
Panic! At The Everywhere

@anxiousandanalytical / anxiousandanalytical.tumblr.com

Hiya!! Call me either Spirit or Cyan. She/Her, Canadian, 20, Sapphic. | Main: SpiritedandLoyal | Writing tag: Cyans Stuff | Check out my Pokemon AU! | Will I ever make those posts about my sides? Who Knows

this cup of yours tastes holy (this lie is dead)

“I think you might have missed the part where I said that you almost died,” Logan says, and his voice is steady, but his hands are not, trembling where they have balled into fists on his lap.

He blinks, at a loss.

Janus attempts to save Logan from being poisoned. In the moment, switching out their glasses seems like a perfectly rational idea.

It is not, in fact, a perfectly rational idea.

  • Content Warnings: poisoning, mentioned blood, mentioned death (no actual death though), mentioned violence
  • Word Count: 5,772
  • Pairings: Loceit, background Prinxiety

Written for Whumptober2020 theme no 22. “Do these tacos taste funny to you?” with the more specific prompt: poisoned.

The banquet hall is bright, noisy, and crowded, full of laughter and music and talking, and Janus is almost certain that the ambassador from Halledrin has just slipped poison into Logan’s wine.

No one else seems to have noticed. Janus can’t say he’s surprised. The formal dinner is over; now is the time for mingling, and everyone is deeply involved in their own conversations, their own social circles. Roman knows how to throw a good celebration, if nothing else, and now that the pressure is off of him to preside over all the little details, Janus spots him off to one side, shamelessly chatting up Virgil, who seems… exasperated, if not entirely displeased. He spares them a glance before turning back to Logan, who seems to be doing his level best to escape the conversation, but the ambassador— and just what is his name? Janus has entirely forgotten— is persistent, and Janus would think it no more than an annoyance if he weren’t fairly certain that he saw the man brush one hand against Logan’s wine glass while gesturing broadly with the other.

Which, no. That is absolutely not permitted.



“Remind me that the most fertile lands were built by the fires of volcanoes.”  

- Andrea Gibson

Pairing: romantic LAMP

Word count: 6388

Warnings: non-consensual kissing (from the pov of the victim), attempted victim blaming (the victim is believed), a lot of graphic violence a good bit of which is done by main characters, one very nasty magical curse. Like. no protags are evil here but this gets dark

Notes: part of the Love and Other Fairytales verse, taking place a little more than a year and half after the main story (the winter break of Logan’s freshman year of college)

The formal combat I refer to here as a “duel” is actually much more similar to trial by combat. It lacks the distinction between criminal and civil case the way the trial by combat of the middle ages did, and so blends elements of both, as well as that of the Scandinavian Holmgang

if you would like to skip the non-consensual kissing, stop at “He hadn’t really taken note” and pick back up at “The deer man screamed”

if you would like to skip the fight, stop at “Everything moved so quickly” and skip to “Could you repeat that?”

and a big thank you to @airiervessel for betareading! they were a lot of help in this one, especially the tip to give yal the option to skip the assault and the fight



Andy and Tee learn something new about Logan.

(And also more than they ever wanted to know about coal mining, but - one thing at a time.)

Pairing: very background LAMP, mostly platonic Logan & Andy & Teagan genfic

Word count:1289

Warnings: i dont really thing any, just some good good platonic fluff!

Notes: part of the Love and Other Fairytales verse, taking place a few weeks after Distance

For the prompt

  • Can we get a story with Logan saying y’all pretty please lovely tulip?!?!?! (from an anon)

A simple recipe for fired corn mush, a cornmeal-based pudding which is then chilled until solid, cut into slabs, and fried, usually served with syrup

A recipe for lettuce and onions, also call “killed lettuce” or “wilted salad,” and can be made with any kind of lettuce or onions - i like red onions and spring greens, myself

this winded up being very  “violet projects feelings about being appalachian” heavy but do I care? I do not

and thank you to @airiervessel for beta-reading!



Patton makes a new friend.

And what a tragic  thing it is.

Pairing: background pre-romantic LMP, platonic Patton & a very important rabbit

Word count: 2547

Warnings: ALL the Patton angst. All of it. Gore, blood, harm to animals/animal cruelty and almost animal death

Notes: part of my Love and Other Fairytales Verse, taking place shortly after tying to heal a burn victim by drowning them

commissioned by @lighthouseinagardenofstars, who i was absolutely delighted work with throughout this process

thank you to my beta @trivia-goddess for being the first person to properly join me in the crying pit


Group Chat

Who will be crowned king of the hillbillies?

