
The Shen Yuan Nightmare

@jiangwanyinscatmom / jiangwanyinscatmom.tumblr.com

Let's hope I can keep this up...
#1 stan for: Doesn't Love
Jiang Cheng in
The Right Way And Upcoming Candidate Lan Xichen!

Hello there twitter refugees! As I have seen an uptick with followers I feel the need for both of our sakes, to let you know what to expect on my blog before we all commit to each other and some basic ground rules here on my humble tumblr land piece and if you as well need to block me:

1: You follow or reblog from any self titled “Anti-MXTX” bloggers with that specified carrd description, unfollow me and don’t reblog my posts please. 💜 This also involves anything do with “MXTX critical” as well.

2: Jin Guangyao stans don’t try me, I am not nice about him so just block me if you don’t enjoy that as well as me very much despising Xiyao as a ship. I generally tag anything to do with him as, I hate jin guangyao and jin guangyao stans block me.

3: I adore my submissively breedable Jiang Cheng as a joke because he is damn trash, if you portray him as best UwU jiujiu and bro evar blocking me is best for your benefit. To put bluntly, if you think Wei Wuxian was more in the wrong toward him through the plot, my meta here are not going to be for you as my sympathy for this character is low. I don't tag anything as anti jiang cheng, as I do like him as one of my favorite characters to analyze, and what I have here is simply reiterating what we are given from text and the author.

4: I am rather critical of the portrayals of fandom tropes for MDZS that is horribly prevalent on Twitter and this runs the gamut of all sides. I am more than happy to expand on my thoughts on anything for this as well for any questions sent my way about what I think of "so and so".

5: I am a Wei Wuxian and Lan Xichen stan first and foremost and will make that apparent through my meta as I get rather annoyed when the points of these two are missed.

6: Don't come to my inbox because I ranted or made fun of a bad OOC fandom headcanon and it personally upset you, your bad takes upset me. Equivalent Exchange, as Edward Elric said.

7: I do not and will not post anons linking to other blogs, this is basic courtesy only on my part as I am not comfortable with providing direct links that are not my own or of those that I have reblogged or commented on with my additional post commentary If I get particularly annoyed enough to say something in reaction.

8: FengQing shippers can block me instead of responding to my posts, I take none of what you say into account, thank you, don't come again 😊

9: Yue Qingyuan owes nothing to Shen Jiu himself and as the plot significantly changes due to Shen Yuan, there's nothing more for him to take responsibility for by the end as Shen Yuan exonerated him from any further responsibility to move on. Don't argue this with me as any what if's are unwarranted, needless and useless semantics.

With that, call me Orion or Ava!

98% MDZS here with a few smatterings of the other MXTX novels, c-dramas, Priest’s novels, video games and shitty memes. And uhhh, lots of clothes and pretty photos.

Only other info that is needed is that I am a lesbian, mexican/latina and 30+.


Amazing how it's been proven by multiple wide spread studies that physical violent corporal punishment no matter how severe or seemingly minor does nothing to teach a child discipline and only reinforces negative connotations and further dangerous antics of children under it's usage. Corporal punishment is meant to degrade, teach a child to misunderstand boundaries, be afraid, and that anger is how to solve most issues as an adult. It's never about discipline, it's about teaching a child that violence and hurt is a tool to control another and to treat others as having less capability to process feelings. Because children are too dumb to understand what real hurt is.

And this is what people grow up to follow and mock while espousing "I'm just fine, I lived didn't I". This is why children are overlooked and told to remember all that violence was done out of love and continue that exact same cycle again.

It's not abuse and doesn't hurt as bad if you remember, "My parents love me though".


Liu Mingyan: And then I decided to kind of do this bit with the blood worms here to get him hot and bothered but it's really you manipulating him

Luo Binghe: You're very creative Liu-shijie, I can't even look it has me blushing too much.


Luo Binghe: Shizun keeps telling me to learn more because I'm so inept after all...

Shen Qingqui: (!!!!!!!?,!,'cncnnmddksj)


It will never cease to amaze me how Lan Wangji, who is shown to never speak down to the children that are under his care, nor does he ever physically slap one to the point they reel down, is called an abusive mean caretaker for continuing to implement hand stands as his form of discipline. Which ironically does have the benefit of growing their strength more so than their impromptu and can be dangerous night hunting, that he also does not tell them to discontinue to foster their own will for independence and free thought during said disciplinary practice he implements.

