
welcome to my twisted tit


she/her| scorpio |

On some real shit, I do not fuck with people who ride those boat things at the carnival. People who get on those do not give a fuck about life, they don’t care about you, ya mama or your kids. They literally have nothing to lose. You don’t care about life so there’s no need for me to fight you because you’re not going to give a damn about my face. 


BITCHHHHHHH. I got on this shit when I was 12. Wasn’t no bar, no protection, nothing in that shit. I didn’t realize until it was too late. You couldn’t pay me to ever get on this shit ever again in my life. We were in Landover, this shit almost smooth flipped my ass to Baltimore. No. Never again. 

12? I got on this bitch when I was 21 and had my head in my ex’s shoulder the ENTIRE time. Screaming like a bih too. Nope. Never again. I was praying to the gravity gods the entire time.

?????? All it does is swing back and forth???? I don’t understand the concern??????

centrifugal force keeps you in your seat.

Centrifugal force isn’t keeping me from crying tho

why is this so funny


okay, i saw a hunger games au, and i’m not sorry but it was wrong, and here is what the hunger games au for YOI would really look like:

  • yuuri and victor wouldn’t meet until the second book. 
  •  yuuri and phichit would both be district 12, and phichit would create the romantic narrative between them that would help them win the game.  they would be best friends, and it would hurt to force an intimacy that didn’t exist, but it would be the only one they could rely on.  phichit would be the smarts and yuuri would be the strength and stamina that would get them through to the end.  this would be the first part of the story.
  • victor would be the finnick odair type.  victor was incredibly popular with the capital during his games, most notably when he was gifted a pair of diamond blade skates when the arena was flooded and iced over.  he became the winner of his own games after performing a signature jump kick on the ice that slit his last opponent’s throat.  
  • yuuri and victor would meet during the 75th games where they would both be sent back to the arena.
  • they would also be competing against yuri plisetsky, who would be the johanna mason, district 7 of the group; angry and unpredictable and wild, but honest to a fault.  
  • yuuri and victor would fall in love as the four of them (yuuri, victor, phichit, yuri) planned an uneasy alliance.  yakov, victor and yuri’s mentor, would lead the alliance (and revolution).  i just want victor carrying yakov around on his back all the time. 
  • it would be scandalous in the capital, you know, before the escape. yuuri was supposed to be engaged to phichit, but he’s standing guard with victor in the night and getting kissed senseless against a tree, scared and unsure but craving the solidity of him.  their love story would distract everyone from realizing the uprising was coming that would help them escape.
  • “was i just a distraction,” yuuri would ask, especially on the nights when they were trying to recover phichit after the games.  “is that what i was to you, a narrative?”
  • “it was real,” victor would say afterwards. they’re heading to the capital, they’re going to war.  “it wasn’t just to save my own ass–you and me, we’re real.”
  • “we’re real,” he repeats at the end of it, at the end of all the games and the war and the empire.  they’re in a crumbling estate on the edge of district twelve, fully clothed in bed.  victor has yuuri’s face cradled in his hands, as tenderly as he did when yuuri was stung by tracker jackers and hallucinating for two days, and he kisses every one of yuuri’s scars.  he says, again, “we’re real.” 

Seeing as ‘Riverdale’ Jughead Jones is creating too much disagreement I decided to leave this here, hoping it would help you understand better what Asexuality really is and maybe lessen up this disappointment

Learn what it means to be asexual.

Asexuality is a sexual orientation that means a person feels no sexual attraction to people of any gender. However, a person who identifies as asexual can still choose to have sex, can still love, can still be involved with a romantic partner or get married, and can still engage in normal relationships.

Asexuality doesn’t describe what a person chooses to do, but rather how a person feels. Asexual people have emotional needs, feel attraction to others, and can even feel arousal: they just don’t feel sexual attraction.

  • Many asexual people still identify as lesbian, gay, straight, bisexual, or pansexual (attracted to people of any gender or sexual orientation) as well.
  • Asexuality is not the same as having a low libido, which can be caused by medical or health issues, nor is it the same as repressing one’s sexual desires.

Understand the asexuality umbrella.

As with any sexual orientation, the label asexual is a generalization that doesn’t explain or represent everyone who identifies that way. All humans are unique and individual, and sexual orientation exists on a spectrum of needs, desires, interests, and attractions. Think of asexuality as an umbrella term that describes people who identify as asexual, gray-asexual, and demisexual.

