

@monosjoons / monosjoons.tumblr.com

ddaeng II 21

if you are in the workforce and you have someone who is above you in structural power at your workplace–a supervisor, manager, etc–that is interested in you romantically and/or sexually, they are the one that should know better than to pursue you as your boss. they shouldn’t be coming onto you. they shouldn’t ask you inappropriate questions, ask you out on dates, none of that. If your company has an HR department you may want to speak with them if the behavior continues, but if you don’t have an HR department get in touch with your local labor rights folks to help you navigate the situation. if you’re a boss, don’t fucking date your employees.

While this is 100% true, if they had an HR and she chose not to do that and ultimately chose to have an affair then she deserves everything she gets. She is a grown adult who chose what to do as well. She also had choices to make to report to HR, labor rights people, hell even the guys themselves would be willing to listen in their company from my opinion. Im all about exposing and talking toxic workplace dynamics but after a certain point you can’t defend people and acting like a grown woman wasn’t in charge of her own actions is degrading at best. (If she ends up saying she was coerced and manipulated, then I will apologize and support her as a victim)




Iron Man (2008) | Iron Man 2 (2010) | Iron Man 3 (2013) | Avengers: Endgame (2019)


I will never forget all the others cracking jokes about Thor's depression weight-gain while Tony was incredibly intuitive and noticed when Thor was struggling, offering him small things like breakfast and cutting him off from the situations that were bothering him.

And then later, when Thor desperately volunteers to bring everyone back, Tony moves in and talks him out of it. Not just because he's concerned that Thor will mess it up, but because Tony recognizes the mindset Thor is in as he has experienced it himself. If Thor were to fail, it'd likely be the end of him.

The moments are so easy to miss in the chaos of the narrative, but those, alongside the seemingly natural way he has able to bond with Nebula, just demonstrates how far Tony had grown as a character.

God damn, I miss him.


being mentally ill on the internet is like…

sees reblog bait. becomes filled with guilt. sees a post that ends with “you’re evil if you can’t reblog this”. becomes filled with guilt. sees a message where you get accused of deliberately reblogging from someone who said something bigoted ten years ago. becomes filled with guilt. etc etc


one of the easiest ways you can be an ally to neurodivergent people is to try your best to say what you mean where possible.

work on being clear about your needs. work on being patient with people when they ask for a clarification. tell people if you want something from them, instead of expecting them to just know

I feel like this is completely a “nobody loses” situation. the chances of you getting your needs met increases, and the chances of neurodivergent people walking around in a state of confusion decreases

(also emphasising that you can not necessarily know what someone’s diagnosis is unless they tell you. being clear about your needs shouldn’t just happen when you find out someone is autistic or whatever)


not everything is your fault. anything you have no control over can never, logically, be your fault. you shouldn’t feel guilty over something that was out of your hands.

some things are your fault. sometimes you screw up. that’s okay, we’re all human. most mistakes just need an apology, and a promise not to repeat that action.

learn to let go of the things you weren’t to blame for, and to forgive yourself for the things that you are to blame for. living your life in shame doesn’t benefit anyone, least of all the people you want to do good for.

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