
Gav800 Week

@gav800-week / gav800-week.tumblr.com

A week dedicated to the ship for Gavin Reed and Connor [RK800]

Interest Poll!

Hey guys! We were considering hosting Gav800 Week again soon! We made a poll to see if there would be interest, as well as possible dates for the week.

The current dates are only a placeholder, please feel free to suggest a different time in the comment section of the form! Please be sure to read the information at the top of the form!


@gav800-week​ Day 4: First Kiss

Gavin kisses him. He shivers slightly just afterwards, cursing the cold weather and his whole existence as Connor does not kiss back.
He says he’s sorry, that he just assumed that Connor liked him too, that-
Connor kisses him back, just a little late.
He smiles against Gavin’s mouth, and thinks this, this is what warm might feel like.


I’m like a week late bc I’m struggling to fit this thing into my sched so skdkdkdhj better late than never. English isn’t my mother tongue so oof bear who the grammar mistakes if there are any :(

The midnight air is cold and drafty. Yet here is Gavin Reed, sitting on the ledge of a non-descript bridge at 1am in the morning. Drinking as if it were the last days of his life. Gavin adjusted his hoodie a bit in an attempt to keep himself warm. The plastic bag full of alcohol bottles clinked as the wind passed through. Some empty, some still half-drunk. Gavin has no idea which was which and how many he had drank, but he didn’t care.

Connor has long since persuaded him from drinking this amount of beer in one sitting. But today has been a terribly shitty day. It’s almost as if the universe was laughing at him for getting his ass handed back to him after failing to solve a case.

He can almost hear Connor say that it was just a case. That failing to solve something doesn’t mean you’re the worst godawful detective to ever graze the earth. That it wasn’t really worth losing his temper over. That he should focus more on the things that actually matter.

Gavin takes another swig from the bottle of beer he’s holding. Where was he..?

Connor. Ever since the android befriended him through sheer amounts of willpower, he’s always been his metaphorical anchor to the ground. Always keeping Gavin from flying off the seat of his pants to do something he’ll possible regret later. A voice of reason.

That voice of reason did him so much good. Gavin couldn’t count how many times Connor has saved him from confrontations with Fowler. Or how many angry outbursts had he dissipated with calming reassurances. God, he regrets ever being an asshole to this man. Connor is way better than him in every way yet Gavin had the audacity to be such a prick to him.

Still, Connor forgave. He’s truly, too kind. Gavin does not deserve this amount of kindness after fucking everything up and being an absolute dick. If a machine can be this kind then maybe humanity still has hope after all.

Another swig. Then another and another–

“Gavin,” a familiar voice called from behind him. He didn’t even have to turn around to see who it is.

Gavin just drinks some more. Or rather, attempts to drink. Connor’s hand inevitably stops Gavin’s arm from further making any movements.

“You shouldn’t be drinking this much alcohol in one sitting,” Connor says ever so politely.

“How did you even get here? Wait scratch that, you probably did some kinda supercomputer scan or some shit,” Gavin said, glaring at Connor in defense. Defense. Why was he so defensive? Maybe it’s easier for Gavin to keep up this tough facade. Maybe it’s just the alcohol. God knows what.

“I asked Tina,” The android replied. A silence followed after that. Gavin just proceeded to squint at the river beneath him.

“How much have you drank?”

Gavin scoffs at this, “You’ve already scanned me, haven’t you?”

A beat passes. Connor replies hesitantly, “Yes but–”

“The fuck’s that question for then? You rubbing the fact that you’re a genius machine to me?” Gavin bursts out. All the words were flowing out of his mouth like liquid. He doesn’t mean to insult Connor. He’s at least an inch above to succumb that low.

Connor says nothing but sits beside him on the railing. Gavin could already feel his warmth. So human-like that you wouldn’t even think he’s not one if not for the LED on his temple. Silence once again hovers around them until Gavin finally sighs,

“I’m sorry.”

“For what, Gavin?”

“For being a total dick. To you.”

“You’ve already apologized to me and I’ve already forgiven you. I take no offense from the words you’ve previously said and recognize this to only be an effect of your highly inebriated state.”

Gavin chuckles, “You speak too much. I don’t mean that.”

“What else could you mean?”