  • Gray-asexual means that a person experiences sexual attraction, but either not very often or only to a minimal extent.
  • Demisexual describes a person who only feels sexual attraction to people with whom a close emotional bond has been formed.

Differentiate asexuality from abstinence and celibacy.

Abstinence is the deliberate choice to refrain from sexual activity, while celibacy is the deliberate choice to refrain from sexual activity and marriage (or marriage-like relationships). These choices may be made for religious, philosophical, moral, or other reasons. Asexuality is a lack of sexual attraction, but not necessarily a lack of sexual appetite (libido). This means asexual people can be:

  • Abstinent or celibate.
  • Sexually active through masturbation.
  • Sexually active with partners.

Learn what asexuality isn’t. Asexuality is a sexual orientation that’s distinct from heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality, pansexuality, and other orientations. However, asexuality also has nothing to do with biological sex, gender identity, or gender expression. And being asexual doesn’t mean you are aromantic, which means a person feels no romantic attraction to others.

Dating an Asexual Person

Recognize that there are different types of relationships.

Just as there are friendships, mother-daughter relationships, father-son relationships, and innumerable other types of platonic (non-sensual) relationships, so too are there many types of romantic relationships aside from just sexual romantic relationships. Dating an asexual person may open your eyes to new types of relationships, which could include:

  • Romantic non-sexual relationships, which often involve physical affection, cuddling, and commitment.
  • Aromantic non-sexual relationships, which involve a deep commitment to one another. While these relationships can include physical affection, there is no sexual or romantic element.

Communicate openly.

Regardless of the circumstances, dating is always about getting to know someone better, and dating someone who identifies as asexual is no different. The key to any relationship is free and open communication. It’s important to discuss personal boundaries early in any relationship, so that partners know what is acceptable, what’s unacceptable, and what is and isn’t expected of each other. If you are unsure of something, it’s always best to just ask!

  • It’s important not to be offended if someone you’re dating comes out to you as asexual. It’s not an excuse and it’s not an attempt to get out of the relationship. That person is just trying to be honest and open.

Understand that an asexual person can be intimate.

Asexual people often partake in romantic partnerships or relationships, but whether a person is open to physical or sexual intimacy depends on the individual. But dating doesn’t necessarily require physical or sexual interaction, and two people can develop a strong emotional or romantic relationship with or without a sexual element: intimacy is much more than just physical touching or sexual activity.

  • An asexual partner may or may not be open to sexual activity, so it’s important to communicate so that everyone involved is on the same page. Feeling sexual pleasure is different from feeling sexual attraction, and some asexual people can enjoy sex.
  • Conversely, some asexual people are not interested in sex at all, and will not be open to exploring a sexual relationship.

And to finish this, some myths:

Asexual people can’t fall in love.

Many asexuals can feel the full range of romantic emotions, from a slight crush to true love.  It’s just devoid of a sexual component.  Asexuals are not limited to platonic love, either.  When an ace feels love, it can be every bit as complex and deep as the romantic love that anyone else feels.

There is a concept of romantic (or affectional) orientation, which describes who a person is romantically attracted to.  Romantic orientation is separate from sexual orientation, although in many people, their romantic and sexual orientations do happen to coincide.  Common romantic orientations include heteroromantic (romantic attraction toward the opposite gender), homoromantic (romantic attraction toward the same gender), bi/panromantic (romantic attraction toward both/all genders), and aromantic (romantic attraction toward no gender).

Asexual people don’t/can’t have sex.

Most asexual people can have sex, and some of them do. Asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction, not a lack of sexual ability.  Asexuals are physically and physiologically indistinguishable from other people, in other words, in most cases, the equipment is all there and in working order.  If an asexual person is incapable of having sex, it is usually due to some other condition, and not necessarily related to their asexuality.

So, I guess everyone has their own conclusions now as if Jughead can or can’t be in a relationship, can or can’t fall in love, can or can’t have sex. It’s pretty clear to all of us that this is different from the comics so as all the characters Jughead most likely won’t be exactly alike, that doesn’t mean Jughead is or is not asexual or won’t be in a near future.

I finished, hope it helped you.


모티 옷을 파랑으로 칠했어야 했는데 본능적으로 노랑색으로 칠한…ㅜ

“I know I should’ve colored SRF Morty’s shirt blue, but it felt so natural to color it the typical yellow…”

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