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Applying Lenormand techniques in Tarot can be quite fun and useful. The above spread is a way I have of getting to the bottom of a situation while also practicing my knighting paths. It’s called the “Knight’s Path,” because it’s a riff on the Lenormand technique of the same name, that follows the path of a knight on the chess board.


There’s a thing  called a “ME” candle. A Me candle is dedicated to yourself, usually burned when your personal energy is low.

Usually a pillar candle, it can be any color but my personal preference is white. You can dedicate the candle any way you like, but a simple way is to just hold it and focus on your intention of infusing the candle with your energy. It helps to do this on a good day when your energy is high!  You can dress the candle with essential oils that boost energy - like eucalyptus, lemon, grapefruit, cedarwood, peppermint.  Any citrus oils are great for boosting energy. Of course, it’s ok to NOT use eo’s if you don’t have them or can’t afford them.

You can also carve sigils and/or bind runes in the candle pertaining to boosting your energy. (this is actually my preferred method - it kind of makes it more personal)

You can burn your candle on low energy days, when you’re doing a spell/ritual to boost the energy of said spell. Or even whenever you feel the need.

Happy Witching , lovelies ❤


Melt Away Feelings

A spell to remove positive feelings towards a person from yourself.  “To stop a heart from jumping.”

What You Need:

  • Paper / Journal Entry
  • Cup
  • Water
  • Freezer
  • Sink


  • Taglock
  • Sigils
  • Solar Eclipse   

(I performed this spell on the Solar Eclipse, but this is not necessary.)

If you have a journal entry about your positive feelings, love, lust, etc. for this person, I recommend using that for your spell. It will have strong energy related to you and to the person. Otherwise, write down the feelings you want to be removed. 

On top of all this writing state your intention clearly. Be specific and leave no room for loopholes. What I wrote: “I will no longer engage in fight or flight as an initial response to seeing *their full name*”. My goal was to stop my heart from jumping, and erasing feelings was an after-effect. 

You may also include an optional sigil corresponding to your need.

After this, fold the paper shut. Fill a cup with water (I recommend a disposable cup if possible) and put the paper into the water.

Concentrate on the person to further imprint their energy. I imagined their face, and brief flashes of moments I shared with them.

Put this cup in the freezer and wait until it is solidly frozen. I left mine overnight the night prior to the solar eclipse.

When it is frozen, take it to a sink. You can either rip/cut the cup off if it is disposable, or put small amounts of hot water into the cup until the ice melts away from the sides enough to come out of the cup.

You should have a full ice chunk now, with the paper inside it.

Put the chunk on the drain of the sink, and under hot water. Watch the feelings melt away with the ice.

You can move it to make sure all the ice is gone from the waterlogged paper. The paper will fall apart easily. Rip it to pieces, and dispose of the pieces. 

Tagging @witches-ofcolor , one of my solar eclipse spells from today! :D

I'd suggest this too for "melting away" negative feelings of your own.


Witch Tip: Cleansing with no supplies

Sometimes we just don’t have the time to do in depth cleansing of your home and other spaces, and not everyone can do smoke cleansing or have access to complicated ingredients.  This is why your best friend is sound ! There are countless ways to use sound to cleanse a space.

  • Bells, wind chimes, pots and pans: All of these can be used to cleanse a room by shaking, tapping, or banging them together depending on how loud you want to be. 
  • Music: This can be anything from soothing mediation sounds to your favorite punk rock band. I personally choose based on what kind of energy I want to expel or put into my space.  You can play the music in your space and then stay and relax, physically clean, or just walk away and let the music do its work for however long you want.  Here is a tag full of posts about music in magic and the different meanings of different notes.
  • Metal or glass singing bowls: Now this is one that you’d have to buy, but it is a one time purchase. Singing bowls are made to let out one specific tone when you tap them or rub them with a hard object.  The vibrations are awesome for cleansing, and you can pick the tone that feels the most soothing for you.  
  • Singing: Pick your favorite song and then sing it, belt it out, serenade yourself, however feels right. Not to be lame but personally I love “love like you” from Steven Universe and other SU songs because the notes are really soothing and simple to sing while physically cleaning. 

I don’t really know what people generally call this method of sigil making, so I’m just calling it “Letter Shaping” because you’re using the basic shapes from certain letters. This is the most common form of sigil making, and it allows the most creative influence. As you see above the sigils are for nearly the same thing, yet the sigils came out completely different. Not because the purpose was different, but because I approached them both a different creative way, and that’s what I like so much about this method. There’s a lot of freedom and personalization involved.


