
go wheat boy go

@bucephaly / bucephaly.tumblr.com

chris | he/him | 25 | white + reconnecting cherokee | living on Mvskoke land | bucephaly#6751 | art blog @xylographica

centrist guy in 1970 seeing university anti-vietnam war protests in the news

The difference, of course, being that university students in the 1970s stood a good chance of being drafted, and therefore had a direct material interest in opposing the Vietnam war, because the war’s continuation could very well get them killed.

These students, by contrast, are taking a conflict that fundamentally isn’t about them and doesn’t involve them (with the exception of Palestinian-Americans and others with familial relationships in the conflict area), and using it as an excuse to play-act their revolutionary fantasies in a setting they know they’re safe to do so in, secure in the knowledge that push won’t come to shove in the form of something like a draft.

It’s also worth pointing out that the Vietnam protests could legitimately be described as anti-war. Judging by the tenor of these particular protests (and rhetorically analyzing the content of chants, posters, signs, etc.), this round of protest could, at best, be described as a mixed bag: in a “some of them are anti-war, for sure, but a non-insignificant number of them are really just fine with war, they’re only upset their side isn’t winning” way.


Here at Kent State the survivors of the 1970 shooting are going out of their way to support the student protesters. Keep their name out of your mouth.

If anything is "privileged," it's acting superior to an anti-war protest from the sidelines.


Drafting was not the only reason people protested. In the vietnam war, like now, universities were outsourced by the US to develop weapons. Agent Orange was developed in part by several major US universities. Students are protesting the use of their educational funds for military occupation. This makes complete and total sense, there is absolutely no justification for a University to supply resources for the destruction of lives and homes- doubly so when Israel has been bombing Gaza's schools while occupied.


fellas is it privileged to care about genocide even if you aren't directly impacted by it????


i love fur, i love leather, i love wool, i love long lasting materials without plastic in them that will decompose and go back into the ecosystem after serving me well for several decades.

“The assumption is that Gaza is free to demolish,” Ali al-Za’tari, a former UN humanitarian coordinator with extensive experience in Syria, Libya, and Sudan told The New Humanitarian. 
“There’s no consideration for the ownership of property, or lives for that matter,” al-Za’tari said. “The assumption there is that this is a land without people.”

I don't have much of a reach here on tumblr but this is still rubbing me the wrong way and I have to share somewhere.

Gabriel Crow is an enrolled member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee who has been missing since January 27th. He is well known in our community for his immaculate rivercane basket work and mats. He was last seen in Asheville, North Carolina.

His family and friends were looking to fundraise so they could afford billboards, posters, and investigators to help find him. The go fund me has lost traction and he is still missing.

Please y'all, if you can't donate at least share this. I know his family is hurting and our community needs him back.

The family has been able to get a billboard going. This week is MMIWR Week. May 5th is national MMIW/MMIR day. Help reach the goal. He's still missing.


a) everything the microbiologist is saying is totally accurate

b) I'm somehow enraged the original tiktok didn't cast any aspersions on crabs, which actually do tell us some interesting things about human evolution because crabs—aka pubic lice—are, like all lice, tightly bound to hosts without a lot of species swapping. Lice can't survive for long off the host body—they get cold and die, unlike other ectoparasites like fleas and ticks—and they're highly specialized to grip the exact diameter of hair or feathers present on the host species, so most louse phylogenetic trees closely mirror the phylogenetic trees of their host species. Human head lice and clothing/body lice—an offshoot of head lice—follow this pattern neatly: they are most closely related to chimpanzee and bonobo lice, then gorilla lice, then orangutan lice, just as we are most closely related to chimpanzees and bonobos etc.

But apes don't have pubic lice. It's not a thing. Because apes don't have pubic hair with a distinctly different texture and diameter from head hair! So what the fuck is going on with pubic lice?

Pubic lice are most closely related to gorilla lice. What this means is that a) humans became mostly hairless before pubic hair evolved, or a lineage of human lice probably would have evolved to specialize on that niche just as it later did for clothing, and b) there was some kind of close contact between human pubes and an ancestral lousy gorilla precursor that resulted in pubic lice transferring hosts, which happened while everything was nice and warm. That's.... probably the best evidence for bestiality that Tiktok girlie was going to get. (Although in fact it's equally plausible that this happened because hominids were napping in recently vacated gorilla nests while they were still fairly warm, just fyi; there really isn't a smoking gun for bestiality anywhere here and as the nice microbiologist noted, it's not great to inflict that kind of shade onto other human beings.)

anyway, I spent that video waiting impatiently for crabs to come up and nope. Missed em entirely. Best evidence she could have come up with and she didn't even know. Amazing.


I love telling my students about the gorilla lice thing. It evokes so many incredible reactions. Ancient parasitology in general is always fun to talk about.


Endlessly diabolical how you can't say words like rape and suicide uncensored without either being criticised by idiots or punished by conglomerates.

It's not r*pe, it's rape. It's not su*cide, it's suicide. Not unalive, dead. The backbone needs to be reintroduced en masse because softening the blow of these concepts with advertising language does absolutely nothing but allow people unaffected by them to feel not even a sting of what they can do, prompting inaction.

And it's been proven that on certain websites, you don't even face a repercussion for using the words as they are. People just started censoring themselves because they feared the potential lack of views and likes and followers which is so nasty itself.

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