
Burning Silently Strong

@taerellavellan / taerellavellan.tumblr.com


…. hhhhiiiiiiiiiii. Guess who lol.

I’m reaaally tired rn so this is gonna be quick but basically… I’m baaaaack and so is Taaaeeeee. It’s been a crazy 2019. 2018 was weird too but eh. I’m back!

THERE IS A HUMONGOUS GIGANTIC CHARACTER SHEET OF TAE on the new blog that took me far too long to make and I am never drawing something of that magnitude ever again (I say as I plan to make one for my Hawke like the masochist that I am).

But yes, I don’t want to go through all of my posts to update tags, and I’m tired of juggling separate blogs for separate fandoms because I miss out on interactions with friends and mutuals that way… so that’s why I decided to make a new blog that will be my new main hub from now on and where I will be posting all future Tae and Jarv art and general Dragon Age stuff (and other fandoms when I get to it). Everything is and will be tagged so you can simply blacklist whatever you’re not interested in seeing.

It’s still a work in progress though! There’s a lot to add.

This blog will remain an archive for Tae’s old Solavellan days and I will likely not check this blog again (except to maybe reblog this post), so please give the new blog a look-over (and maybe follow). :D

I’m going to follow back some people and hopefully I’ll see you on the other side! I can’t even put into words how much I’ve missed my Dragon Age babies <3333


.... hhhhiiiiiiiiiii. Guess who lol.

I’m reaaally tired rn so this is gonna be quick but basically... I’m baaaaack and so is Taaaeeeee. It’s been a crazy 2019. 2018 was weird too but eh. I’m back!

THERE IS A HUMONGOUS GIGANTIC CHARACTER SHEET OF TAE on the new blog that took me far too long to make and I am never drawing something of that magnitude ever again (I say as I plan to make one for my Hawke like the masochist that I am).

But yes, I don’t want to go through all of my posts to update tags, and I’m tired of juggling separate blogs for separate fandoms because I miss out on interactions with friends and mutuals that way... so that’s why I decided to make a new blog that will be my new main hub from now on and where I will be posting all future Tae and Jarv art and general Dragon Age stuff (and other fandoms when I get to it). Everything is and will be tagged so you can simply blacklist whatever you’re not interested in seeing.

It’s still a work in progress though! There’s a lot to add.

This blog will remain an archive for Tae’s old Solavellan days and I will likely not check this blog again (except to maybe reblog this post), so please give the new blog a look-over (and maybe follow). :D

I’m going to follow back some people and hopefully I’ll see you on the other side! I can’t even put into words how much I’ve missed my Dragon Age babies <3333


from now on your tumblr nickname is whatever you get from this sexual identity generator 



Scientific lesbian

cough syrup bisexual lmfao

Non-Newtonian Androgyne

Foxy gay goth


😭😭😭 it’s true boys


H,,How is this a sexuality

Probs not a sexuality but true either way

Both of these suit me beautifully

I saw a goth worm bisexual on there, I think. That suits you a lot

department store twink i-


“uncanny lesbian”


This is in fact correct

Vampiric queer


ludicrously overpowered

Ok then

Crafty Grandmother



Sensible aesthetic gay


Non-Newtonian elder gay


Wildlife Goth

cursed lesbian

aristocratic femme? so close

i feel personally fucking attacked right now.

stealth-mode otter LISTEN




It’s my birthday tomorrow so I dyed my hair today, and I had a bunch of peacock feathers lying around, and my hairdresser was all “let’s use one!“

You can’t really tell, except a little in the first photo, but the black has a blueish tint/shine to it. Really happy with it, I was so done with the red I had before this, which wasn’t red anymore anyway, thank you sun.

okay but
fuck your stereotypes
long hair is not “girly”
the same way short hair is not “manly”
hair has no gender
hair is just hair
&as long as you’re not disrespecting a culture with the way you do it
you keep on doing you
Its like someone looked into my brain and decided to make a photo set based on men I would find so overwhelmingly attractive I couldn’t look directly at them if I met them in person
I…….I just…
today is a GOOD day!
@claroquequiza I know in my heart that this post is made for you.
Yes. Yes, it was. 
@hpinfalsettoland wow this is soooooo you
Wow thanks for tagging me

I’m sorry, I cannot abide that Keith Hamilton Cobb wasn’t in this set.

Source: actionables

Okay so I noticed this a few weeks ago but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a post on it so I wanted to share this adorable revelation with you guys.


So Anders saves someone’s life the first time he escapes! That’s great, not all surprising, very Anders. Much Anders.

But get this:

He was twelve.

Think about it. Here Anders is, a twelve-year-old kid. He accidentally sets his family’s barn on fire, his own father is afraid of him and readily gives him over to the Templars, he’s ripped from his life and put in Kinloch Hold. He’s so distraught that he won’t even speak. He’s being fed all that Chantry bullshit about mages being inherently dangerous, ‘curses in the eyes of the Maker’, and unstable; that his magic is something to be feared. He is something to be feared, someone undeserving of freedom. Something his own father believes. (I know I already said that, but I reeally hate Anders’ father.)

And then he escapes, and he saves someone’s life. This could very well have been the first time that Anders realized his magic wasn’t a curse, that he wasn’t a curse for being a mage.

Just imagine for a sec. After the Templars finally find him with his phylactery, little twelve-your-old Anders being led back to the Tower in chains, clutching his new pendant to his chest and refusing to let anyone take it, this reminder that his magic isn’t ‘evil’ but can be good, that he is good. That he isn’t a curse.

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