
utaite more like u-take all my money

@brotheryanny / brotheryanny.tumblr.com

yo im yanny i translate utaite stuff once a decade - but feel free to request anything!
I scream a lot on Twitter too
Anonymous asked:

HELLU!! I really want to go to an USSS concert one day, so I'm just curious!! Whenever we get a glance at the fans at the concerts, they're always holding both normal lightsticks AND the special concert ones. Do they sell the normal plain ones there or do the fans bring it from home?? I want to wave all four colors at once :-(

hey!! they dont sell regular ones the venue itself, but it's pretty easy to find in like a don quiote or electronic shops, for around 2-3000yen! people often bring light sticks from previous lives too, im always impressed by people holding about a billion light sticks in each hand w so good luck! hope this helps and have a great time!! x

Anonymous asked:

hello! thank you so much for taking ur time to translate utaites stuffs esp with USSS! I have never been so glad to find translations for their contents! thank you for your hard work!

:0 this caught me off guard tbh ww i havent put any translations up in so long, it was so fun but i just got busier and busier and i saw more and more translators coming in -this is great tho! i love how so many people are helping out w

but no more excuses !

summer break has started and i have so many translations to get underway !

thank you for the super sweet message anon, and ill try to get back into translating :')


Listeners’ complaints about Madotsuki@

Madotsuki@: 【Listeners’ complaints about Madotsuki@】 ・very few livestreams ・lots of deleted tweets ・gay ・doesn’t upload ・doesn’t upload ・doesn’t upload ・doesn’t upload ・doesn’t upload ・doesn’t upload ・doesn’t upload ・doesn’t upload


S!N’s reason for always tweeting about dick is actually kinda wholesome

S!N: When I tweet ‘penis’ in english, people overseas who don’t usually reply to me reply in english so it’s really fun

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