
posting on this blog = gathering at the watering hole with my fellow prey animals


(whispering to the flight attendant) fantastic... very helpful. i've noticed you're wearing the same clothing as several other people... why is that


i'm seeing a lot of new ppl join tumblr who aren't making any spontaneous semi pathetic, oversharing personal textposts whatsoever and i just want to say you're doing it all wrong... this is not like instagram like meant to be some shiny highlight reel used to make u look good its supposed to be an incriminatingly revealing dark intimate look into your life & inner psyche while simultaneously no one knows who u are or gives a fuck... anyway hope this helps some of u get on the right track


what you need to understand is that textile work is basically the closest i have seen to Real Magic and the reason old ladies in quilting spaces are either the grumpiest or the most whacky cheerful people you'll ever meet is because they're basically wizards who have studied the ancient crafts too long


I've been craving the feeling I used get at 2 o'clock in the morning in the middle of the FEVERISH writing binge days. I haven't felt anything like it in years. Throwing myself out of bed at midnight to get a pen, slapping my laptop awake just to make a note, to fill a hole, to make something. I can't picture having thousands of words worth of stories rattling around in my head anymore... She (I) was miserable to a fault, but she (I) was vibrating with purpose and voice as well? who was she!




old guys say the coolest shit like “boy if I have another one of these peanut butter cookies theyre gonna have to lock me up and throw away the key”


people have the audacity to equate vanilla with “plain”. the fruit of a delicate orchid pollinated by hand. worth its weight in solid gold and beyond. the fussy black-and-cream jewel of the american continent. you sick son of a bitch. imagine a world without vanilla. no blondies. no pound cakes. no crème brûlée, no coke floats. no cream soda. no satiny new york-style cheesecakes. no warm apple pie à la mode. no velvety complexity to bring out complex notes in chocolate desserts. no depth of flavour in your cakes and cookies and milkshakes. all in just a few precious seeds or grams of paste or perfumed teaspoons of liquid black platinum. what you don’t understand could fill the library of alexandria seven times over and then some. you ungrateful bastard i’m going to kill you


i've been gently cutting down on my antidepressants for nearly a year and i'm currently 4 days into absolutely 0mg a day! I am dizzy and having brain zaps.

pro! I want to write and paint all day long and bird song makes me feel like i'm home con! I cried big fat hot wet tears 3 times at work today, skin is haggard, and I feel absolutely insane

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