


Luna is my cats name! Had Tumblr a while now, feel like I should use it more!! Love cats, comics, cosplay and tea!!

Thunderfam SOS List 💛❤️💙💚💜

I’ve had a few people jump into my inbox over the last couple of weeks about the Thunderfam SOS list I made way back yonder. I’ve been amending and adding to it over the months as I’ve bumbled along, but decided a few days ago to give it a makeover with the intention of whacking it up on here so that others may benefit from it.

I used to work on the Mental Health committee at the school I used to teach at, and one of the first things I was taught to do was to identify something that a student I was trying to support liked. Common examples included their favourite film, TV series, animal, food, video game (cue me learning waaaaaay too much about the Halo series) and favourite fictional characters. Learning this about a person offers a gentle icebreaker of sorts that can precede the more probing, ‘are you okay?’ or ‘do you want to talk?’ style questions that can sometimes feel invasive, impersonal, and recycled in certain contexts. Talking about these ‘softer’ subjects also offers the person who’s struggling the option of talking and connecting with another person, but without the pressure of confronting what’s troubling them if they’re not ready to discuss it.

I’ve been picked up off the floor by the amazing Thunderfam on several occasions, and after seeing how the stresses of the pandemic and life in general were weighing heavily on some members, decided to try and ‘port’ the above technique onto here with a Tracy spin. 

I speak from experience when I say that having the comfort of your favourite Tracy boy/Thunderbirds character tossed at you on a pants day can act as an amazing mood lifter. It reminds you that people a) have noticed you, b) know something about you, and c) care enough to offer you something that they know will cheer you up. It can also act as a catalyst for making new friends, especially when you have a character in common 😁

If I’ve missed anyone or made any errors, please let me know. I’ve had to guess with a couple of people and resorted to basing my assumptions off which Thunderbirds character I saw most when I visited their pages. I also have the recall of a brussel sprout, which doesn’t help.

As for the team names, they were the result of a fun little mental exercise I did one day while cleaning out my vegetable drawer. They might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s just for fun, which is what we’re all here for 😊

Sending love and hugs to you all xx 💛❤️💙💚💜

Reblogging with everything I have.

Mental Health Awareness couldn't be more important and not enough people talk about it. In this day and age, mental health shouldn't be still such a taboo subject, yet it is.

Let's make talking about mental health as normal as talking about the weather or how you have your cuppa.

Together we could just change the world!!




This makes me cry, actually.

Just to add on. Libraries in many cities have 3d printers you can use that charge you only the price of materials. So if you can't wait for the shipping from the engineers, try your local library.


Humanity at its best 🤗


this is the most sophisticated phishing e-mail I have ever received and if they had sized the logo correctly and actually proofread the fucking thing I probably would’ve clicked that button

actually please reblog this because someone else got it too. do not click on the links in this e-mail if you get one like it, just forward it to spoof@paypal.com and delete it


How to spot signs and symptoms of Breast Cancer 


Reblog to literally save a life


whish they told us this in school, all they did was say “feel for lumps, you will know when you feel it”

I’m not even sure what it’s really supposed to feel like 😕 🥲 education system has failed us all


Kelston Boys’ High School perform a massive haka in honour of the new Maori carving on campus

I live for this


This is the first recording of a Haka I’ve seen that manages to capture even a fraction of the true energy of it. And it’s because there’s so many of them that those boys would have been shaking the ground.

Seeing these boys in their modern uniforms and jackets and backpacks that say NIKE, participating in this ancient ritual, really just drives home what people mean when they say “I am not a costume.” The clothes here are not important. The energy and participation are important.




this is literally how i dance


This went from “wow that’s pretty neat” to “WTF ITS ALIVE” real quick

she did that

Scenario: You are watching this puppet show, and then after the song is over, the puppeteer smiles at you as if to thank you for your support, then her and the wooden mouse depart in opposite directions. 


If this thought hadn’t crossed anyone’s mind watching this already, re-watch it taking into consideration that gravity exerts an unpredictable chaos on dangling objects, that the puppet’s own wobbliness is most of the movement we see here and this woman simply has that flawless of a feel for how physics will continue moving the limbs at the slightest single twitch of her finger. This is a real deal fucking puppeteer no matter what her background or how long she’s been doing it. That wooden mouse is an appendage of this woman’s soul.


stop everything, this is bitty doing research for his thesis

there’s more lmao, unhinged bitty energy


I showed this tiktok to my grandma to make her laugh, but now she’s all excited and actually wants to make a chocolate potato cake. We’re gonna do it.

