"This dirt tastes like dirt!"

@sharenityisblagh / sharenityisblagh.tumblr.com

Sharenity-18-Oct 4th-Libra-bisexual-She/HerKpop blog:froggyhyungwon

Not to sound like a 90s shallow prep, but how you dress can affect your self esteem, and putting energy into wearing things you actively like and projecting an ideal of yourself through fashion instead of seeing clothes as things you have to put on out of obligation helps.

It also can give you a sense of control over your appearance that you otherwise wouldn’t have lmao

I bought a cape because of this

this post is written in a humorous tone but this is the realest shit.

two years ago i wore baggy sweatpants and flip flops every day because i was depressed but then decided eh to hell with it and bought some black edgy emo clothes bc thats how i always wanted to dress but never got a chance to and it was only then that i realized that the sweatpants flip flops look was just keeping me in my depression funk. i didnt like the way i looked and i didnt identify with the clothes i was wearing and it only made me feel worse.

i then went through my entire wardrobe and got rid of everything that made me feel that way.

now i have multiple outfit possibilities requiring different levels of effort but on days where putting on clothes just seems like a project i just have to put on black jeans and a band t-shirt and i can still feel good about the way i look which is a really good way to start off my day.

i can not recommend this approach to clothing enough.

Can I just say this is the healthiest mindset related post I have seen on this sight and I want every single person on here to read this

This is why it’s important to make more options available for plus size people. Do you know what it’s like being forced to buy clothes simply because it’s the only thing that fits? I have a clear idea of who I am in my head and I desperately want to express that to the outside world through my fashion, but I can’t. The clothes I want to wear don’t come in my size. It’s devastating.


bitches will bring a million things to do on a train ride or long car trip and then spend the entire time looking out the window and daydreaming. i’m bitches

bitches will plan a million things to do during self-isolation and then spend the entire time mindlessly scrolling through social media. i’m bitches


finished 7 deadly sins so i guess i really am gonna have to start watching naruto now ://


this is the funniest possible tag someone could have put on this post


an awkward convo between the end of climax and the beginning of the epilogue where megamind shows roxanne the powerpoint he made of his trauma

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