Yet for the likes of Jiang Cheng and Madam Yu their physical aggress which is called an outlet for their anger and hate only, is said to be seen as love. A child flinching from your hand is a reaction of negative connotation to that action and preparation to tighten up in the expectation of that pain. It is not something to dismiss and downplay as it is and has been proven that corporal punishment is not and has not been an effective form of "discipline" for children and only fosters fear and their own aggression to which affects their own self worth and esteem to act out even further in the hopes of garnering positive attention from their well meaning actions and their further dangerous actions to receive a positive one from the one that implements corporal punishment only as discipline.

Jin Ling is a victim of childhood abuse from a caretaker and reacts as such, no matter how many times you say Jiang Cheng loves him. His love is not and was not a positive force for Jin Ling.


And yet everyone will harp on the Lan for being an abusive sect. Do I think all of their punishments good and appropriate? No. But notice that Lan Wangji did suffer those punishments, all the way up to the worst they had, and said that’s bull pucky. It didn’t help me change. It didn’t deter Wei Wuxian, just made him determined to hide better. It sure as hell didn’t prevent the sect from acting unrighteously. And his response to being whipped was not to avoid Wei Wuxian are to repudiate him, so even that level of violence didn’t work.

Lan Wangji is not interested in making the kids too afraid of him to act out. He’s interested in making sure they’ve had time to think about the consequences. There’s a lot of time to think when upside down.

Exactly. The act of corporal familial punishment is not to instill structure or responsibility. It's the use of violence to subjugate and deny a child's individualistic learnings. To argue the "care" a parent or guardian may have while doing this is a dismissal of abuse and harm. Full out the context does not matter when we are privy to it and actual research has shown this to be indisputable.


It will never cease to amaze me how Lan Wangji, who is shown to never speak down to the children that are under his care, nor does he ever physically slap one to the point they reel down, is called an abusive mean caretaker for continuing to implement hand stands as his form of discipline. Which ironically does have the benefit of growing their strength more so than their impromptu and can be dangerous night hunting, that he also does not tell them to discontinue to foster their own will for independence and free thought during said disciplinary practice he implements.

Yet for the likes of Jiang Cheng and Madam Yu their physical aggress which is called an outlet for their anger and hate only, is said to be seen as love. A child flinching from your hand is a reaction of negative connotation to that action and preparation to tighten up in the expectation of that pain. It is not something to dismiss and downplay as it is and has been proven that corporal punishment is not and has not been an effective form of "discipline" for children and only fosters fear and their own aggression to which affects their own self worth and esteem to act out even further in the hopes of garnering positive attention from their well meaning actions and their further dangerous actions to receive a positive one from the one that implements corporal punishment only as discipline.

Jin Ling is a victim of childhood abuse from a caretaker and reacts as such, no matter how many times you say Jiang Cheng loves him. His love is not and was not a positive force for Jin Ling.

Yes, Madam Yu also used Zidian on Wei Wuxian before and he was used to that as well.

"Of course, there was no question at all about who had taken the lead. So Madam Yu’s next sentence was, most predictably, “Wei Ying! Seems to me like you have a death wish!”

"Sorry!” said Wei Wuxian loudly. “I didn’t know shijie would come! I’ll go look for my clothes right now!”

Madam Yu was even more incensed. “You dare run from me?! Get the hell back here and kneel!”

As she spoke, she cracked her whip. A searing pain spread down Wei Wuxian’s back.

"Yowch!” he exclaimed aloud. The pain was so intense it almost sent him rolling on the ground."

Do not ever come to my posts denying corporal abuse with wrong text context as well. You specifically pissed me off now.


It will never cease to amaze me how Lan Wangji, who is shown to never speak down to the children that are under his care, nor does he ever physically slap one to the point they reel down, is called an abusive mean caretaker for continuing to implement hand stands as his form of discipline. Which ironically does have the benefit of growing their strength more so than their impromptu and can be dangerous night hunting, that he also does not tell them to discontinue to foster their own will for independence and free thought during said disciplinary practice he implements.