I’ll keep everyone posted.

It’s happening, folks!

Looks good, but we’re not done yet!

Our sweet, sweet child needs to cool before we add the finishing touches!

My creation is complete!

After dinner, we’ll give it a taste test!

I wonder how it’ll taste.




It’s incredible!

This stupid cake, made with potatoes … is delicious! It’s so sweet, moist, and decadent, just like a brownie! And I don’t even like chocolate or potatoes!

The recipe from the tiktok was pretty much impossible to find. I looked high and low, but everyone posted recipes that I KNOW he didn’t use because the ingredients and methods were different. After some searching, my grandma and I came up with our own recipe.

For the Cake:

1 cup mashed potato

2 cups sour cream

1 ¾ cup flour

1 ¾ cup sugar

¾ cup unsweetened cocoa powder

½ cup softened butter

2 eggs

1 ½ tsp baking soda

1 tsp vanilla

Pinch of salt

For the Drizzle:

4 oz semi-sweet chocolate

½ cup sugar

3 tbsp corn syrup

2 tbsp water

A lot of recipes called for a mixer or a processor, but my grandma and I wanted to make an every-man kind of recipe, since we know not everyone has those things. Plus they’re heavy and a pain to clean anyway, so bowls it is!


1. Peel and boil the potato, then mash it. Set aside to cool. Go to the bathroom, do your homework, then come back. That should be enough time.

2. Set oven to 350°F.

3. Cream butter. This means putting the sugar and butter into a bowl and mashing it together with a fork until it’s thoroughly mixed.

3. Put everything else in the same bowl, including the mashed potato. Mix and stir well. Work those muscles!

4. Grease a pan (doesn’t matter what kind you use) and spatula batter into pan. Even out if necessary.

5. Bake in oven for 40 minutes.

6. Test cake with pick. If nothing sticks, it’s finished. If batter does stick to pick, let it bake a bit longer but make sure it doesn’t burn. Remove and set aside to cool.

For the Drizzle:

1. Cut chocolate into tiny squares.

2. In a small pot, mix sugar, corn syrup, and water.

3. On medium heat, wait for mixture to sizzle and stir it. Do NOT let it boil.

4. Remove from element and add chocolate.

5. Wait for squares to melt, then mix.

6. Drizzle or pour over cake.



I’m so glad there’s a recipe now, I really want to try this!


so i’ve seen this around a lot and i always felt like the version i listened to just. didn’t have everything? sO! i edited together my three favourite versions of the tik tok sea shanty! enjoy!!

(listen with headphones if possible!)

(yes i know the ending is bad oKaY-)

You know, I want to see someone explain this in 20 years to music history scholars.

Not because it’s a stupid thing or a dumb thing—I think it’s wonderful and lovely that it exists—but because it’s so RANDOM. “In 2021, this one song specifically gained a following such that people across the globe, who had never met, began to sing it and harmonize together, and other people then stitched their videos together to make entire choruses.” “Okay, but why?” “…..because it was the cool thing to do.” “Okay, but why did it become cool?”

Answer that. ANSWER THAT. Why did it become cool? There is zero reason a 200-year-old sea shanty should be a meme, much less a meme people are taking SERIOUSLY. (Listen to these folks. There’s not a parody in the bunch.)

Like. Just. “We made this giant beautiful thing BECAUSE.” Because why? Because. That’s why. Just because.

I want to see that explained to students and scholars of history who insist there must be a reason for everything. Yes, yes, there was a viral video, but that’s just the catalyst. Why Wellerman? Why not the latest Megan Thee Stallion? Or perhaps more to the point, HOW Wellerman, ALONGSIDE the latest Megan Thee Stallion? What is it that made so many people latch on to this song? WHY?

I do. I want to be a fly on the wall for this. We have, functionally, modern recordings of what this would have genuinely sounded like on a ship, because of this meme. That’s amazing. But what’s the why? And how do you explain “because”?

Because the most human thing in the world is to find a way to connect and play with each other, and Tic Tok is the biggest, easiest form of that connection in a pandemic. Which is why it’s being taken seriously; the game is no fun if you smash it. People won’t let you connect if they don’t trust you.