Gavin sighs once more, “I just feel like.. I’ve never fucking changed. I’m still the same old incompetent asshole that bitterly hates machines that can do his job better.”

Gavin looks at Connor, “I bet you once you’ve been with us for at least a year I’d be the first to get laid off. I don’t hate you anymore, but sometimes that asshole part of me wants to for being better than me. And that’s terrible and I’m sorry.”

A cold breeze passes by and Gavin shivers. Suddenly a warm hand finds itself above Gavin’s hand. If it weren’t for the dark, unlit bridge, his face would be very visibly flushed.

“You have changed, Gavin. It may not seem like much but you have and I notice it. You’ve sacrificed time to apologize to me and make up for it. You’ve given up your old android-hating self just to be my friend,” Connor counters, “And although flawed, I think you’re a skilled detective. Doesn’t mean you didn’t solve this case means you’re the worst at your job. You should focus on things that actually matter. Like Tina, Chris or Me; your friends.”

He said it nearly word by word oh my god

“You may not completely tolerate all androids yet, but you’re with me here now and you’re not bursting out in anger or disgust. I think that’s something,” Connor finished and as if to put a cherry on top of the cream, he smiled. My god, that fucking smile.

Gavin ended up averting the android gaze to hide his reddened face and muttered a silent, “Thank you.”

They sat there for a few minutes more. Gavin not mentioning anything about the android’s hand interlocked with his.


Gav800 Week - Day 6 - Peace and Quiet

Day 6 of @gav800-week !
This is kind of a cheat because it’s Connor looking back at everything that’s happened in the previous days but you know… cutes.

Days off were not something that Connor was really used to. Back when he was the deviant hunter he just worked all day, every day and reported to Amanda at the end of it all. Now that he was a person with rights and a wage, it was compulsory to have time away from work to ‘relax’ and ‘do nothing’ so he could recover from strenuous cases. It made sense for humans to need that but it didn’t make sense for him. He didn’t need to relax and if he did then he could do self repairs for anything that might have been damaged whilst out on the field. The only time he really ‘slept’ was when Gavin demanded he came to bed and then he would simply go into stasis to keep the other man happy. Sometimes he didn’t even go into stasis, instead choosing to stay away and make sure that he kept Gavin held close like he seemed to enjoy. Mornings where he woke up still pressed against Connor seemed to improve his mood immensely whilst also making him more efficient at work. It wasn’t something that he completely understood but he was learning and soon he would probably be feeling the same way that Gavin did if he woke from stasis with Gavin wrapped around him. Even after so long there was so much to learn. That was more overwhelming that work would ever be.

The worst part about having to take a day off was that he was in the apartment on his own - aside from Gilbert the cat anyway. His schedule seemed to be the polar opposite to Gavin’s who was probably currently at a crime scene, complaining about how many people were trampling around and ruining the evidence. He’d been allowed back onto cases and away from the desk jockey work a few days ago and was currently sniping any cases that he could just so he could spend more time out of the office.


@gav800-week​ Day 1: Work Connor trying his best to get along with his co-workers…especially Gavin. (aka. Gavin is probably sporting a boner rn. 👀)


Gav800 Week - Day Five - Family

Day 5 of @gav800-week
Not too fond of this one and I’ll probs wake up in the morning and edit the shit out of it but here you go !

People had managed to invent androids, cars that drove themselves, made massive leaps in medical capabilities. How the fuck hadn’t they managed to make keyboards that didn’t have that dumb clicking noise every time you pressed a letter?

This is what his job had become. Typing away and finishing up case reports because he wasn’t sanctioned to go back out into the field yet. Something about Fowler not wanting him to ‘have a flashback or a panic attack’ whilst he was out working cases. Connor said that it made sense. Gavin thought it was bullshit.

He wasn’t going to freeze in the middle of a crime scene, he wasn’t going to whimper like a baby because some bad guy tried to run away. He could do his job just as well as he always could. One jackass with a knife wasn’t going to completely fuck up his career. A whole precinct thinking that he was some shitty porcelain little doll? That was going to fuck up his career. All he wanted to do was go to one, singular crime scene. To get out from behind a desk, away from a computer, and try to track down the bad guy, find the motive and the opportunity and then send someone after him so that he can say ‘yeah I solved that’. That was all Gavin wanted.

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