Yet for the likes of Jiang Cheng and Madam Yu their physical aggression which is called an outlet for their anger and hate only, is said to be seen as love. A child flinching from your hand is a reaction of negative connotation to that action and preparation to tighten up in the expectation of that pain. It is not something to dismiss and downplay as it is and has been proven that corporal punishment is not and has not been an effective form of "discipline" for children and only fosters fear and their own aggression to which affects their own self worth and esteem to act out even further in the hopes of garnering positive attention from their well meaning actions and their further dangerous actions to receive a positive one from the one that implements corporal punishment only as discipline.

Jin Ling is a victim of childhood abuse from a caretaker and reacts as such, no matter how many times you say Jiang Cheng loves him. His love is not and was not a positive force for Jin Ling.


Of course I can't control whatever unhinged responses I get to anything I post, but sometimes, just sometimes my default response is:

And leads into something I have also said regarding how the fanbase, particularly the Western side of things treat MXTX. I honestly don't think an author should be hated for saying they wrote a romantic relationship in a certain way for the work and they do not like that to be changed for fandom exploration because they have their own opinions about that, while continuing to let fans do as they want because they can't control fandom. I think it's just basic common courtesy to let authors have their own boundaries given fandom harps on their own level of comfort and control yet hypocritically attack creators of their hyperfixation for having opinions of their own about what they have made.

Fandom is very fixated on personal comfort with disregard to the original creators as well as their fellow fans in these spaces. What you assume is you comfort level is not the default of others and at that same time should not be about creators and those in this fellow space. It is to a detriment and rudely, that this is ignored and overstepped and is very much a sense of individual entitlement.

Anonymous asked:

I don't know if you even care about TS existence, but I can't help thinking about WWX leaving JC every time "And you say I abandoned the ship/But I was going down with it/My white knuckle dying grip/Holding tight to your quiet resentment" comes up. I'm haunted by it at this point. And also 'who's afraid of little old me' its just so him after that 3 months, when he's demanding to know where the Wens are... I'm humbling at this point hahaha I hope you're doing good!

Bro I'm not quite sure if I understand here. But good for you I think?


Okay, now I understand you're referencing Taylor Swift! (No I have very little knowledge of her stuff aside from Shake It Off).

But Jiang Cheng is indeed unironically a stand in for all ex's that took things dramatically

Anonymous asked:

I don't know if you even care about TS existence, but I can't help thinking about WWX leaving JC every time "And you say I abandoned the ship/But I was going down with it/My white knuckle dying grip/Holding tight to your quiet resentment" comes up. I'm haunted by it at this point. And also 'who's afraid of little old me' its just so him after that 3 months, when he's demanding to know where the Wens are... I'm humbling at this point hahaha I hope you're doing good!

Bro I'm not quite sure if I understand here. But good for you I think?


I do think a lot of people that read WWX's story fall into the same trappings the world in story said about him by placing credibility on what is said by the ones in supposed great and respectable standing then a man that wasn't considered to be any of that in their eyes and therefore able to be derided and hated. What WWX did was a condemnation by the traditional classist world that is and should be criticized by it's modern audience from the start.

We are not supposed to excuse or find anything reasonable in the actions of the jianghu who did use and then condemned him for their own prosperity. As well as killing those under his protection because they themselves knew what they did was vile and something to be ashamed of when exposed by the Wens rising up from the blood pools. It was a cruel and hateful thing to have done. Yet none of them do have the honor of admitting to following those in power fully for the idea of clout, not for actual morality, just lies selfishness and cruelty to be sanctimonious.


Love and peace but I am totally too much of a main character/secondary character person to care for the actual side characters of anything


With the encouragement of @admirableadmiranda I had some thoughts regarding fandom and it's expectations that they want, and not necessarily the message coming from the text we read and are supposed to digest. As well as how it places these strict boundaries of not being able to make these characters nuanced as they are constantly called. I feel like what fandom wants a lot of the time is this self fulfilling need in themselves or want served some sort of comeuppance despite that's a call of further unnecessary cruelty and if that's what you choose you aren't any different from the in world condemnation and finding that scapegoat.

If you choose to see a sort of betterment for a character to please yourself it is to deny the heart and harm they canonically caused and underplay their existing personality to play to the wants you have. If you choose to hate them as well it is to the condemnation that they aren't capable of betterment upon the character's core nature that is nothing like our own.

