


ask me about my cat.

حسابات إسرائيلية على تلغرام تنشر صوراً لاعتقال مدنيين في شمال غزة ثم اقتيادهم عراة معصوبي الأعين إلى مناطق نائية، إحدى الصور تظهرهم أمام حفرة كبيرة فيما يبدو أنه تحضير لإعدام جماعي


Israeli accounts on Telegram publish pictures of civilians being arrested in northern Gaza and then taken naked and blindfolded to remote areas. One of the pictures shows them in front of a large hole in what appears to be preparation for a mass execution.

Corroborates with the eye witness accounts of the Palestinian survivors. The caption in Arabic translated essentially says that the zionist occupation invaded a school that was being used as a shelter by civilians, rounded up all the men and boys above the age of 15, put them in the schoolyard, forced them to undress in front of them women and children, and then shot them in cold blood. The school yards and streets are full of martyrs. They are intentionally repeating all the steps of the Nakba, in 2023.


maybe I’m not doomed by the narrative. maybe the narrative is doomed by me


When I walk into the mall and see Christmas decorations up the day after Halloween, I feel the same way Hamlet did when his mom married his annoying uncle so shortly after his father’s death.

Thrift, thrift, Horatio! the Halloween Mars Bars/Did coldly furnish forth the Christmas stockings

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