our secret sorrows overflow.

@xxschoolnewspaperxx / xxschoolnewspaperxx.tumblr.com


Hi there! This may not be your usual question, but meh. I write fanfiction for the musical Be More Chill, and at least Jeremy Heere is confirmed to be Jewish. There's this girl, Chloe Valentine, who, until I heard the bootleg- I thought was the best character (I believed she was only trying to convince Jeremy to sleep with her- it very much was sexual harassment,at the least) Is it racist to headcanon her as Jewish?


Jewish Woman Sexually Harassing Man

I don’t know this fandom AT ALL –never even heard of it – so I’m going to punt this question to Jewish WWC readers. Do you know anything about this girl?

Here’s the stereotypes to avoid page: Jewish Characters and What to Avoid

…you’ll notice on there that the stereotype about Jewish women is actually the opposite of being sexually aggressive. There’s a stereotype about us being frigid and uninterested until someone is rich, and then maybe we’re interested if we can get bling. Which is gross, obviously, but at least it makes me think that a boundary-crossing Jewish character isn’t going to have her sexual aggression blamed on her ethnoreligion.

However, I have no idea. So let’s let people who actually know, take point on this; keep checking the notes for responses.

I will say that my general approach to marginalized characters who do bad things is “are there other representatives of their specific group in the story?” Because that goes a long way toward making one bad Jewish character or bi character or whatever else, not serve as the sum total of how that group appears in the micro-world of that individual story. That’s how I feel comfortable having dishonest or even abusive Jewish characters in A Harvest of Ripe Figs, for example – because literally the entire cast is Jewish so there are two dozen counter-examples (plus, the victims of their irresponsible behavior are also Jewish, so it doesn’t fall into some kind of “look at those Jewish characters hurting those gentile characters” thing.)

So if the show already has strong, sturdy, positive Jewish representation, I’d be more inclined to see this character as herself alone and not as “and they did include someone Jewish, but she sucks.”



I don’t know if my input is welcome, but…

No it wouldn’t be racist (judaism is a religion not a race). Is it anti-Semitic? It can be, that is if you’re associated her Judaism with acts of sexual harassment. Chloe Valentine can very much just be a creepy asshole. However, if you see/think of her as Jewish because she’s a creepy asshole; it can most definitely be seen as anti-Semitic.

Oh! Thanks! I was tired, and used the wrong word, to clear your first point up. Secondly, I sure as hell don’t see Chloe doing that as her doing it because she’d Jewish. 



🌻 Minor homophobia cw 🌻 🌻 Picture I reference: https://66.media.tumblr.com/c31101c72086232442d55a75a5d42d67/tumblr_p1mnfqgKm81u7tfjeo1_1280.jpg 🌻 - - - - 🌻 I know my last post was funny, but I just remembered something from when I went to pride over the summer. 🌻 🌻 There were police parked. Not to stop the parade or anything, but to prevent protesters from hurting us. 🌻 🌻 Most of the people I saw there were adults accompanying kids my age. There was a kid with an ace pride themed outfit, a girl who was so happy I called her her name and not a dead name, a boy in all rainbow, and my family, that I remember clearly. 🌻 🌻 That's an LGBTQ+ pride community. 🌻 🌻 If it becomes SLGBTQ+, then... why does this exist? it's being proud of being human.🌻 🌻 LGBTQ+ people need a pride more then straight people do. (I include heteroromantic cisgender asexuals as LGBTQ+) 🌻

🌻 Feel free, but not pressured to spread. 🌻


Nice cleaned up version of my lesbian flag redesign, here’s a refresher on what each stripe covers:

Purple is for Non binary and trans lesbians, and to represent the violets that were given between women to represent their love.

Pink is for Lipstick and femme lesbians, and to represent the beauty of feminine love

Grey is for aspec lesbians, and to represent the difficulty navigating the ‘grey area’ of society, where our love was forbidden and is still rejected by society

Blue is for butch and he/him lesbians, and also represents the way Lesbianism subverts gender norms within society, and the rejection of those norms.

I don’t know if m opinion counts here, as I’m not a lesbian- I’m pansexual- but I like this design. It’s really well-thought-out, and the meanings are really nice.


i hope donkey kong becomes known as the ultimate trans ally for eternity now

donkey kong said trans rights !

