
⚓️ SNS ⚓️

@meimeithewhiterabbit / meimeithewhiterabbit.tumblr.com

Currently into Naruto (SNS). I do not care for SS/NH. Here for mild entertainment.

The more I think about it the more this scene gets me. Gaara obviously has sympathy for Sasuke, because of their similarities, but I feel like the reason that he's crying here is because he knows that this is the man Naruto loves. If he kills Sasuke in this fight, Naruto will never forgive him. But as a member of Akatsuki Sasuke is a deadly threat to Naruto, and having been a victim of them, Gaara knows just how serious that is. He's going to protect Naruto at all costs, like he says aloud later. Even at the cost of their friendship.


I still can’t get over how Naruto is literally named after the little pink spiral thingies you get in ramen noodles

the western equivalent would be like naming your kid fucking Crouton


This is the worst!

“Elite Spy Scarecrow, you have been assigned to mentor Team 7.” “Yes, President Third Fire Shadow. Which Junior Spies are on that team?” “That would be Crouton Spiral, Cherry Blossom Springtime, and Assistant Paper Fan.” “Oh dear God.” Later… “Hello, Team 7. I am Scarecrow. I have been assigned to lead your squad.” “Elder Scarecrow is so dumb. I am Crouton Spiral and I’m gonna be President someday. Believe it!” “Nice to meet you, Elder! My name is Cherry Blossom Springtime, and I’m in love with Assistant.” “This is all you need to know. I’m Assistant, from the Paper Fan Clan. I hate these two dumbasses. I hate my brother, Weasel Paper Fan. He killed my family, so I’m going to kill him.”


Can't believe Hiruzen voiced his "this child had the wisdom of a Hokage at 7" nonsense over the babiest picture of Itachi I've ever seen

None of this screams "deep wisdom" he is literally a toddler. a babie. he is raising his tiny fucking hand in front of a wall. he is wearing a tiny fucking backpack. he's too shy to ask his friends to share snacks. I'm gonna kill Hiruzen again.

Typical child abuser take, pretending to vastly overstimate children's maturity to justify the exploitation of their labour or to argue they consent to things that are objectively against their bests interests but in turn benefit the abuser.

It gives me the same feeling as ped0philes saying shit like “you’re so mature for your age”

Exactly. Exactly this. They pretend children are "mature for their age" so their crimes against them seem less dramatic and also to give the impression that the child could "consent" and was valid. However clever or talented, a child is never and adult and will never have the maturity of an adult.

The creepiest part is that, by adding this sort of attitude into a source of entertainment, where the target group in large part is very young, it instills the idea that it’s somehow ok or normal for adults in real life to have this attitude towards kids.

Itachi is a popular character. A lot of young kids watching this show, thinking he’s “cool”, might want a similar form of appreciation and attention in real life. But these kids don’t have fully developed frontal cortexes, thus can’t make fully matured decisions and should not, in any way, be subjected to the notion that this behaviour is acceptable.

I know the culture in Japan is vastly different, but the fact remains that anime is massively popular outside of Japan as well (in many cases for good reasons). Naruto is just an example of a show where some extremely harmful notions and ideas are glorified, but that makes it so much more important to point out and condemn the predatory actions of certain characters (and worse, the predatory intentions of their creators).

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