
Owl yourself


30, she/her, german. A few attempts to write and create, and reblogs of funny and serious stuff.

I don't want to ask AI a question. I don't want AI to write my sentences for me, at all ever. I don't want AI search bars to be the default and I don't want them to be in such a way that I can't opt out. I don't want this kind of AI in my life and there is no such thing as AI art, there is only theft of art from human artists by AI scrappers. I don't want any of this, I hate it. Maybe in a world that isn't driven by tech bro capitalism we can see machines doing all the dangerous inane things so humans can be free to pursue life and creativity. But that's not what's happening right now and I hate it.


AJSJJDKSJD THE QUILTING SHOW MY GMA WANTS TO GO TO HAS A “FREE TICKET FOR UNDER 30s” IM!!!!! that’s SO funny ?? They wanna encourage young ppl SO much to get into quilting

what i imagine the quilting convention back room looks like

this is happening tmrw im soooo excited!!! my gma is bringing her walking stick for age related reasons but also so she can quote “knock those old ladies OUT of my way”

y’all it was so much fun, there were so many Incredible quilts there, i had an awesome time. here are some photos i took of the quilts, forgive me for how crooked most of them are, i took them v quickly bc my gma was getting tired

i wanna shout out this last one—ITS ALL THREAD PAINTING. THE WHOLE THING. it’s. i should have got a close up of it but it’s all thread painted it’s so so cool

& yet MORE quilts…

i wanna shout out the top picture — the skull quilt was so cool first of all & it’s ALSO the artists FIRST QUILT??? it was so incredibly cool & detailed I rly loved it. i also wanna point out the last quilt here, all of these flowers are applique & i had so much trouble keeping from TOUCHING it (which ur not allowed to do ofc). it was so gorgeous. the close up square above it is from the same quilt. just wow!

Reminder to everyone to go join your local quilt guild.


Art is always escapism, even the art about terrible, brutal things. Art is pinning down a feeling and that - the act of quantifying the human experience- is inherently escapist.

So "nobody dies, everybody lives" is equally valuable as that grimdark journey to adulthood when it comes to "real" media


This a a reminder to not fall victim to the sunk-cost fallacy. Just because you invested time and energy into something, does not mean you should indefinitely waste more time and energy on it, if you decide it’s not what you want anymore. This goes for anything, from books, to relationships, to jobs, to hobbies, etc.

If it’s not serving you anymore, move on.


This is honestly one of the places I find Marie Kondo's advice most helpful. I stop, look at the thing I've spent time and money on only to realize I dislike, and I say, "Thank you for teaching me something about myself and my preferences. I think I've learned this particular lesson and we can part ways now."

And then I don't feel like I "wasted" things or made a mistake. I just tried one path of learning about myself, learned something, and now it's time for a different path. Works a lot better for my brain.


dandelions deserve more respect than they get

you say “weeds” I say “widespread non-native edible plant and early-blooming pollinator resource that is not considered invasive because it behaves politely and does not cause deleterious ecological consequences”


The dandelions aren’t gonna fuck you bro

they have and they will


employers: "you have to be 'doing something', you CAN'T just sit there."

no, you literally can. sorry to go full autism mode here i hate this concept of "you cannot do x" when you literally can. the laws of physics aren't going to stop working because you are just sitting on a chair at your job while there's actually nothing for you to do. gravity will not stop working just because your employer thinks you need to stand or be "doing something" at all times. angels won't descend from the heavens to banish you to hell. someone sitting in a chair will not cause a business to go bankrupt or even lose any money... at all.

the only outcome of this situation is you sitting in a chair. that's literally it. you literally CAN do it. also sitting and resting is "doing something". not that humans need to be constantly "doing something". sitting and resting in the chair while there's downtime will only increase your productivity, not decrease it. there are countless studies that prove that workers who are able to sit and rest are leagues more productive (and happy) than workers who can't. there are no omnipotent beings that will punish you if you do something that you were told you "just can't" do.

we tell other people all the time that they "just CAN'T" do something when they literally just can and it changes nothing. if someone's primary explanation for why you can't do something is because "you just can't," the entire situation is just about control. i'm sick of people being told they "can't" do things when they literally can and won't bring harm to a single soul. you "can't" do it because it will make them mad because you're not doing exactly what they say. that's literally the only reason you "can't" do it, because them not being upset and keeping their power over you is more important than your autonomy.


this one's false too. as someone who has worked retail 40938536 times i can tell you that the company does in fact not lose money regardless of what the employee is doing inside of the building when there are no customers. customer's are the flow of revenue- employees do not just ambiently generate revenue for the company by being employed and existing within the building.

real life is not a mobile game, you don't earn money by forcing your employees to do tasks. if there is no one there to purchase anything, there is no money to be made. a business is not losing profit while there are no customers because the employees are sitting there resting. they will lose profit by virtue of being open, paying the workers' wages, and paying for the electricity and other bills spent to power the place.

capitalists are literally too dumb for their own arguments they refuse to think things through.

you are NOT costing your company ANY money by just sitting there and resting while there are no customers, patients, clients, etc. in your business to purchase things. there is no money to be made. capitalists are too dumb to understand how their own system works, they tell you "it just works" like how they tell you "you just CAN'T. sit down". they're making shit up as they go to keep you subservient. none of this is thought through in the slightest.