This is awesome but I need someone to tell me what caused it

it better explains it than i ever could but essentially a youtuber (Hbomberguy) is streaming donkey kong 64 non stop to raise money for a charity for trans youth (mermaids), which was originally supposed to receive donations from a uk lottery event but was removed due to transphobic backlash


I saw the thing you posed (probably a long time ago) that was Jared and Evan talking about Zoe, to which Jared says "i get it. You wanna spoon. Very hereosexual." and!!! This completely supports my headcanon of him being pan!!


I don’t know how anyone could ever classify him as straight everything Will ever worked towards and Sky carried on was making him as queer-coded as they possibly could


Honestly!! Even in the book, all he says is “he’s not into boys” when he and Evan talk again.

I have a different headcanon for the book, of Jared being ace, and his hook-up in camp was him being like, “Ahahah wh at no I’m straight”


what is the truth

they’re married you asshole

u right, my bad

thats their lesbian daughter

Reblog if you support the gay papertowel dads and their lesbian paper towel daughter


for those who refuse to read this blog’s description, don’t fucken follow or interact with me if you

- ship ota/yuri

- like ks

- like yaoi/bl

- like omegaverse or a/b/o

- or like genderbends

Hey! What’s wrong with genderbends? I don’t mean to be mean, I’m just kinda curious.


it really is next to impossible to write realistic sibling dialogue, I just passed my brother on the stairs and instead of greeting each other like human beings I said ‘born survivor’ and he said ‘youtube rewind. let’s set it to rewind.’ like you ain’t gonna find that shit in a novel

aw man writing siblings is so wild because sometimes you just can’t portray it

me and my little brother don’t even greet each other - if we pass each other on the stairs or in the corridor, we jump into ridiculous fight stances then feign karate chopping and slapping each other (stopping just before we make contact) whilst making “HIIIYA” and “POW” noises for a solid 30 seconds, then silently walk off and continue what we were doing

and then sometimes he’ll either just do the Had To Do It To ‘Em pose when I enter the room or dab as a greeting

exactly! I have three younger brothers and the original post was just about the oldest, the middle one and me usually do some kind of elaborate dab also, and a lot of the time when I see the youngest I just yell his name like a wrestling commentator…siblings have a different language

Last night I went up to my brother and said “Are we snakes?” by which I meant “Do you want to go to steak and shake for burgers at four am?” and he responded “Death is coming.” which I understood meant “Yes, but I’m tired so it’ll have to be earlier.” and somehow, without any further conversation, we both wound up in the car going to steak and shake at two am. 

If you sibling long enough your conversations become divorced from human language entirely. 

Since I came out as trans, the legit ONLY thing my brother and I say to each other is “BROTHER?” “BROTHER!” Back and forth

alex that’s amazing i love it

Most of the time, me and my sister bond by quoting vines, or we sing the Baby Shark or Space Unicorn song


Anon Hate IS Illegal.

Guys, I’m not kidding.

Suicide-baiting, cyberharassmemt, cyberstalking, death/rape threats, and hate speech are illegal in all 50 states as well as Australia and the UK.

Some places include school suspension or expels. Some even include jail time for multiple years.

And yes, they can find someone by username or IP alone.

Also, yes. There are methods of catching someone’s IP. Even under a VPN.


Next time you get hit with anon hate?

Casually remind them you can very easily take this to the next level. And they can earn jail time while you lay back in your chair, having saved yourself and everyone else from a violent criminal.

Your online actions have real life consequences.

Make sure they learn that.

(Just in case there’s a “the police wouldn’t do that” - Yes. They absolutely would.

Or a “I can handle it.” No. That person will continue to harass others as well. And one of them may not be as strong as you. So do it for them and everyone else.

Or a “It’s not that severe.” Yes. It is. People have died because of this. It really is that severe.)

Take action. And make sure the lives of these bullies are truly wrecked.

You guys better fucking reblog this.

Don’t just like it, reblog it. So people know.

Hear that anons, you better be nice. I’ve seen some really nasty anons before sent to friends, and that’s not okay. At all.


Good to know all those fucking people on my blog broke the goddamn law.



dial and ask for a pepperoni pizza. They will ask if you know you’re calling 911. Say yes, and continue pretending you’re making an order. They’ll ask if there’s someone in the room. You can ask how long it will take for the pizza to get to you, and they will tell you how far away a patrol unit is. Share this to save a life!!! Dispatchers are trained to ask specific yes or no questions..dont hang up!

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