
So i remade

@afosremade / afosremade.tumblr.com

follow my new art @jasperhinkley and my new personal @afoswonton

i’ve remade my blog! if you’re lookin’ for an updated version of my two mains check  personal @afoswonton  and my new art blog: @jasperhinkley



Parrot caught singing let the bodies hit the floor

I was so done when it whispered…I would shit bricks if I heard that when I got up to get a drink in the middle of the night…

“Let the bodies hit the….FLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!!!”

oh my god he’s so into it



person about to invent hummus: man fuck these chickpeas *beats the shit out of them*

Im gonna invent powdered toes

honestly I don’t know what this means but I feel like you should go to jail


I might remake this blog I realize it's shitty

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