
I don’t want to live any longer in this world of “the customer is always right.” This is a world that shows the aggressive, the bull-headed, the cruel that they have full license to behave like beasts to get what they want. Half the time, they’re even rewarded for it; “here, ma'am, so sorry for the trouble, please accept this gift card–no charge.”

I want to live in a world that punishes these childish adults as you punish a toddler throwing a tantrum. No candy for you, Jimmy; you’re going home to bed if you can’t mind yourself in public.

Throw a hissy fit because your cashier isn’t moving as fast as you’d like? Find yourself gently escorted from the store until you can show some basic compassion and patience.

Hurl a pen across the table at your signing agent? You’ve just forfeited your right to refinance your mortgage this week. Try again when your temper is managed.

Scream obscenities at the Taco Bell rep because you know it’ll earn you a free soft shell? Here’s your money back; please feel free to play again when you’ve realized fast food is not worth more than the price of human dignity.

I am so sick of accepting–and, in truth, rewarding–these callous behavior patterns in customer service industries. The fact is, the customer is not always right. The customer is often just testing to see what he can get away with. Stop pandering to spoiled children, and show your employees they have more value than their red polo, or how much abuse they can withstand in a 40-hour week.

We are here to provide a service and to make a living.

We are not your punching bags.


seems like the right time of year to bring this back around

The phrase “the customer is always right” doesn’t even mean what people take it to mean. It refers to a broad economic sense, meaning that whatever the customers demand as a whole is right. Retailers must follow the likes and interests of their customer base. But it’s been distorted over the years and people think it gives them a license to cuss out a 17 year old just trying to save money for college. 


the energy of ordering food via drive thru and then eating it in your car in the parking lot is so powerful. like you could walk 50 feet and sit at a table in the light but we just stan alienation in this country

me hunched over in the dunkin parking lot like a goblin, devouring an old fashioned donut in the dim orange light of the streetlamps, abba blasting,


I find it fascinating that people who choose not to have children are generally assumed to feel really strongly about not having children (or even to feel really strongly against children, anyone’s children, in general). I am probably not going to have children, not because I REALLY REALLY HATE the idea of having children, but because I don’t really really love it. Out of all the major decisions I will make in my life, this one is the only irreversible one. I can sell a house, quit a job, divorce a spouse, whatever. I cannot unhave a child. I cannot opt out of being a parent once I become a parent. I can’t even take a step back for the sake of self-care or whatever, or else my child will suffer.

So for me, having children is fuck yes or not at all. The default will be to remain childfree. Having children should be an opt-in decision, not an opt-out one. Until/unless I develop really strong feelings about wanting to have children, I won’t have them, even if that means I never end up having them at all.

This is really, REALLY well put.


faeries can’t lie which is why hozier said “no comment” as to whether he is one of the folk, but then in another question, said “time moves differently in the fae realm” and qualified his statement with “i’m joking,” which suspiciously falls in line with the fact that the fae are notorious for being mischievous. therefore, we can make the assumption that his statement was not a lie but also not the full truth. in this essay i will 

aw heck, hozier killed her


Actually it was florence, protecting her half-fae son

Who was the human parent though


why do 90% of all medicines sound like cool wizard names

it is i, Zyrtec the allmighty,

you are no match for Xanax the Wise


For fuck’s sake

my cat likes to sit in my window, which faces the street, and i can hear people saying hi to him from the sidewalk


[happy high pitched voice] hi kitty cat!!!!!!!!

someone walked by talking to his dog and said “yeah! that’s a kitty cat, huh???” and i was like aw that’s cute 

but then he said, more quietly “i think that’s [my cat’s actual real name]!”




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