Pairing: romantic LAMP, romantic remile, romantic corne, but mostly just everyone in a big platonic pile

Word count: 3304

Warnings: I make fun of furries but I am one so its fine alskjdlaksdj, mentions of guns/animal death in the context of rural hunting

Notes: part of my Love and Other Fairytales verse, and the fourth chapter of Group Chat, taking place immediately after Honey

For the prompts

  • Hello! I’m currently binging all of your LAOFT one-shots and I have no idea if you still take prompts or not but if you do could I possibly see either of your autistic-coded boys having a special interest and/or infodumping? (from @lilbit-gay)
  • ooh for the groupchat thing you could do a chapter incorperating their reports on the flower thing! (from ro anon)

and thank you to @trivia-goddess for beta-reading my memery



Remy had no intention of adding anyone else to his list of favorite Green Men (a list of one), but apparently he doesn’t have a choice.


Remus is more endearing than anyone can handle.

Pairing: background romantic LAMP, background creativitwins, platonic Rem2 and Intrulogical

Word count: 2603

Warnings: brief violence, a bit of blood, implied past abuse

Notes: part of my Love and Other Fairytales verse, taking place soon after Belonging

commissioned by @lighthouseinagardenofstars, thank you very much for the opportunity to write some cute af remus content

thank you to @trivia-goddess for beta-reading and also loving my compost boy



Remus slips.

He’s not expecting Roman, of all people, to catch him, but somehow he’s not surprised.

Pairing: platonic creativitwins, background LAMP, platonic LAMPR

Word count: 2510

Warnings: past/referenced abusive deceit, harassment, mentioned past gratuitous death and violence

Notes: part of my Love and other Fairytales verse, taking place some time after Belonging

Thank you to @trivia-goddess for beta-reading this!

And thank you to the anonymous commissioner!



Corbin and his mom would love to move to Wickhills.

(Why on earth do they want to move to Wickhills?)

Pairing: familial Corbin & his mom, mostly platonic Corbin & the other kids, a smidge of pre-romantic Sloane/Corbin

Word count: 3976

Warnings: mentions of kidnapping, mentions of bullying, family fights, hypnosis, Wickhills being Like That

Notes: part of my Love and Other Fairytales verse, taking place chronologically after every other page is a mirror but before sings the tune without the words

thank you to @trivia-goddess for beta-reading!

featuring the first canonical appearance of Pam the Wickhills Real Estate Lady



There are not many things in the world that can make Virgil feel small.

In fact, there is just one.


Five times Virgil stayed with his Mother, and one time he didn’t.

Pairing: Familial Virgil & his mother (OFC), (unhealthy) familial anxceit, familial Virgil & his sisters, background LAMP

Word count: 3815

Warnings: childhood loneliness, (the beginnings of) unhealthy sibling relationships, grief, brief references to future death, very angsty but very hurt/comforty as well

Notes: part of my Love and Other Fairytales Verse, starting many hundred years before the main story and ending just after Mother.

A commission from @phantomofthesanderssides, who asked for some Virgil & his mother content i’ve been putting off for a while! hope you enjoy it!

thank you to @trivia-goddess for beta reading and validating the fact that i cried when i wrote this



If Roman keeps insisting on referring to it exclusively as “the miracle of new life” Dizzy is seriously considering putting a dead bird in his pillowcase.

Pairing: the focus is mainly Roman & Dizzy and family feels but as always in this verse there’s LAMP

Word count: 4328

Warnings: cat birth, described in what I think is not a super graphic way but is definitely fairly detailed

Notes: part of my Love and Other Fairytales verse, taking place about 26 years after the main story (so about 16 years after Winterbloom, and 4 years after Farewell)

thank you to @trivia-goddess for beta-reading!



The Adams kids and a long-overdue introduction that Virgil totally did not intentionally make.

Pairing: platonic pile of Sleep, Nate, Pranks, Elliot, and Bell (OFC), platonic Virgil & Elliot, very background LAMP

Word count: 1728

Warnings: discussion of illegal alcohol manufacturing, mention of poison, a physical almost-fight that doesn’t actually go anywhere

Notes: part of my Love and Other Fairytales Verse, taking place about eighteen months after the end of the main storyline, and a couple months after Sugar

Thank you to @airiervessel for beta-reading!

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