
I work at a daycare with infants.

One of our baby girls is fat, in the 99th percentile for her age. She is super cute and sweet. Lately, she has been sick with various breathing issues, so she has been reluctant to take her bottles. Normally, she’ll take 4 ounces of formula at lunch and 8 ounces in the afternoon. Today, I was lucky to get to her take 5 all day.

There was a substitute covering a lunch break in my classroom today. We emphasized to her that we need to keep trying to get the baby to drink her bottle until she finished it. She said, “Why are you guys so worried about taking her bottle?”

My coworker replied, “That’s where all her nutrients are. She needs the nutrients and the water.”

To which the substitute replied, “But she’s so fat. She doesn’t need it.”

Thin privilege is a small, pretty baby getting better childcare because the caretaker doesn’t think she’s too fat to be allowed to eat.

This reminds me of a cousin of mine who ended up with her kids being taken away from her by social services for a number of reasons but mostly for nearly killing her baby daughter. How?

By starving her. She insisted that her baby was ‘too fat’ and had an aim to remove any and all ‘chubbyness’ so her baby would be thin. She’d already been warned by her doctor about the baby not getting enough food, but insisted she knew best.

After several months of this her baby passed out cold one day and was rushed into hospital where the doctors found her to have severe malnutrition, a low body temperature and low pulse rate. They asked my cousin what she’d been feeding her daughter and she said “one bottle of skimmed milk a day. I don’t want her growing up fat.”

Even after nearly killing her daughter my cousin maintained her view that fat = bad and ended up with all her kids taken from her because she was starving them and neglecting them.

When your fatphobia leads you to starving your own children then you’ve got serious problems.

(Note. She still, to this day, maintains the view that she was right and the doctors were wrong. “They just want fat kids so they can keep employed treating them for all those diseases that being fat causes.” = her actual words.)


My mom had me dieting with her when I was eleven. She had me eating less than 600 calories a day because she was worried I was going to “get huge.” She even grounded me once because she found out my friends were bringing me lunches! I ended up passing out, going to the ER, and getting two IVs at once BC I was so goddamn dehydrated. Soooooo surprised they didn’t call child services… And looking back, this was the root of my anorexia. I’m nearly 22 and still fighting it. Please don’t starve your fucking children.


For fucks sake babies are SUPPOSED to be fat, what is wrong with people? It’s just stored energy, and growing children need stored energy - an 11 year old is just about to hit some major growing years. Damn. 




and it kills

This is no joke. people will literally starve their own babies cause they don’t want them getting fat. A parent brought in their six month old baby who was having breathing issues and kept getting sick. the parent was asked if the baby was eating regularly and the parent straight up told the doctor that they only feed the baby once a day. ONCE A DAY. A FUCKING BABY. they even had the nerve to say because they didn’t want the baby to get fat. people like this are real. they would rather have a dead baby than a fat one.

My youngest son is a very big boy and has been since he was born. When he was 10 months old I took him for his well-baby check and vaccinations. The nurse noted his weight and said, quite casually, “He is in the 99th percentile for weight so he is at risk for obesity. You may want to keep an eye on that.” I said, “He is exclusively breastfed. He refuses to eat any solids yet.” What did she expect me to do? What would it mean to “keep an eye on” an exclusively breastfed baby’s weight? 

She backed off saying, ‘Well he looks fine!” – proving once again that weight bias is not truly about health – But I know many other parents who are not as informed as I am about weight science and size diversity would react to this interaction by policing their child’s food intake, if not as an infant, then when he was an older child. This is exactly the type of seemingly-inconsequential interaction that starts the ball rolling on a lifetime of dieting, disordered eating, negative body image, and weight-based abuse for too many fat people.

Years later when he was five, another doctor measured his weight and height and commented that he is off the charts on both, but “at least he is in proportion.” And if he was not “in proportion,” I am sure I would have been advised once again to “watch his weight.” 

I no longer allow healthcare providers to weight my children unless it is absolutely medically necessary. They are unable to control their weight talk, which is a known harm for children.

We need to completely eliminate weight talk from medicine, especially when it comes to children. Even the smallest exposure can have terrible consequences.


