
@moragmacpherson / moragmacpherson.tumblr.com

The most hapless, lazy, disorganized and, in general, the most lecherous person you'll ever know.Call me Morag."Against that heinous background, my crimes were pale and meaningless. I was a relatively respectable citizen—a multiple felon, perhaps, but certainly not dangerous." - HSTI like pretty things. And witty things. And often, gay things. Among other things. Any and all of which may make an appearance here.

Tonight, we remember one who lent his enormous talent to telling the story we have all come to love. Hail, the victorious dead!

May the Simbelmynë cover his tomb as it did the tomb of the one he so accurately portrayed.

Bernard Hill Dec 17, 1944 - May 5, 2024


[id: digital art of Cassandra and Ankarna from Dimension 20. Cassandra is on the left and is a lavender-skinned woman with curly purple hair and a long flowing purple dress that goes pale at the edges. She looks to her right at Ankarna, a woman with orange skin covered in starbursts, long curly flame hair, and a wrap top and red pants with windows at her hips. Their hands are almost touching, and starbursts surround them /end id]

lesbians are real everybody


in my head the star wars equivalent of tswift is some human woman named tay’lor spiff or something and her stans are losing their minds over theories that she’s secretly a jedi singing about the horrors of war, even though she’s from a neutral system that hasn’t seen so much as a moral panic in 50 years

the theories get even more egregious during the imperial era, with people straight up thinking she joined the rebellion in secret and is loading her songs with subliminal rebel propaganda. their main piece of evidence for this is if you play a certain song backwards, it sounds like she’s saying “freedom” in shyriiwook. the fans get really defensive if you point out she’s performed at the yearly empire day celebration thrice now and her family historically owned ewok slaves

i regret to inform both you beautiful people that this isn’t going to go how you think it will

spiff fans (also known as “spiffies”) insist that the two decommissioned venator-class destroyers spiff purchased, the bad blood and the reputation, are for diplomatic purposes that benefit the rebellion. jedi’lors have concocted theories that she served on both ships during the clone wars and was respectful of every clone that served there, despite her courtship of a gravball player that thrice advocated against the clone veterans being granted natural citizenship

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