
Dancing With Myself


25- Canadian

can’t stop thinking about a twisted ‘while you were sleeping’ scenario where you’re in an accident of some sort and fall into a coma, and when you wake up your mother is chiding you for not telling her about your fiancé, john price, who never ever lets up the charade. not even on your tenth wedding anniversary.

genuinely cannot stop thinking about waking up to have some big, bearded stranger holding your hand while sitting by your hospital bed, your wrist held to his lips. the sad, tight smile on his face when you tell him you don’t know him and try to call a nurse to throw him out. having him assure you that you’ll remember soon, because he knows your love is too strong to be wiped from your mind entirely. the pitying looks the nurses give him as you stammer out that you’re not in love with anyone, you’ve been single for a good while and you’re fine with it. the way he asks the nurses how long you’ll be in the hospital, and then tells you that he loves you and can find a hotel to stay in if you still don’t remember him when it’s time to come home. he only wants you to be happy, after all, and he knows that you haven’t officially said the words yet but he’s in this for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, no matter what.

(meanwhile, gaz has flirted his way into the nursing station and has sent a text to soap and ghost, giving them the address to move all of price’s stuff into before anyone can suspect anything. this is a team effort to get the captain married, after all. so what if soap had to hit her with a car first? it’ll be a funny story later, one he’ll only tell well after your twentieth anniversary.)




If you'll excuse me a moment, I have to go cry at the way Aragorn takes a moment in the preparation of a battle to comfort a child who is facing down terror and death and the way he holds his shoulder like he does to his friends and looks him in the eye and says so softly but so firmly "there is always hope"


I'm trying to prove a point to my brain: Reblog if you think fanfiction does not need sex to be good.

There is a trend I’ve noticed that smut fics tend to be much more popular than anything else and honestly I just want to have something to look at to remind myself and that writing doesn’t have to have sex to be worth putting out into the community.

I wish regular fics got more attention 😞


Emma Watson as Hermione Granger in Harry Potter and the... (2001-2011)

Is that really what my hair looks like from the back?
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