Small Witchy Challenges to Reconnect to Your Practice

Sometimes it can be hard to really feel connected to the actual magickal side of being a witch. Personally I’m involved with my deities or other spiritual/personal things 110% of the time but I don’t always feel connected to my actual witchcraft. So here are a few small magickal challenges I thought up to help anyone in a similar situation.

✨ – Set aside a time once a week to burn a candle. Make it a color that connects to whatever aspect of your life you would like insight or growth in and spend 10 minutes watching the flame and opening yourself to whatever it is you’re seeking.

✨ – If you have any books with pre written simple spells in them (most intro to witchcraft books have a section) flip through it and find a spell that calls to you and do it! As written, just to practice getting out of your head and going through the motions of spell work.

✨ – Send out blessings. To your crush. A new friend. Your best friend. Your mom. Whoever.

✨ – Call up your energy into your palms and then place them on your own heart to send yourself love and healing and to connect yourself to your energy.

✨ – Spend some time picturing the kind of witch you wish you were, your ideal witchsona if you will. Then tell yourself that’s exactly who you already are. Keep reminding yourself whenever you feel disconnected from your craft that you are already an unbelievable witch.

✨ – Go back through your old book of shadows/grimoire and reflect on what’s worked for you in the past.

✨ – Wake up and tell yourself first thing “I am a witch. I am magick. My life is full of magick. I see and feel all the magick around me. I am a witch.”

✨ – Pick out outfits or accessories that make you feel witchy. (Bonus points for intentionally planning a super witchy outfit on the full moon)

✨ – Do a spell for anything that’s coming up in your life that you want to work out a certain way, no matter how trivial it seems. Test this week? Do a spell. About to start a work out routine? Do a spell. First date? Spell. Gotta stay on budget grocery shopping? Spell. Your worth it, it’s good practice, and if it all ends up working even better!

✨ – Write down spell ideas as they come to you. Save them as notes in your phone and then come back and flesh them out in your BOS later.

✨ – Come up with your own challenges! If you’d like to share, tag me on your post or send them to me, I’d love to hear your ideas!


Quick and Subtle Grounding.

Feel the through bottoms of your feet. Really focus on what they touch. Every fiber you can discern in the carpet. Have you ever focused on the texture of the inside of your shoes? If you’re outside, feel the subtle bumps in the concrete as you walk, or feel the grass bending underneath you. You can feel a lot even through your shoes if you direct your focus that way.


Full Moon Spoons

  • Spoon Level you choose
  • Time To Complete up to you

The full moon is a great time to gather up some extra energy to use later when you need it.  For this super easy spell I’ve listed some basics, but you can adapt and change it to your own needs as you so choose.

You will need:

  • an object (a spoon, crystal, a rock, pendant, favorite necklace…)
  • yourself
  • the full moon
  • optional; moon water, storm water, salt water, etc
  • optional; herbs you like
  • optional: a black or white cloth (up to your personal pref)
  • optional: a charging board
  1. Go to a place where you can see the full moon.  A window will work, or you can go out into your yard, an enclosed porch, your deck, whatever.  If you can’t make it outside, just use visualization techniques in place of this.
  2. Take your object out.  If you want/have a cloth, lay it down and put your object on it.  Alternatively, just use the palm of your hand.  Let the object sit in the moonlight for a few moments while you center yourself.
  3. Cleanse the object.  You can do this however you like; washing it with moon or storm water, running it through candle smoke or incense, visually cleansing it, placing it atop a cleansing sigil, drawing an invisible sigil over it, etc, etc, etc.
  4. Start to charge your object.  Sprinkle it with herbs if you like.  Surround it with crystal chips or a grid if that’s your thing.  Use a charging board.
  5. Imagine a thin, silver spider thread of energy going from the moon and ending at your object.  The moon will charge your object, the object will store this extra energy for you to use.  You can say a prayer, an affirmation, or do a vocal spell during this part if you so choose.
  6. Leave your object in the moonlight for a while.  You can sit and meditate for a few minutes if you want, or leave it outside or on the windowsill overnight.  Whatever works for you.
  7. Return that thread to the moon.  Disconnect it gently, and imagine it slowly fading away.  Thank the moon for its blessing and energy, please.