A friend from college had been going to the doctor because she was having trouble breathing. She was told to lose weight. Over the course of several years, she went back to the doctors time and time again, telling them that she’d been sticking to the diet but because of her breathing problems she had been unable to even walk for more than 20 minutes at a time. The doctor got her into an exercise programme and told her that she just needed to really try to lose weight because that was clearly the reason for her breathing problems. By the time they found the tumour on her lungs, it was inoperable. She only lived three months after diagnosis. She was 25. She’d had the tumour for over five years. The doctor was so focused on the fact that my friend was “fat”, that they refused to look for any underlying cause. They killed her.

Weight-first treatment KILLS. Fatphobia KILLS.

I have 2 scary stories to share about fatphobic doctors & parents harming their childs/patients’ health:

1. The 4 years old daughter of a friend of mine came to our house to spend the weekend. She gave me a letter from her mom that said that the child was in a glutenfree diet because she was getting ‘awfully fat’ when eating cookies or bread (my celiac ass; who gets dhiarrea and loses a scary amount of weight whenever I eat something with gluten was like ’???’).

You can bet that I went to the supermarket with the kid and told her ‘go & take whatever you feel like eating’ and the poor child came back smiling with her arms full of biscuits and cupcakes.

She didn’t got sick (as a celiac would get) and told me later that she hated the diet her mother made her follow; because her cousins didn’t had to pass through that.

And what’s the scariest thing about this story? Her mother was a NURSE. A fucking nurse who didn’t have a clue of the harm that she was doing to her daughter’s body!

2. My little sister started to feel fatigued and dizzy at 9 years old. She felt nauseated at the sight of food and had abdominal pain that increased with physical activity.

Mom got her to the ER and the doctor dismissed it saying: ‘she’s fat and probably is feeling ill after eating too much burgers, get her to make some exercise and she will be better in no time’.My mom didn’t felt ok with the diagnosis and took my sister with a second doctor who also told her that ‘the child was just fat’.

My sister’s skin was starting to get yellow as the days passed and the abdominal pain was getting awful so my mom (heaven bless her!) got her to the ER for the third time:


She survived after a long and painful recovery who involved being in bed for a whole year (remember that we’re speaking of a 9 years old child). Luckily they saved her liver and she didn’t went through a transplant… but let this sink:

If it weren’t for my mother, fatphobia would have killed her. Fatphobia kills kids and teenagers, fatphobia kills inocent people everyday. It treats human beings as lesser than others and hurts them in their most vulnerable times.

It’s a real shame that we all have so much stories to share about this issue. A REAL SHAME.


Future doctors, interns, and residents following me:


Don’t let bias against your fat patients kill them!

i’d really like my thin followers to reblog this if you can. fat people are already here for each other, we need you guys to help us out too. this is something i never see anyone actually talking about in-depth, and it’s disappointing. be there for your fat siblings, too.

These are my kids, aged 4.5 and 2.5

They are in the 99th and 100th percentile, respectively, for weight and height. What the actual fuck? If some doctor weighed my daughter and told me she needed to lose weight due to some chart, I’d burn his clinic to the ground.

I would like to say, I think your kids are angels and I love them

My older brother is literally a wall of muscle. He’s an athlete and barely has an ounce of fat on him. About a year ago, he switched from a pediatrician to an adult doctor.

The nurses took his height/weight and put it into the computer to do the math. They literally told the computer two numbers with zero background information. The computer decided that my brother was at risk of heart failure.

So when the doctor came in, he gave my brother an exercise plan to lose weight quickly. He hadn’t even looked at my brother and he was punishing him for being fat.

I doubt this is the only time this has happened. Doctors are actually fueling eating disorders.

BMI (body mass index) is BS. But most doctors think it’s law.

I remember being entirely off the chart low in middle school. I was going through a growth spurt and burn energy quickly even now. I’ve always been tall, so my metabolism wasn’t helping my image. Thankfully, my doctor was actually a good friend and a mother of dancers so she just laughed at it. We threw the paper in the trash when we got home from appointments.

They were required to give it to you, but it is stupid.


Women can be trash and abusive as well.



This statement is taken so lightly. For one women don’t believe they can be abusive and the view of society on men prohibits the fact that a woman could successfully mentally, physically and emotionally abuse a man.

I went through all the notes. And a lot of y'all faves don’t even like or reblog things like this

^^^ because they’re the women that this post is about.

This is very important

A lot of men are emotionally and mentally abused by women under the guise of “if you love me then you’ll accept me as I am” and “you’re not man enough to handle a strong woman like me”. A lot of men put up with emotional and mental abuse from women simply because they believe it’s a measurement of their manhood how much they can endure and there are women who know that. They manipulate the emotional and mental playing fields to entice conflict so they can be the victim and cause the man to break down and be easily used and treated how she sees fit….

