



Glorfindel x Human!Reader Headcanons

So I’m writing this while taking a break from editing, So I hope you all enjoy these! Also this kinda of just turned into dating Glorfindel headcanons, rather specifically for a Short!Human so I hope that’s okay…? I also know Gil-Galad was requested with this, but I feel like I don’t know enough about him to have my own headcanons yet D: Sorry!


- Unlike most elves, I don’t think Glorfindel would be afraid of loving a mortal. He understands that you’ll grow old and die sooner rather than later. So instead of wasting what little time he has with you, brooding over whether to allow the relationship to happen, he would act on his feelings.

- However, that doesn’t mean he’d be impulsive about it, he won’t even consider a tentative courtship until he’s already sure about his feelings for you. Like all other elves, when he feels things, he feels them deeply.

- He’d watch from a distance before approaching, learning everything he can; your morning rituals or the lack of one, what type of things you like and dislike, that sort of stuff.

-  And when he does approach you he’s the poster child of elegance and grace, living up to the fairytale prince stereotype. 

- He takes things slow, in human terms, not wanting to be too forward and potentially scare you away. He’s already fully invested, but knows that humans may not be ready to jump into that sort of commitment that quickly.

- And when you do take that next step in your relationship, moving from friendship into courtship that’s when he brings out the big guns, now that he knows without a doubt that you’re invested in this as much as he is.

- And lets just address the elephant in the room: Glorfindel is tall enough as it is, but with a short significant other?? This man looks like a freaking tree in comparison.

- Be prepared for lots of teasing, because lets face is, despite being old as hell and having seen some stuff, you’d never know from his sunny disposition.

  • - “Give it back!”
  • - “You’ll have to climb me to get it! Or perhaps Lindir can get you a stool to climb?”

- Will try and put things in higher spots, just so he can swoop in and get them for you, demanding a kiss as payment each time.

- Cute letters left all over Imladris for you, usually in the spots he’s noticed you favor. 

- No matter how late training or any of the other tasks Lord Elrond assigns to him, he’s always there to escort you to the dining hall, and then back to your room when you’re ready to retire.

- If not already proficient with a weapon, Glorfindel will take it upon himself to teach you, whether is be archery or sword fighting. He uses this as a chance to spend more time with you and to possibly show off just a bit. 

- AND OH MY GOSH! I saw a headcanon a year or so ago that I firmly believe to be true and is now apart of my canon. Before going into any battle or patrol, Glorfindel always braids his hair back after being brought back to life, due to most of it burning off during his fight with the Balrog. He used to do it himself, but after he began courting you, it’s become a ritual for you to sneak into his room before he leaves and braid back his hair. 

- It’s so soft, filled with a whole lot of sweet kisses, comforting embraces, and soft words whispered to eachother.

- But then again, that basically sums up the whole relationship: soft and sweet.  

- He loves cuddling with you, because you are so much smaller than him, you fit perfectly in his armsss

- Basically, Glorfindel is enjoying what little precious time he has with you until you grow old and he sails to Valinor.


Today is the year since I started drawing and I’m going back to Feanor again, to where I started. From what brought me skills, loyal fans, inspiration! Thank you for subscribing to my page, I love you all!!! <3

  If you have a desire to support me, you can do it by following the link: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/feonaro

Thanks to those who treated me to coffee, thanks to you I was able to get out of procrastination and return to creativity again!

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