Lockdown was the biggest public creativity I’ve had in decades. Not just because I was home, but because the deep driving urge to go “See me. I’m here. I have something to offer. I’m alone but I have skills to share to give, let me give them. See me. I need to be a part.”

Humans are social animals.


The other thing is that it’s NOT completely random, it’s not even very random; it’s just that the things that factor into its appearance and creation are spread so widely due to our (new-ish) ability to connect as a community across the entire world that it SEEMS random from up close, AND it couldn’t have been precisely predicting in advance.

Pirates are not a new thing; we have media about them, recently pirates of the caribbean and black sails both being fairly well known pirates media. Ren faires often feature pirate material. There’s been a lot of talk about “pirating” media lately because of the recent uptick in streaming services wanting to all have their own thing. There’s people trying to hitch laws about pirating onto COVID relief bills. There was a recent release of a video game that was popular, I believe it was the Assassin’s Creed one, that featured pirates AND sea shanties, introducing a lot of people to the idea of sea shanties, who could then spread it to others, that was probably one of the major catalysts in a previously simmering pot (the other major one being COVID-19).

And the thing about sea shanties is that they are supposed to be sung as a group, the way most popular music isn’t really made to do. Why not Megan Thee Stallion? Because those songs aren’t created specifically to be sung by a group. You can sing them too, and you can sing them in a group, but they aren’t created specifically with being sung as a group in mind. They’re meant to be sung along to rather than sung together.

Okay, but then why not something like campfire songs?

Because campfire songs are meant to be sung in a group, usually with kids, but not particularly made to bring together a community that is facing a lot of isolation (which is where COVID-19 comes in). I mean, camping is sometimes “isolated” but often they are camping at a grounds where there are other, discrete groups of campers nearby, and even if they are actually alone, most people singing campfire songs are not isolated more than a weekend, or a week or two, and MOST camping is pretty close to a community where people could go, and MOST camping songs are not meant to be sung repeatedly. They’re fun to sing once or twice, but imagine singing them on repeat for 3 months. I don’t know about you but that is not really my idea of a good time.

A group of pirates on a ship, they’re a group, but they’re also a community. They are a job and a family in one. And, IMPORTANTLY, they are isolated for LONG stretches of time together, in a place where the only friendly social contact they have is one another and the only songs they have are the ones they know themselves. And the shanties they sung were meant to bring them together, often for a task (sometimes that task was not murdering each other out of boredom or stress), and to remind themselves that even on days where they can’t see a single other sign of human civilization as far as the eye can see in any direction, they are not alone.

And THAT particular, specific sense of community is HIGHLY appealing to people that have been stuck in one form of stressful isolation or another for MONTHS, almost a year at this point. Think back to the beginning. I can’t be the only one who remembers videos of people singing from their balconies together during the early lockdowns. I can’t be the only one who remembers the story of the night howl. People are desperate to reach out and say “Am I alone?” and just as desperate to answer “No!! I am still here! Are there others??”

So take a bunch of people who have been isolated for a long time (like pirates on the sea), with a good possibility that they’ve recently been exposed to a novel, fun concept (sea shanties) through a game (something more people probably played than usual because of the isolation), which they have potentially shared/spread to friends (because they are GOOD songs), and give them easy access to a single person singing one of these songs (a CATCHY song with easy, rhyming words and a good ONE-two-three-four beat, which humans love) that they are all now aware is meant to be sung as a group (which calls upon their nature as social creatures!!) or see others joining in as a group (because monkey-see-monkey-do is a HUGE human behavior phenomenon), and then give them a way to be included in this group with minimal effort (tiktok), as a way to feel connected to a wider community (those that view their inclusions) and have fun at the same time (which is DESPERATELY needed in a world where things are otherwise majorly crap)…

Well, is it any wonder? Maybe the exact, particular song is a bit random, because it could have been any shanty, but even that’s not particularly surprising either since it’s a shorter one (that fits in with Tiktok’s time limit) with easy lyrics (and a REALLY easy, repeating chorus, so it’s quickly learned) and it has a good, solid beat. Whoever first picked it may have chosen it “randomly” or may have narrowed it down from those type of criteria. You’d have to ask the first person to post.