It’s a very dangerous thing, mental and emotional abuse because it’s so easily masked behind other things

Faaacts 🗣

Abusers lack empathy which creates a narcissistic nature; as far as I’m aware Narcissism isn’t gender-specific.

This issue definitely needs more awareness. 🎗

Say it louder for the closed minded bitches in the back !!!!

Women CAN do this as well. It’s not just men, and if you think otherwise get the fuck off my blog

It’s honestly REALLY sexist to believe that women cannot be abusers as well as men. For one, that’s very invalidating to countless victims of abuse done by a woman. Not ok.

But also, you’re basically saying that women are too weak to be abusers. Abuse is built on an unfair dynamic of power. While abusing someone does NOT make you strong or powerful, if you are an abuser you have power over the person you are victimizing. Women are not too weak or helpless to obtain this power. It CAN be harder for a woman compared to a man simply because of cultural and societal bias that impedes our ability to become as powerful as men, but it is NOT because we are inherently less capable.

Stop stereotyping all women to be caring and sensitive. It’s insulting, it’s ignorant, and it’s completely inaccurate. GENDER INEQUALITY HARMS EVERYONE!!!!!!!

✖️Don’t interact if you think that women can’t be perpetrators of abuse ✖️

I was physically and mentally abused by my mother and ex-wife. The funny thing is, I remember thinking when I was dating my ex-wife that she reminded me of my mom, but I never dreamed that would lead to a similar abusive relationship. Looking back, all the signs were there, I just didn’t realize what they were or meant at the time.

My ex girlfriend was highly abusive to me and others, took so long for me to realize this. 💯


Why do you like sharks?


He gets tummy rubs


She do a triple Lutz


This post is blessed

Anonymous asked:

Victoria was a new recruit for the Avengers. Director Fury met with her and assigned her to be trained by the famous Captain America. Not going to lie but she had a crush on him for a while so she was nervous about this. She looked all over the compound for him until she found her way to his office. She knocked on the door way "Captain Rogers?"(oc-victoriahere)

Steve looked up from his paper worm at the knock. Dammit, he’d forgotten that he was getting a new recruit today, he was not ready for this at all. He took in the sight of the lovely young lady before standing and smiling in a welcoming way. “Hi, I’m Steve, you must be Victoria?” He said as he came to stand in front of her. She really was lovely, and he found himself somewhat drawn to the woman.


Deep down inside she wanted to run, he was way more handsome in person and a lot taller than she expected. Well everyone seemed to be much taller than herself. She smiled and gave her hand out to shave “Yes sir..I’m Victoria Beckett..I’m sorry if I interrupted you..Director Fury just told me to find you..took me a minute..but I found you..would you like me to come back at a better time sir?” She looked up at him.

“No, no, you’re quite alright. The paperwork can definitely wait.” He said with a kind smile. “Have you already been given a tour of the facility? If not I’d be happy to show you around.” He offered. He could tell he was going to like this woman already. “It was Ms. Beckett right?”

She smiled “Yes sir.. and no I haven’t been given a tour yet.” He was even kinder than she imagined. She felt comfortable around him already.

He smiled back. “Well then, I’d be happy to show you around the facility and introduce you to any of the other Avengers we meet.” He stepped out of the office and then gestured in the direction they’d be heading. “This way Ms. Beckett.”

“Ok sounds good to me..Thank you sir.” She smiled and followed closely next to him as he showed her around.

“You’re very welcome, and feel free to call me Steve.” He said as they walked. They continued to walk for a short while. The two round a corner and to the side down the hall were two doors leading to a room. “This is the kitchen and partly Commons. A lot of the Avengers use the kitchen as a kind if meeting place. Let’s go in and see if anyone’s around.” He told the young woman before holding the door open.

She smiled and nodded “Ok Steve..” as they walked into the commons “Oh I hope I get to meet the others..you all are amazing”

“Oh I’m sure you will.” He said with a smile. He was glad that she had a high opinion if the Avengers, since the mess with The Accords not many people seemed to share her views anymore. The first person that they came across was Clint, happily devouring a giant bowl of cereal. “Hey Clint, this is out new recruit, Victoria Beckett.” Clint turned to the pair and smiled through a mouthful of cereal.

