
...do i look like a badass?

@jobethdalloway / jobethdalloway.tumblr.com

OG OTP: Rizzles. Current truly/madly/deeply OTP: Blackhawk or Bishova or whatever tf Kate and Yelena are called. ------------------------------- *header by lettherebedoodles.tumblr.com!

USA Cultural Regions Map

This is super cool


For non-Americans: this is actually accurate and reflects how Americans understand ourselves and regional identities. These aren’t official labels, but they’re not totally made up either.


you know how pokemon have types they’re weaker and stronger than? american regions work like that

Anonymous asked:

Okay, that’s IT. As a bisexual ranch dressing supporter I just can’t continue to follow you in good conscience. Why do you industrial carpet shippers all think it’s okay to use bland women as a scapegoat for premium disco culture? Maybe if you actually bothered to read the ukranian degeneracy thesis you’d understand batman’s suntan technique, but I guess you’re just too busy making free insurance consultation posts, so whatever. Blocked, flambéed and unfollowed.

being on mobile and seeing the random generated ask before the warning about it made this an experience


so when straight people ask me why I say I’m “queer” or “gay” instead of sharing my actual identity as a panromantic demisexual non-binary sapphic queer I just tell them “ok look, when you’re talking to someone who isn’t local and they ask you where you’re from and you either say the name of the largest city nearby or ‘town name, suburb of large nearby city’ so they can get some geographical context of where you’re located right, bc they’re probably not going to know the name of the little town you actually live in.”

but if you’re talking to a local you can say the name of your actual town bc they have a greater chance of knowing where/what that is.

ok well when I’m talking to a straight person I start with queer bc chances are they aren’t as familiar with the context of all the little towns in that big queer city and need gps (gay positioning system) to find me.

if I’m talking to another queer person and I say I live in a suburb of gay city in a town called panromantic on the demisexual side of the tracks which is in the county of queer and I live off the intersection of non-binary and sapphic, they’d probably be able to find me with little to no problems, make sense?

Also because my exact address in Queertown is usually nobody's business.

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