Maybe people 20 years out wouldn’t be able to piece enough together, but right here right now, it seems like a fairly obvious culmination of events. Maybe not a predictable one, but one that, looking back, makes sense. Something something, Hindsight is 2020 right

how many people could get together in that zoom meeting made me think of this collab and how connected humans can be in music

Love love love this!!!! This should have been released into the charts and not what was actually released.


I dearly wish that people would view their bodies as they view flowers…

Veins everywhere?


Skin patches? Birthmarks?

hella rad~

Scars? Stretch marks?


Freckles? Moles? Acne scars?

heckie yeah~

Large? Curvy?


Small? Thin?


Missing a few pieces?

handsome as ever~

Feel like you just look weird?

you’re fantastic looking~

THIS is the best post ever. 


This is everything. Beauty can be seen anywhere and everywhere

Every flower is beautiful and unique in every single way. So is a human


I’ve seen a lot of posts on my dash tonight about users who are threatening suicide, with other Tumblr members posting in effort to try to get ahold of them. I think you all should see this:


1. Scroll to the top of your dashboard.

2. See the circular question mark icon at the top? It’s the third one over from your home symbol. Click on that, and a screen similar to the one in the picture will come up.

3. Where you can type in questions, the box with the magnifying glass at the top, type in the word “suicide.”

4. Click on the first link that shows up. It should say, “Pass the URL of the blog on to us.”

5. Type in the user’s URL and tell Tumblr admin that the user is contemplating suicide and has posted a message indicating that they are going through with it or will be attempting. Hit send! Tumblr administration will perform a number of actions to contact the user and take the necessary steps to prevent the suicide.


Reblog this to keep other users aware. Suicide isn’t a joke, and neither is someone’s life. If you didn’t know this, someone else may not, either. Pass it on.

why on earth doesn’t this have more notes

I actually had to do this once. She lived.

if you scroll past this on your dash you are absolutely heartless.

Reblog this!! This can save somebody’s life!




do not scroll down.


may I just update this?

see the little thing that says help?

Don’t ever scroll past this post. FUCKING NEVER SCROLL PAST!!!


Anyone know where it is on mobile ???

You report the user, choose “something else”, scroll down and choose “suicide or self harm”





Please don’t scroll past this post, you could save someone’s life.

Stop scrolling and reblog


please stop scrolling and reblog this, you could save someone’s life


Those were 2.20 minutes well spent!

If you think I've just spent over 2 minutes watching a hamster crawl round a cardboard box then you are absolutely right my friend!!

And it was worth it!!


Here’s a link:

There’s different colors representing different sea creatures ❤️🌊 

Just a little reminder that the US Military is the world’s biggest polluter.  The fight against ecological disaster must include fighting the war machine! 

Buy Poseidon devotional jewelry from here to help save the oceans boom

guys it gets even better! not only are they cleaning up our oceans, which in and of itself would be AMAZING, but they’re using their project to better the world in other ways too, including:

  • employing local women in Bali for 80% of their workforce
  • offering a Closed-Loop program for customers to return broken/worn out products (they have stuff other than bracelets too!) to be recycled again
  • donating $25,000 to Monterey Bay Aquarium for sea otter conservation, another $25,000 to Global Penguin Society, $10,000 to Ric O’Barry’s Dolphin Project, $25,000 to Captains For Clean Water to support Everglades restoration, $25,000 to The Marine Mammal Center in Hawaii for the care of critically endangered Hawaiian Monk Seals,  $20,000 to BirdLife International for seabird conservation,  $24,528 to Earth Day network to support the Canopy Project - a global campaign to plant 7.8 billion trees by 2020, and more
  • additionally, “donated $21,325 in 2018 and will donate another $10,000 in 2019 to support the production of powerful media and art that drive crucial conservation wins while giving people hope and inspiring them to act”

if you can’t afford $20 for their fundraising bracelets, they do have other recycled products available, and at the very least please reblog this to boost awareness! here’s the link to their site again:

Oh this is very cool


Be thankful for every day. Seeing every sunset is a blessing. It might be the end of another day, but it's another day that you've succeeded. Cherish each and every day. Look after and love one another. If you know somebody is struggling, just reach out and say hi. Smile in the street. Make a point of telling them they aren't alone. Hopefully that way, there'll be more people cherishing the sunsets. ❤❤❤ (at Blue Bell Hill) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIjD7DhB33md4ArOf6EA2nLyHGlDdncNzpIAAs0/?igshid=zsvga7n6kqp2

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