
The Night Mother

@ayamicross / ayamicross.tumblr.com

☾ Role-Player on MG/ Wra/ Horde side. For Ayamei Cross/ Dawnsorrow. This is both an IC and OOC blog. Blog contains NSFW content: Viewer discretion is advised - All writing is mine unless stated otherwise. Night Mother of the Guild Armifera. Face Claim: Marie Brink & Taylor Momsen for visual effect. ☾ account is deactivated, used as personal ooc blog.
Anonymous asked:

Hey just wondering do you play final fantasy xiv or are you still on wow? Just a curious friend.

I don’t play WoW anymore, I miss the rp and the writing from time to time, but I currently do not have a PC to game on; otherwise I’d consider it. Unfortunately money is tight, and I work 12 hour night shifts so my time is very limited.

Thank you for asking, shoot me a message sometime if you’d like to talk. I rarely get on here, unless I’m looking something up aesthetic wise for my new house I’m remodeling. ❤️


Oh, hey, for my pagan friends:

Don’t use salt to make a casting circle if you’re outdoors. Salt kills plants and sterilizes the soil, preventing further growth. If you’re going to use anything, use blessed seeds and/or pulverized purification herbs or plants instead. It’s good for the soil and will promote growth.


tumblr staff, circa 1800: female-presenting ankles now banned


Random Sin’dorei Headcanons

These are just headcanons, not me putting out a demand list for all Sin’dorei rpers to follow. I’m curious as to what you think!

1. The Name of the Betrayer

The name Dar’khan Drathir, or Dar’khan, carries the same emotional and grave weight in Sin’dorei society that the name Judas carries in all of the Christian world. 

A Sin’dorei would never call even their most hated enemy ‘another Dar’khan Drathir’ unless the situation was the utmost dire. 

This also means betrayal is one of the worst sins/crimes in Sin’dorei society, for the weight it carries. The Void Elves/Ren’dorei situation was likely enraging for the Sin’dorei, and allusions to Dar’khan, especially as it was his work that Umbric was studying, have been made. Especially if the Void Elves help the Alliance destroy Quel’Thalas.

Alleria to many Sin’dorei now may be the second Dar’khan.

2. All Roads Lead To Silvermoon

In my home country of Italy, a neat little tidbit is that wherever you are in the country, there is always a street sign telling you where Rome is.

I like to think that Silvermoon itself is considered, if not the Heart like Quel’Danas, then the soul of the Sin’dorei. It represents their lost home, and the fact they, the Sin’dorei, rebuilt it from the ashes the Scourge left.

I would think that at every signpost you see in Quel’Thalas, a sign points you to Silvermoon. All roads.

3. Sin’dorei Diet

You would not see many well, livestock farms around Quel’Thalas. Vineyards, orchards and the like - Absolutely. Most of the land, not burned by the Scourge, is woodland. Few plains exist.

I don’t think meat is a big staple in Quel’Thalas therefore. You know what is? Quel’Thalas is a peninsula. Surrounded by the ocean, fish are likely a huge part of Sin’dorei diet, and Sin’dorei fishmongers take a lot of pride in their work.

4. Thalassian as a Language

I’ve been thinking about this one for awhile, and for some reason, certain matching words and the lyrical way that Thalassian as a language and how it sounds, reminds me of Arabic.

I’m not an expert, but from what I know, Arabic as a language is based a lot around the faith of Islam itself, such as the word Allah. 

I like to think that, as Thalassian broke off from Darnassian as a separate language, a lot of its evolution as a native tongue came from its revolving around the words ‘Alah’ as in Light, and ‘Belore’, the Sun - Considering their cultural, spiritual and religious connotations to the Sin’dorei.

I also find it neat that Alah refers to the Light, and the actual word Allah refers to God. Probably not planned, but, you know.

In this way, I imagine Thalassian as a spoken tongue is as lyrical and flowing as the Arabic language.

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