In this sense I am specifically noting the way fandom deals with Jiang Cheng. They do not let him have his own sense of "redemption" or choose to see it as dissatisfying based on their own yearning and self experience. Yet it's not about "us". Self peace of one is not, and should not be, what I need for my own self. For Jiang Cheng his own peace is realizing that sacrifice and the catharsis of that acceptance is being able to accept yourself.

Jiang Cheng decides to be as he is without condemning Wei Wuxian finally for what he is or what he became as an adult. His core nature is still unlikeable, chooses force to keep anyone from arguing and is arrogant. But he uses that to protect Jin Ling, despite how much fandom may dislike this fact, he does love and who loves him in turn. He uses his nature now to protect someone he was not willing to do that for previously. He is not kinder or softer in nature and never will be, but he is standing by someone he truly does want to prosper without the expectation of gain for himself.

He stops forcing his own way onto Jin Ling as we are shown Jin Ling openly continuing his own hunts with the Lans as well as Wei Wuxian without Jiang Cheng interfering or inserting that Jin Ling is wrong for his associations he has chosen. As much as he hated Wei Wuxian, he also hated himself and by the end is able to accept his own bitter core without dying in hate as his mother had done. He is able to escape the shadow of being his mother in full, on HIS terms and no one else's. The point is not what is a dissatisfaction for the audience but what is a peace of self for the character.

What am I to decry a person's peace finally in their existence that does not resemble mine or what I want? That is the arrogance of the self that I refuse to partake of and find even more cruel to force on another and tell them "You are wrong for finding your own sense of self and peace because that's what I think".

Anonymous asked:

Hello! Can I ask if there was mention of how JC was doing after he found out that WWX gave him his golden core? (specifically in the novel) I feel like there was but I cant remember if I hallucinated it or it was canon... consuming and interacting with the fanon media has been... uhh... yea... Hahaha --; Im not quite sure anymore too cuz its been years since I read the novel too...

Thanks for your time.

Good day, anon!

There is no on page mention of Jiang Cheng concerning the core transfer after it. Only of Wei Wuxian still recovering from the surgery itself before he is thrown into the Burial Mounds. The next on screen interaction we have is between Lan Wangji and Jiang Cheng who is shown to be as he had been pre-core loss.

Edit: @admirableadmiranda also noted you asked specifically after he found out about the core which... is a lot less nice?

Essentially he threw a tantrum within Guanyin Temple as to why he wasn't told at first, cried and then continued to frame it once more as Wei Wuxian asking him to see it as repayment for the deaths of his family. And... that's that. His closing thoughts were that he finally understood why he didn't tell Wei Wuxian of his distraction of the Wens. Because why tell a truth that would only break the stability that someone has finally received by telling them they owe it to you to for your sacrifice. He was kicked down and learned to live with it because he was no longer being coddled and made to be an adult. You live with what you did, caused and move on.

"Jiujiu, were you going to say something earlier?”
"What?” Jiang Cheng said. “No.”
"Just now!” Jin Ling persisted. “I saw it. You were going to say something to Wei Wuxian, but you didn’t.”
After a long silence, Jiang Cheng shook his head. “There’s nothing to say.”
What was there to say?
Perhaps there was this:
“I didn’t get caught by the Wen Clan because I insisted on returning to Lotus Pier to retrieve my parents’ bodies.
"When you went to buy rations in that small town during our escape, a group of Wen cultivators caught up to us.
I noticed them early and left the spot where I’d been sitting to hide in a corner of the street. I didn’t get caught, but they were patrolling, and they would have surely bumped into you while you were getting us food.
“So I ran out and lured them away.”
But just as the Wei Wuxian of the past who’d extracted his golden core for Jiang Cheng had been unable to tell him the truth, the Jiang Cheng of the present could no longer bring himself to speak up.

Why continue to dwell on what has happened and in the past that can't be changed or make up for what you had done in hate against another now that you know? Jiang Cheng has made peace nothing more can be said or changed now between them.

Anonymous asked:

yeah whenever i see people like "jgy and lxc MUST have been in a relationship its basically canon" im like...watch out babe your amatnormativity is showing

It's so tiring as well as uncomfortably misogynistic since they just... pretend Qin Su doesn't exist or act as if Jin Guangyao hadn't actively courted her to play up a romance with Lan Xichen that doesn't exist. And I suppose I wouldn't be so salty but the constant idea that having such faith in someone MUST mean it's romantic or have romantic connotations for it to somehow be meaningful.

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