
Welcome To The Newtbug Archives! (Now Shoo.)



Heya! Just asking as someone who's interested, but very unfamiliar with askblogs (both in terms of interacting with one and possibly running/managing one)- I've had a few questions about them, and was wondering if you could share your thoughts?

Do askblogs serve to directly convey an original story, to act as a little side adventure with the cast, a "get to know" kinda thing, or does it really just depend on what the creator wants?

How do you approach out-of-character related content?

When different askblogs interact (ex: one askblog asks another in-character), are there any limits or bonuses that have to be considered?

Do you ever worry when sending/answering an ask? If so, what helps to get over that hurdle?

Sorry for the bombardment of questions! I'm a huge newbie when it comes to this stuff, and this is the first time I've tried to reach out directly. Your work is awesome, and I love seeing your stuff come to life ^^


Credit to @daybreak-mun for their amazing contribution!

I'll add a list of additional tips beneath the cut, but hey! If you're an existing askblog, or just someone in the community, feel free to reblog with your own wisdom!


"Excuse me, are you okay?? Please wake up!" Kenina frets, gently shaking the penguin Pokemon with one of her paws. Her ears perk when the Piplup, thankfully, opens their eyes. She sighs in relief, getting a heavy sense of déjà vu. "Oh, thank goodness you're awake. You don't look injured at all, but I found you passed out here. Did something happen??"


*Klaus is disoriented but awake.

Anonymous asked:

hello! i was wondering if you knew of any other pokemon blogs? youre the only one i follow and i would like to have more

thank you and have a good day

Yeah! Depends on if you're looking for art blogs or general Pokemon blogs, but either way I know a mix of both. But honestly though, there are so many amazing blogs out here on Tumblr, you don't need to look far to find incredibly creative and talented people who share your interests, especially when it comes to Pokemon!

But here are some snazzy folks I know/know of:

AND DISCLAIMER: Not all of these blogs are 100% Pokemon oriented; remember that people can like different things and if they aren't to your taste, don't follow. (if you'd like your name removed from this list then please let me know ^^;)

I can't do justice for all the Pokeblogs out there, so if there are any recommendations anyone would like to add, feel free to tag each other!


(neverlandfaerai) Cutiefly!Pan flies up to Weed and lands on their leaf. She peers down at them with a grin.

“HI! Whatchya doing over here? Looking for shells or something?”


*Weed explains this is a common place for weird amnesiacs claiming to be human to wash up and ask for directions.

And since they don't know what currency is, they're willing to do random fetch quests for free. Saves Weed lots of money on groceries.


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