remember this.


god fell out of heaven yesterday and we all started making fun of him bc the corpse is only like 5'3''


i have been thinking about this, because i am 5'2 and was raised catholic. in churches, the body of christ lingers ever in the air, on the back of our tongues, in every sconce and shadow. close your eyes. can you draw the shape of white jesus - bent and always muscled, rangy but masculine. i know the slant of his body from every tortured angle. his serene and pleading face - underfoot and rising above. white jesus is always either a baby or he is a 33 year old man, and the halo is goldleaf. jesus on the crucifix is almost always depicted sagging, a little hollow between his back and the wood of the cross.

god fell out of heaven yesterday, and fox news wasn't pleased about it, because god was 5'3". in our picture books, god takes up the whole sky. god can lift a mountain. god removed my brother's rib. my father is a deacon and showed me a diagram of the piece that adam used to form eve, and now "all women" have extra ribs. i was 7 and wanted to talk about if faeries are real or if trees can hear or if magic works, which was not favored. good catholic girls do not look like white jesus. they do not look like white old father-god. they might look like mary (virgin, always an adult, always demure). my brother is 6'0", so the lack of a rib did not stunt his growth. maybe i am smaller because the weight of eve's sin is pulling me down.

they didn't want to do an autopsy on god, which was ironic, because, like, didn't we say god made us in his image? and if god has (according to transubstantiation) been inside my body, can't we, like, get inside of god's body? that feels fair. i was mad particularly because when i tell people i am nonbinary, they talk about cutting open my grave and peeling back my gender so all the pulp of it shows. when i am dead, they tell me, they will uncover my "real" gender like a butterfly and pin her to the board. but god was 5'3".

the problem was that god was 5'3". first of all god was measured in imperial units which was kind of fucked up. the corpse landed inside of a townhouse in baltimore, which was bad for the insurance adjuster. that was not how the rapture was supposed to take place. also, the rapture is not covered under insurance, before you ask. the corpse of god was left overnight due to a confusingly-worded twitter update. i got in my car and drove south for over 9 hours, listening to the radio and my audiobook. i'm re-listening to graceling, but will always take good fantasy book recommendations. the radio said god's body made a strange hum - the announcer said like. well. it sounds like the living room fan from my childhood.

fox news had to say it wasn't god, because god is a man, and men stand up to pee. they had on male experts who talked about how yes, of course, god might have fallen from heaven, and yes his halo has singed through the first layer of the earth's crust - but this is probably not god. maybe one of the angels. micheal? rapheal? god cannot be 5'3", god lifts the rich from perdition and allows them passage into the fine life above us. god's body would be brave and tough and rugged like a lumberjack on a papertowel roll. god's body couldn't be like this - whalefall. nobody knew what to do with the body, so he was just lying there, alone in his crater.

i have a lot of reasons to hate god. i am not here to defend any part of the faith nor of god. unfortunately god was 5'3", and i am 5'2". and i guess some of us maybe felt the same way because i wasn't the only one getting out of the car. we all gathered around the crime scene tape and just stood there and looked at the body of god, who is a small man. god wasn't rotting correctly - his skin was flaking off like feathers overlapping. did i tell you? my girlfriend and i both saw the same god in our dreams, long before we met. we both described the experience as many hands.

all of us who were there bent down and picked up god from the rubble, which was blasphemy. we put him down in a clover patch. a bee rested on his cheek. what do you say at a funeral for god? he didn't look like jesus. people got mad then, because it wasn't funny anymore. they didn't want us to put god on the tombstone, and that made me laugh, and i suggested INRI. unfortunately i was raised super catholic, so that was only funny to like 3 people and of course the honeybee.

i think god would have liked swingsets and public transportation (when it works). i think he would have liked bodegas and good grilled cheese sandwiches. i think he would have lost his mind about dumplings. think of the humor behind getting god stilts or showing god mariokart. it is warm in baltimore so the ground is thawed. we talked about putting god under the ground and under many rocks, which is ironic because like - back in the cave you go. but it felt wrong to close him off from open air. god should sleep with his chest towards heaven, right?

god ruined my childhood and bored a splint through my eye and now i can never see this world without flinching. when i brought him in the clover i still laid him down with a care that almost felt parental. he was so small, is the thing. it was important to be gentle.


lots of times if I tell my boyfriend that I am proud of him for dealing with a situation, or that I'm sorry he's having to deal with a situation, he will say "no it's my own fault." meaning that he feels like he doesn't deserve praise or comfort for dealing with a situation that is his fault. (for example a financial problem caused or exacerbated by him having been too anxious or absentminded to deal with the situation sooner.) and I tell him this and I will tell y'all this, that I don't believe that. I think you are even braver and stronger for taking steps to deal with a mess that is of or partly of your own creation, because you have to cope with guilt and shame on top of the thing itself, and because you're fighting against the same ingrained dysfunction in yourself that caused the mess. that's like the bravest and most constructive thing you can do and you should be proud and I am proud of you.

also, mistakes don't mean you deserve to suffer

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