have time for this. i'm supposed to be out, actually, adventuring? getting that enchanted amulet from the wizard's tomb that dad's been talking about for the past six months?

KENDALL: oh, dad sent you on a fetch quest?

ROMAN: it's not a fucking fetch quest.

SHIV: who's he sending with you?

ROMAN: fucking frank, and—

KENDALL: frank? dude. that's babysitting. it's a fetch quest.

SHIV: an enchanted amulet, seriously? he's probably just too cheap to buy marcia an anniversary present this year.

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