Victoria couldn’t help but giggle seeing The Hawkeye trying to smile with his mouth full of cereal. “Hi Clint..it’s nice to meet you.” She waved at him and smiled.

He finally swallowed the food in his mouth and was able to talk. “Nice to meet you too Victoria.” She seemed nice enough, pretty too. He wondered what abilities she had that qualified her for her new place as an Avenger.

She smiled and nodded. “My pleasure.” She looked up at Steve and smiled.

"So, Victoria, what makes you Avenger material?" Clint asked with a smile.


The Slytherin and the Hufflepuff

Draco was wandering the hall, looking for something to do. This was a free period for him, and he was rather bored just sitting on his bed. So he decided to just walk the hall. He was lost in his thoughts and wasn’t paying attention. He ran right up to a Hufflepuff the he’d seen around but never cared to know the name of. Her papers were knocked all over the place and they both hit the floor. “Oi! Watch where you’re going!” He said before looking at the girl.

She scrambled to help him up as she was trying to get all her papers together for her classes, trying to get to the library since this was her free period. “I’m so sorry Draco, here let me help you get up! Again I’m so sorry!” She looks down at the floor as she helps him stand up.

He readied a smart and rude response, one meant to hurt and disarm as he usually did, but looking at her as she stared at the floor, he was caught off guard. She was lovely in a way that many people he’d met weren’t. She was beautiful, but she didn’t seem to know it. She held herself in a reserved way and he was surprised by this. How could someone so lovely act so meek? He didn’t know how yo respond. He leaned down and picked up the last lone paper on the floor and handed it to her. “Just watch where you’re going.” He said gruffly, walking away without saying more.

She nods and accepts the paper, and looks back to see him walk away and turns around to walk to the library. She was surprised that he didn’t make a snarky comment, knowing that he is Draco who is quip with one on the fly. “Odd..” She whispers quietly to herself.

He went back to the dormitory and sat on his bed. He found it odd that he was so affected by this, but he shrugged it off and set about doing some spells to take his mind off the incident.

For the remaining part of her free period, Steph had been studying for the potions exam, hoping to get a good mark since that’s her weakest class. She can’t seem to get any good grades in that class, especially since Snape is the professor. “Oh my god I’ve only got five minutes to get there!” She whispers silently, and grabs her stuff and puts them in her backpack, and walks quickly to the class.

Draco walked in to his potions class, sitting in his usual seat. He was three minutes early. He sat and waited for class to start as he set his materials on the desk in front of him.

She ran to the stairs and walked quickly to the class, having to see that she was got there with a minute to spare. She gets her book and notes and looks up to find her seat when she spotted him, her eyes widen and then looks down again at the floor, hoping he hadn’t remembered her at all.

He leaned back in his chair casually, still waiting for class to start. He gave an uninterested glance to the door. He happened to look right as she opened the door, that Hufflepuff from the free period. When the hell had she switched to this class?! He glanced away again, his outward appearance showing nothing.

She took a seat in the middle and set her materials on for class, her cheeks blushing lightly. She didn’t realize that he would be in this class at all when she switched.

He turned forward, ignoring the girls existence, or trying to at the very least. Professor Snape entered the classroom and began to lecture at the front. Draco listened, took notes, and before he knew it, class was over.


The Vacation of a Lifetime

“Sounds perfect to me.” He said with a large smile. “Should I call and order it?” He asked, moving in to the kitchen. He couldn’t describe his excitement to be spending this time with Krys, he really did miss spending time with her.


“Sounds like a plan!” Krystina smiled, “I’ll run into town and pick up drinks… Or did you grab some?” She followed him into the kitchen.

“I did not grab any, I thought we could head in to town and get some cause I didn’t have any of your favorite stocked up.” He told her. “And I guess we can pick up the pizza while we’re out.”

She smiled, “well lets go do that before we get too settled in.” She grabbed his hand to drag him back to the pickup, “Should probably hit the store, cause I doubt we’ll want to later or even tomorrow.”

He smiled back. “Alright, what else are we getting?” He asked as they left the cabin. He went to the truck, unlocking it and starting it while he waited for Krys to lock the cabin back up.

After locking the house she got into the truck, “Well, beer for one… Probably normal groceries so we can cook instead if have take out all the time.” Krystina grinned, “You know you love me cooking.” She teased.

