

@shaniahnoel / shaniahnoel.tumblr.com

22. Married. 5SOSfam. Riverdale Fanfic Writer; Requests are open! Master List

Hey um what. What goddamn business did Omashu have having a King?? Like I never really questioned it since it came from such an early Book One still-world-building episode but. Omashu is a city, for starters, and it’s a city in the Earth Kingdom. Which. You know. HAS a king. 

You know I bet, honestly, Omashu doesn’t have a king. And NEVER had a king. Omashu had a succession of Governors or some shit and on the day that Bumi took the mantle he said “Fuck this ‘Governor Bumi’ stuff that’s lame. Call me King.” and when his advisors said they can’t legally do that Bumi passed a law changing his title from Governor to King, stuck a crown on his head, and called it macaroni.

And the citizens of Omashu were probably just like “alright” cuz like. Bumi strikes me as the kind of Local Town Eccentric who has a working personal relationship with pretty much everyone so all 100,000 people of Omashu heard this decree of Kingship and went “yeah that tracks” and got on with their day.

Outside of Omashu though? Good god. That’s gotta be a fucking look. At this point 112-year-old Bumi has been ‘King’ for a lifetime longer than the actual Earth King. What a look. How much sleep do you think Long Feng loses about this??? How many assassination attempts do you think he tried to carry out, only to have the Dai Lee come crawling home with the imprint of Bumi’s face smashed into their armor and some rock candy stuffed into their socks?

Ba Sing Se adores its appearance of order and structure and hierarchy and I cannot even begin to imagine their Daily Hell of dealing with Omashu’s centenarian feast-loving candy-munching batshit unhinged and utterly unkillable pseudo-King. 

The Fire Nation taking over Omashu was probably the happiest goddamn day of Long Feng’s life.   


So proud of my mother for doing her own research after I sent her that meme. A sign she hung in her car window.

Stay woke

Is this true?

Not only is it true, it gets worse. The Susan G Komen For The Cure Foundation has actually successfully sued “competing” charities, because (paraphrasing) their “message or branding was infringing.”

You read that correctly: they took money that people had donated to cure cancer, and hired attorneys with it, to sue ANOTHER group of people trying to find a cure for cancer, who, in turn, had to us their donated money to hire their own legal counsel to defend themselves.

Yeah signal boost because not enough people know about this and seriously FUCK SUSAN G. KOMEN THEY ARE THE ACTUAL WORST

Reblog every time I see it. Roughly once a month.


Also please never forget the pink fracking drill bit

that’s right fracking you know, a process using chemicals known to cause cancer that leech into the water supply

It’s that time of year again, please remember Komen is the actual worst


Komen For The Cure is pretty much awful.

My mother died in 1996 from breast cancer. Most cancer charities are scams, in that people throw fancy parties and get rich off them and very little money goes into research or support for patients. Here are some vetted cancer charities that get good scores on Charity Navigator and pay medical expenses or fund research:

Signal boosting this


Reblogging from myself because it’s October now


me: you know what fuck this!!! I’m tired of bella and edward content/discourse!!!! they’re boring!!!!!!!

also me: but if they had just named their daughter meadow her name would have been not only unconventional but CUTE and RELEVANT to their relationship and NOT named after characters who bella didnt seem particularly CLOSE to by the time she got PREGNANT


Why don’t some people realize that the best way to care for some creatures is to humanely euthanize??

Case in point:

This just crossed my facebook feed. This poor kestrel was electrocuted and is under the care of a center in Hungary (I believe). Both its feet and one wing had to be amputated. How is this a life? The poor creature can’t perch, can’t hold its own food. It can’t be a bird.

Amputations alone aren’t bad, but trying to keep an animal alive when it can’t preform basic behaviors is cruel. Why can’t people understand this?

Just because it can't perform basic functions doesn't mean it can't be happy. Should we be putting down humans with those limits? Should any human who cannot perform basic functions be put down?

Do you work with animals? If you did, you’d know we don’t use words like “happy.” Don’t distract from the point by putting anthropomorphizing words in my mouth.

Since I’m fucking tired of people comparing injured animals to disabled people let’s use the basic framework/analysis for an animals care/welfare—the five freedoms

Here’s the five freedoms as written out by the Farm Animal Welfare Counsel:

  1. Freedom from Hunger and Thirst: By ready access to fresh water and diet to maintain health and vigor.
  2. Freedom from Discomfort: By providing an appropriate environment including shelter and a comfortable resting area.
  3. Freedom from Pain, Injury or Disease: By prevention or rapid diagnosis and treatment.
  4. Freedom to Express Normal Behavior: By providing sufficient space, proper facilities and company of the animal’s own kind.
  5. Freedom from Fear and Distress: By ensuring conditions and treatment which avoid mental suffering.

So what we can do for this bird is feed it and give it water. That’s it.

This animal cannot understand where its limbs have gone, cannot feel comfortable and at ease in any environment missing three crucial limbs, is bound to be in pain and injure itself from trying to act like a normal kestrel, cannot do most basic behaviors, and cannot be saved from its own distress

A bird cannot have explained to them why they don’t have their legs and wing. A bird lives in the here and now and their here and now will always be “I cannot act in all the ways I need. I am scared. I am alone. I am vulnerable.”

So no. We’re not about to compare a fucking animal to disabled people and it speaks volumes of ignorance to animals and their welfare, and to profound dehumanization and disrespect of disabled people that you would even think to do so.


the scripts for cruella, riverdale and the powerpuff girls reboot have done an Excellent job at raising my self confidence as a writer; I rest assured in the knowledge that I Literally can't do worse


You know what they did to me for being a hero? They put my ass in jail for 30 years.

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021)  Episode 5: “Truth”  


Oh wow congrats! That's exciting I'm so happy for you:) Publishing your own book sounds awesome, don't give up dreaming, I believe in you. I'm glad you're still writing, what are you writing at the moment? Hope you're well, S👽


Thank you☺️ I’m writing a YA book about a girl who becomes a werewolf and exiles herself while searching for a cure. I have like nine other stories swirling around, but that’s the one currently in progress. How’re you??


Hey there:) Remember me? Probably not, since it's been a while (years? Idk honestly). I've been absent for a long time and just "rediscovered" Tumblr a few days ago. I just thought of you and was wondering how you're feeling these days. Did you celebrate Christmas? Are you still writing? I really do hope so, it would be a shame to not use all that talent:) (Do you even still use Tumblr?) I hope you are doing well. S👽


The amount of serotonin this just FLOODED me with is ridiculous. I am still writing but am barely on Tumblr anymore. I fell away from Riverdale so the fanfics aren’t really coming to me anymore, haha. I’m hoping to finish a book and looking at traditional publishing (but that’s a distant dream). My Christmas was wonderful! I’m also expecting my first child next month so it’s a very exciting time all around. I hope you’re well!!

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