

@clarasunflowers / clarasunflowers.tumblr.com

Anonymous asked:

what is your job (going off the main wikipedia categories there are probably more but this was the most coherent to me)

unemployed / student/ blue collar/ white collar/ pink collar (service jobs etc)/ influencer(lol& how r u a radfem) / freelance / living off massive inheritance (spread the wealth lol)

Thanks for the submission Nona!


My most reactionary opinion is that a well-rounded education is actually a good idea, and you should in fact be forced to sit through subjects you arenā€™t necessarily interested in in school sometimes.

This is in substantial part nakedly self-interested: I see way too many people with an excessively one-sided education with absolutely nonsense dogshit takes on fields outside their experience, and I would prefer if there was less of that sort of thing in the future.


the funeral is done. at least motherā€™s day (uk) was back in march. happy motherā€™s day (usa/canada). irony and i are on a break. i want to go home now.

the funeral itself was uncomfortable and weird, like most funerals are. i think iā€™m sad because most others in attendance werenā€™t sad at all.

last ā€œnightā€ i woke up standing in the middle of my mothers garden. i havenā€™t sleepwalked since i was a child. the plants were overgrown and wild, half-eaten, and there was rust and stains everywhere. for some reason it felt incredibly visceral and disgusting, like i was looking at my mothers corpse. all that she was, turned old and dead. sheā€™d been so ignored, withered down, misunderstood. i donā€™t believe in spirits but if i did i hope this garden looks much different to her. i hope she can spend however long she needs amongst her flowers, back when the boxes were unblemished and the soil smelled of fresh earth in her big floppy garden hat. that would be nice.


i was wondering the correlation between ā€œmaidenā€ (girl) and ā€œmaidā€ (servant) kind of assuming it was just ā€œservant girlā€ but if it was a chicken or egg situation and uh

ā€¦virgin. untried. gee, wonder why men always called their ships ā€œshe.ā€ men really project their pedophilia into everything.


genuinely never thought iā€™d return to england much less suffer that flight again. iā€™m in my childhood home having seen faces i swore to forget and old family portraits i dreamt of burning. this is a beautiful country and iā€™m not who i was when i left. i might even be happy to be back, at least knowing this is just a top up before returning home. old scores are threatening to ruin my time and i certainly couldnā€™t handle this without my tough as nails wife being undaunted.

iā€™m here to attend my mothers funeral. her death was sudden and tragic, and though we had a shit relationship iā€™m learning a lot about her now that iā€™m past the anger, having learned to let go and accept, see things clearly. suppose i have radblr to thank for a portion of that. i have new anger now, of course, that we couldnā€™t just talk it all out. anger at her being dead now so itā€™s all a bit late, so to speak. itā€™s all sorted and then while i was trying to ring her to tell her iā€™d like to mend things sheā€™s here alone, dying in hospital. i wonder if she knew. iā€™ll never know. spiteful woman she was, thought sheā€™d pop off before a serious talk. i want to say she had a hand in who i am now, but iā€™m unsure. thatā€™s hollow.

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