“Oh my god yes, your cooking is to die for.” He said emphatically. He put the truck in drive. He really did love her cooking.

Krystina giggled and rolled her eyes, “So movie night and pizza.” She grinned, “Maybe if we’re drunk enough, skinny dipping in the lake.” She smirked.

“Oooo, skinny dipping.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively in a playful manner. They made it to town, going for the beer first.

Krystina snorted, “We’d be too drunk to remember.”

The errands took them about two hours, and they were about ready to curl up on the couch for movie, pizza and beers.

He laughed. “Probably.”

Clint put in the movie for it to be ready for them. He grabbed his beer and pizza, about to head to the couch. “Nothing left to do before we settle down?”

Krystina shrugged, “Nothing that cant wait Wil we hit the hay.” She smiled and plopped down into the couch with her pizza.

He smiled, sitting next to her. He set his pizza on his lap and his drink on the small coffee table. He rubbed his hands together. “Alright, let’s do this.” He hit play and the movie started.

Krystina grinned and dug in to ber half of the pizza and was on her second beer by the tkme the movie was half over. She glanced over at Clint a few times, happy that they were able to spend some time together like this. It had been far too long.

By the time the movie was half over, Clint had finished his half of the pizza and made it through three beers and was starting his fourth. Maybe he was drinking a little fast, but beer had never affected him very much, and he felt he had the right since it was a time for them to enjoy themselves and just have fun.

Slowly but surely, Krystina was getting closer to Clint on the couch.

Clint noticed the slow movement towards him but didn't comment, he wasn't sure what was up, but he'd let the woman do as she wanted. He wondered if her mind was in the same place as his own, he wondered if she'd pined over him as long as he'd pined over her.


It's raining ironman // closed for bucky

Tony smiled: “Never said you were.” He looked at the brunett, there was something about him perhaps the general demeanor of the man that made him either want to roll his eyes or hug. The way his back was turned he assumed the talk wouldn’t last very long, but he felt no need to sleep, in fact it seemed like a very hard thing to do as the memories of almost being killed, tortured and fallen from the sky managed to crawl into his mind.

“Night James.” He said, slowly turning onto his back, hoping that he actually would not stay awake to see daylight.

The sudden shift in Tony's demeanor caught the assasin by surprise. He wondered what had changed the mood so suddenly. He was shocked by the level of concern he felt for this man that really shouldn't mean anything to him. "Are you alright?" He decided to ask, just to know.


I don’t need a coffee machine anymore- Barista Au for @thilbobagginshield353

Tony looked smug at the blond. “Discribe something else.” He grinned, then allerted by the beeping sound of the microwave and took a bowl out of one of the cabins. Pouring the hot popcorn into the bowl and smiled as he walked over to the exit of the kitchen. “After you? The oldies aren’t going to watch themselves - unless we are talking about narcistic elders then they will.” Tony said on a teasing tone.

Steve smiled at the other man, exiting the kitchen and going to sit on the couch, waiting for the handsome brunette, who was only a step behind him.

Anonymous asked:

Have you heard about what’s going with Chris Evans and how they are apparently wishing death to rdj because of little joke during the reading? Because I swear everyone is taking way to far

Wait what happened???


I hadnt heard of rdj death threats @papi-chulo-bucky but what happened is during the stage reading scarjo put together that happened a few nights ago, they turned the page & after silence chris realized it was his line but he was missing that page (pg 12). I guess rdj made some statement about nit being involved (but fessed up later i guess?) and later renner was laughing over the way a line was read & chris asked if he was ok & he joked that he was fine bc he has page 12 and then at some point chris found page 12 farther in his script. It was a harmless prank that the cast had a ball with and the audience thought was hilarious. What everyone should come away from this with is that marvel paid for the prodution costs and they raised 500k for puerto rico relief efforts.

@emilyevanston have you seen anything in the evans or rdj tags about this?

I only saw like three posts on here about it and saw on twitter people were losing their shit already. 🤦🏽‍♀️


So I keep seeing them being reblogged on my dash and I feel it needs to be pointed out because people are giving them credit as if THEY drew the art on their blog.

The blog @happypuppyhinata is an art reposter who doesn’t credit artists and takes their work without permission.

How do I know this? Well I noticed that some of the art they posted happened to be by @questionartbox who is, fancy that, here on tumblr.

Please stop reblogging from this person and support the actual artists and telling them their art is so great because it isn’t theirs.

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