


just stuff that I like so I reblog it

ello im sick, dehydrated, close to passing out & living alone w/ no family someone please draw me as a pink puddle of misery that would make me feel so much better

Get well soon, Gaudy!!

I cannot tell you how much I love this or you or this website and tiny comics by like this by you wonderful gremlins and oh gosh I’m going to hydrate and pass out now but holy golly you cheered me up


guess who ingested some foreign objects!

also he has now been officially weighed and he clocks in at a whole 7 pounds. (hes not malnourished hes just leetle)

bastard man ate some rubber bands

hi im sorry but “patient: the void” is the greatest string of letters ever created

ikr, I died when my mom sent me that picture

wow okay this got a lot of notes overnight

yes my cats name is The Void and for good reason because most of the pictures we try to take of him end up like this

and yes he is in that last picture ^^ youre gonna need to jack the screen brightness up to find him

or alternatively:

mr. void, would you like to meet the abyss?

twin agents of darkness


when you unsuspectingly see your best friend at the store


why the fuck would this be my reaction

You must not have a best friend


Lunar Phases - Explained 🌙

Because I kind of have my own correspondences for the phases of the moon, I thought I’d explain them here! 

  • New Moon - the moon is just beginning to become illuminated, so it can correspond with new beginnings, a fresh start, cleansing, exploring new opportunities, newfound health or relationships, finding peace with yourself and moving on - “out with the old and in with the new.”
  • Waxing Moon - the moon is continuing to grow, becoming more and more visible, so it can correspond with attraction magick, reaching goals, manifestation magick, positive energy, success, wishes, good luck, gaining wealth, and dreams come true. 
  • First Quarter - this moon is halfway illuminated, on its way to becoming fully illuminated, so it can correspond to balance, and the need to make decisions. 
  • Full Moon - the moon is fully illuminated, so it can correspond with extra energy, a magickal boost, cleansing, charging, enchanting, performing divination, and honoring lunar deities. 
  • Third Quarter - this moon is also halfway illuminated, but on its way to becoming invisible in the sky, therefore while it can still correspond with balance, it can also correspond to focusing on the task at hand, banishing, and breaking old habits. 
  • Waning Moon - the moon is becoming less illuminated, and seems as though it’s disappearing, so it can correspond to generalized negative energy, reflection, introspection, transformation of the self, banishing things, binding others actions or undoing bindings, letting go, moving on, cleansing, breaking bad habits, and finding peace. 
  • Dark Moon - the moon is completely hidden in the sky, with no illumination at all, so it can correspond to cursing, banishing, binding, seeking justice, reflection of the self, and generalized destruction. 
  • Blue Moon - this moon is either the third of four full moons in a season, or a second full moon in a month, so it’s appearance can correspond to wishes, dreams, divination, achievement, and focus. 
  • Black Moon - this moon is an additional new moon that appears in a month or in a season, or the absence of a full moon or of a new moon in a month, therefore it can correspond to extra power and manifestation. 
Source: lunaesteria

Cream Cheese is too young to vote! But he’s excited to see everyone else do it! Everyone go out and vote today or else he’ll become sad!!

The night’s coming to a close and Cream Cheese is excited for a blue wave. Don’t fuck this up guys!


I had a dream last night that they made a new Bond movie, but they didn’t say who was playing Bond. Throughout the movie you have no idea which character is really Bond, because he’s undercover, duh. And every single character, no matter how minor, was played by somebody famous, so they could all conceivably be Bond. And at the end it turns out Bond was Leslie Jones.


10/10, greatest spy movie of all time

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