
bleach blonde bad bitch built body



biggest protection from internet brain poisoning is remembering the idea “are people making up a guy and then getting really mad at that made up guy?”. sometimes you gotta just take a step back and go is this this an actual issue with actual discourse or is it just something like four people on tiktok are saying? By getting mad at this do I sound like new stations talking about a “new teen drug craze” that 100% is not a thing?

A couple of other tips, not just for internet brainrot but for brain poison in general:

  1. If It’s an actual Dude™, are you getting mad at The Actual Dude™ or getting mad at a Made Up Supervillain Version of the Dude who is really easy to get really mad at? Sometimes you’ve got to take a step back, pull out your Hanlon’s Razor and reality-check whether you’re making a monster out of a moron. Infuriating ≠ evil.
  2. Are you letting yourself be enraged by something that is, when put in perspective, only Worthy of Mild Annoyance™? If you’re starting to sound like a callout post when you talk/think about it then maybe it’s time to cool the jets.
  3. What can you do about it? Sometimes it’s cathartic to let yourself be mad for a bit, but if you’re regularly getting Über-mad over something then you should consider what you can personally do to fix the Thing™. If there isn’t any practical action you can take then…
  4. Why are you allowing this thing to upset you? Initial feelings may be beyond your control but dwelling on them is something you have power over, so why are you giving this Dude™ or Thing™ that you don’t like power over you?
  5. Who’s actually winning if you allow this Dude™/Thing™ a rent-free all-access pass to occupy your time and brain space? Because it doesn’t sound like it’s you. I guarantee that who/whatever you’re mad at, the person(s) responsible have spent far less time thinking about you personally than you have thinking about them.
  6. Who’s benefiting from you being mad? Sometimes it’s literally no-one (not even you). In which case, why not let it go. And sometimes the outrage is being manufactured to further profit/ engagement/a political cause. In which case you should really let it go.

Sometimes it’s not A Thing™ at all. And sometimes The Thing™ really isn’t worth that much of your time.

Don’t give it that power.


In one timeline we kiss but the stars don’t come down. In another you set a world on fire for me but I perish in the flames. Somewhere there’s a final space where your hand on my face is the punchy climax to an epic saga, where the way our mouths meet takes the breath right out of people’s throats. One universe has us right, of all the millions stacked on millions. So it’s not this one. I can live with that.


Under PENALTY of INSTANT DEATH do NOT make blackout poetry of my posts. It is improper behavior and makes me wanna explode. You will receive 80 concussions. Don't make me spell it out again


[image description: a screenshot of the original post with sections blacked out. the new text reads, "PENINS exploion spell". /end description]




I'm a fucking idiot

Did your best buddy it's ok


the year was Two Thousand and twenty-four. I took a puff of my Electronic-Cigarette, inhaling the vapours. my mobile terminal buzzed in my pocket, a flat slab of microchips and glossy touchscreen. I ignored it....... probably another Electronic-Mail

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