When you’re finished, take your object and put it somewhere safe.  I like to wrap mine in a piece of white or black cloth to ward off anything that might try to siphon energy from it, so it’s still there when I absolutely need it.  

You can charge more than one item during each full moon if you wish, but try to remember to dedicate the same amount of time/energy to each of them or you may end up with some stronger and weaker ‘batteries.’

When you need the energy, take out the object and connect your energy to it, using the thread technique or whatever other one you like.  Siphon off a little bit at a time until you feel better.  Make a reminder to charge the object during the next full moon after you use it. 

As always, best of luck, my fellow spoonies.  <3

(Read our follow-up here.)

Monthly rebagel!

Full moon Sep 6, 2017.


My grandma told me every time you move the clasp of a necklace from the front of your neck to the back, you should make a wish. I’m now using this as a small day to day spell

I love this! I had heard this from a friend’s mom when I was young, but I didn’t know it was actually a thing!


It’s okay to be too tired for magick today. It’s okay to be too tired for a week, a month. Your health and your body and your mind are more important. 

You’re still a witch if it’s been a while.

If you’ve ever felt you’re a witch, you are.

No expirations.


Low-Energy Grimoire Ideas

Also for witches who just don’t have a lot of time. I have a lot of anxiety, which can lead to perfectionism, and stress myself out worrying that drawing in my grimoire will turn out horribly. I’m also naturally a pretty low-energy person, and can’t afford to spend all of it working on a single page. These are some things I use to speed up the process, and to make it much less consuming.

  • Check out the scrap booking section of craft/hobby stores. There’s many things you can find that could be useful, like small frames, borders, stencils, appliques, patterned paper. During Halloween they usually have more spookie-type stuff, like black cats and bats.
  • Washi tape. There’s so many different kinds of washi tape, and they make really nice borders. I particularly like the floral ones, and the ones with polka-dots.
  • Stickers. You can get stickers from so many places, and you can usually find some pretty cute ones, like animals or flowers, and seasonal ones for holidays/sabbats. Dollar stores also usually have quite a few in the school supply aisle. Online stores like LookHuman and Etsy have some fun ones, though they can get kind of expensive. If you have a printer, you can also try making your own stickers.
  • Craft scraps. Bits of colored paper, fabric scraps, ribbon, buttons, tiny bows. Anything you want. For example; I glued the last bit of some black lace ribbon to a page about graveyard dirt. My grimoire is a mini three-ring binder, so it’s easy for me to take pages out in order work on them. If your book does not have removable pages, be careful of the materials you use. Things that don’t lay flat, like buttons, can make it difficult to work on your pages.
  • Print out pictures. I try to avoid this unless I can really make it look nice, and not look like a school-project collage. Unless that’s what you like. In which case, go for it! This could also be an easier way to add in pictures of animals and plants without having to draw tiny little details.
  • Print out whole pages. (If you have a book to which you can add pages.) Things like recipes, articles, or anything information-heavy. I get that writing things down yourself can be helpful, and even make you feel more connected to your grimoire. But, personally, I don’t feel like every page needs to be hand-done. Some recipes I’ll keep on recipe cards in pockets/envelopes inside the book, or if I want full mythology stories, I’d print it out instead of trying to hand-write the whole thing.
  • Use photographs. These can be printed out, or maybe you have one of those instant Polaroid-type cameras. If you go on walks, you could stick in pictures of local flora and fauna, or make of page for spots around town that help you connect spiritually, like your favorite beach or a local cemetery.
  • Cut out pictures from magazines and newspapers. It can be difficult to find pictures that work with what you’re writing about, but it’s still worth flipping through them. Specialty magazines may work better, like a gardening magazine. Around September/October, history and travel magazines will usually do articles on haunted locations or the history of witchcraft in different areas, though I would check the accuracy.
  • Keep the drawings simple. There’s so many pictures floating around of these beautiful, hand-drawn grimoire pages. And while those are great, it’s also important to keep in mind that yours does not need to look like that. It’s fine if you want something simple, or need something simple. It’s your book, do what works best for you. Don’t stress yourself out trying to make a masterpiece.
  • Write out your initial notes before copying them into your grimoire. For me, it would take too much time and energy to hand-write everything twice. I also tend to reorganize things a lot. So I use word documents on my computer instead. Most computers will come with some type of text program, like Notepad or Microsoft Word. If you need one, I recommend checking out OpenOffice, which works just as well as Word and can be downloaded for free.

That’s all I have! I hope it was helpful, and feel free to add ideas.

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