
A Series of Personal Explosions

@schizoauthoress / schizoauthoress.tumblr.com

Vonn | born 1985 | U.S. | Mixed Filipino | Genderfluid (they/them) & Queer | one part mom friend, one part awkward uncle, one part auntie with clothes older than you | amateur writer since 1998

actually im not done complaining. brothers in blood also sucks for its role in jason drift. they’re constantly painting him as reckless and straight up stupid in order to make dick look better, when prior to this he’s been intelligent and manipulative and thoughtful, more chess player than goon. but this is the beginning of the end. it’s like his third real appearance and it’s already the beginning of the end.

Finally, some good criticism. /meme

(I have my fondness for the story, but you ARE right -- Jason is made worse to make Dick look better.)


remember the "Nightwing: Year One" storyline from 2005? Written by Chuck Dixon, has stupid stuff like Batman kidnapping Jason, Jason trying on/stealing a Robin costume of Dick's, the dumbass gauntlet thing...

Real irritating because it leans into "Angry bad boy Robin Jason" and retcons his origin (no helping Batman stop Ma Gunn because of his own morals, oh no, just Jason stealing tires from the Batmobile)...

But then I realized. I can just handwave the bad changes as Dick only knowing part of the story and filling in the blanks with assumptions!

Batman being a huge asshole and kidnapping a kid? Dick is mega pissed off about being fired; he's not feeling very charitable towards B right now. Jason being brash and "stealing" the costume, then thinking he needs to beat Nightwing to keep Robin? Bravado. Dick just extrapolates back from a bad first impression, hence the costume scene. And yet more uncharitable thoughts because "Bruce replaced me with this bratty kid".

(I know it's old canon but I like sharing when I can fix annoying shit.)


Pour one out for a real one.

Reading up on him, he was a pretty cool guy. He was one of the first people to stand up to John Money about his theories of gender development and position that intersex infants should receive surgery and never be told about it using his abuse of David Reimer as ‘proof’, asserting that Money didn’t have the evidence and standing his ground even when Money straight up started screaming at him. And then later he was proven right when he got into contact with David Reimer, not only discovering proof that Money was wrong but also how abusive and horrific Money had been. He then went on to write advocating for intersex and trans rights and to avoid unnecessary procedures on intersex people without full informed consent and that intersex people are part of natural human variation and that we deserve acceptance and not to be treated like a disorder.

A quote I really like from him: ‘Nature loves diversity, society hates it’


Since Martolomew has made a return to your dash recently, I'm in the mood for hearing about the Rockers! Maybe some old man Marty & Shawn headcanons? 🥹


Okay, and here's where I admit that you and my buddy are literally the only people that I've spoken to about the alt!version of that pro-wrestling Omegaverse I babbled about so much. 😅

Folks might remember my OCs Eugene Vitale and Kayla Love -- they are from the wrasslin' Omegaverse that skews a little closer to the events of 'canon' (real life). The alt!version has me changing up things wholesale like... fuck that Blue Blazer shit, never happened. No car accident took Adrian from us, et cetera.

Been a while since I thought of this setting and I never really sat down to write the details out, heh. But I'll do my best.

  1. For those who don't know, in this setting Marty is an omega and Shawn is a beta. For the alt!version, they became a mated pair very early on in their career (as the Midnight Rockers). So they are 100% that couple who has known each other for ages. a) One of their girls is named "Martina Michelle", and Shawn protested that everyone would think he came up with that name and it's an example of his ego. Marty just laughed and said, "And no one will believe you that it was my idea."
  2. In this world, Marty can and will use his influence over Shawn to talk Shawn into doing business the right way. Do note that it's pretty much the only time you'll see Marty as a voice of reason.
  3. Owen lives in this world, and he has a few more kids. One of whom dates one of Shawn and Marty's kids. The drama! The scandal! The annoyed eye-rolls from Bret!
  4. I just really like the idea that Marty, in some world out there, gets his time to teach at the Performance Center. It always bummed me out that he lost his chance.
  5. Whichever child gives them a grandchild first, Shawn is going to declare his favorite. Marty will swat him on the arm and say "You aren't supposed to tell 'em that!"

send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it

Let’s go crazy, kids. Any fandom, any idea. My brain is a-buzzing.

(If you like, you can ask me to elaborate on a previous AU – perhaps a similar concept with new characters, or just more details in something you liked before, posts or fic)

Okay, somehow the askbox toggle got untoggled. It SHOULD be working now....


looking through one of my brother's magazines and I'd like to pose the question: Why are there so many liminal Marty Jannetty photos out there??? like don't get me wrong, love the guy but HAVE YOU SEEN HIS FACEBOOK??? Cannot stress enough how this man doesn't take normal pictures. (examples below)

Marty is a cryptid.


send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it

Let’s go crazy, kids. Any fandom, any idea. My brain is a-buzzing.

(If you like, you can ask me to elaborate on a previous AU – perhaps a similar concept with new characters, or just more details in something you liked before, posts or fic)

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