

Bit of a space case 🌌 Thinking I'm a star 🌟

Gravestone from a local cemetery. Five children, aged 2 to 15, died from diphtheria in five days.

Diphtheria has a ~10% mortality rate, higher in younger children.

The vaccine against diphtheria is part of the WHO's recommended childhood vaccination program and resulted in a more than 90% decrease in number of cases globally between 1980 and 2000.

Remembering 4th grade, when we got to the story in our social studies book about vaccines. Both my teacher and the teacher next door were probably in the late fifties or early sixties. Mrs. E. next door had survived polio but had long-term muscle weakness in her right hand that made her have to hold up her wrist with her other hand while writing on the board. She talked about people she'd grown up with who'd ended up in iron lungs or otherwise permanently disabled in major ways.

Mrs. P., my teacher, gave a terrifying account of her brother surviving whooping cough by pulling the mucus out of his throat with his fingers.

I was in 4th grade in the early 1990s. Vaccines as a life-saving option are that fucking new. People who survived before they existed were able to tell me first-hand stories. It is beyond shameful that there are so many people willing to put their health and their fucking children's health at severe risk because they want to feel morally superior.

Community Label: Mature
Community Label: Mature

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Ugh, was having a great time mocking my recently imprisoned rival when I noticed the camera positioning makes it so that I appear behind the bars, thus framing me as trapped in a metaphorical prison of the narrative, now my whole day is ruined. Fuck.

I get it, man. The other day, I survived a shootout, only to realize that a stray bullet went through a mirror in such a way as to look from the camera's perspective like I got shot in the head through the mirror, so now I have to acknowledge that something that could be reasonably referred to as "me" really did die that day, and it's just like "jfc, gimme a BREAK"

ugh dont even get me started on how the other day i tried to sit on the throne of my conquered foe and light a cigar to celebrate my victory but the lighter wouldnt work and it had to be lighted by the vizier who used to work for my enemy but that i enlisted to work as a double agent and help me in my coup. that jerk afterwards said with a devilish smile "ill always be at your service my liege" and i just KNOW that he said that exact same thing to the previous ruler. signifying that my victory was phyrric since i am still caught in an endless cycle of violence and betrayal. that really spoiled the whole mood


LMAO the last one! The strongman’s immediately like “No. No, absolutely not. Nope.” and the bodybuilder looks around like “Are you kidding me? I’ll die. You know that, right? I’ll die?”


The Rogue, the Paladin, the Barbarian have a day to themselves and enjoy some friendly competition.

This is such a fun video to watch. Not only do you see 3 versions of masculine fitness and strength but with each movement you can almost see where their weight is distributed and where they place their control. Which makes it fun to think about body builds and fantasy characters.


I think the universe wants her to marry steve. Sorry to his fiancée.

I like how it takes 4 highly improbable coincidences for her to say "okay now it gets weird".


I think the only solution is for them to accept that they need to be roommates now. Steve's fiance can still have him, but clearly they are meant to live together. It can be two families in one house.


"don't go grocery shopping when hungry" doesn't work for me because Not Hungry Me cannot conceive of a universe in which food is needed so she buys like a cup of pomegranate seeds and some fancy cheese and thinks that'll get us through the week.

FUN FACT the scientist who said that made it the fuck up! he's also the same dude who said that if kids made eye contact with the character on food boxes they wanted it more. so now all the cereal mascots/kids mascots look downwards to a child height. but THEY MADE IT UP and it's allllllll bullshit and bad science to the point cornell deleted the fuckin cereal eyes study from the face of the earth and modern research is saying you SHOULD shop when ur hungry because it makes you put more value on food that would give you more nutrition and actually sharpens your ability to feed yourself well

So I think the cereal box guy was Brian Wansink and honestly that tracks. If Wansink thinks we should be grocery shopping when full then we should definitely be doing it when hungry. Bruh is an absolute joke.



imagine being so bad at science that your university forces you to stop

things he also came up with that are BULLSHIT:

  • eating around fat people makes you eat more junk food??? (wtf?)
  • portion sizes affecting how hungry you feel
  • "if you are served second portions you are more likely to take seconds"
  • the entire concept of mini and fun-sized portion sizes (based in fatphobia btw!)
  • the idea of boredom eating and stress eating being bad for you and not normal
  • the idea of eating in front of a screen being terrible for your digestion
  • that julia child's cooking was trying to make you fat (based on 18 of 4500 recipes...)
  • the idea of western food being unhealthy
  • the cereal eyes thing
  • the shopping while hungry thing
  • and much much more!

also he committed kickstarter fraud in 2018 and is a massive fatphobe who thinks fat people recruit others to become fat by just existing. fuck him lmao

holy shit this is bad. from the first article, here's an email he sent to one of his grad students. it's... basically a how-to manual on p-hacking. you couldn't make up a more damning description of p-hacking if you tried. (if you don't know what p-hacking is, it's basically a variety of ways to dishonestly pick and choose your data or what bits of your data you look at until you find a result that "looks statistically significant" but is actually garbage. I'll get into the details below breaking down this email.)

The text from the image is in alt text but I will also break it all down piece by piece below.

Hi Ozge, Glad you had a chance to take an initial look at the data. I don't think I've ever done an interesting study where the data "came out" the first time I looked at it. The interesting stories come from seeing when things like the 1/2 price buffet -- works and when it doesn't.

I— Ok. Data "not coming out" at first is not a thing. Fiddling around with data until it "comes out" is the definition of p-hacking. He's just admitted he's in this for the interesting stories, not the science, and that he's done this in every single study he's done.

I would like you to really dig into this to find a number of situations or people for which this relationship does hold -- that is where the 1/2 price buffet did result in a difference.

Method #1 of p-hacking: Pick and choose which conditions you look at.

In most non-medical studies, a result is considered "statistically significant" if it would happen less than 5% of the time by chance alone; that is, p < 0.05. Now, 5% is a 1 in 20 chance. If you have 20 different conditions going, chances are about 1 of them will appear to have significant results with p < 0.05 by pure chance. This xkcd explains it wonderfully: If you look for a link between jellybeans and acne, and don't find one, but then you break it down into the 20 different colors of jellybean and find a p < 0.05 value for a single color, of course it doesn't mean that green jellybeans cause acne. Wansink is explicitly telling his student to "find a number of situations or people for which this relationship does hold"— aka, find the handful of colors of jellybean that you can pretend have a significant correlation with acne.

Here's some things to do. First, look to see if there are weird outliers (in terms of how much they ate). If there seems to be a reason they are different, pull them out but specially note why you did so, so that this can be described in the method.

Method #2 of p-hacking: Selectively remove outliers.

Outliers need to be removed all the time. But ideally, outliers should be removed based on a predetermined method of deciding what counts as an outlier that is then applied equally across all the data. Based on the fact he is telling her to pull out outliers until the data "comes out", that's not what's happening here. If you decide your cutoff for outliers is justttt enough to catch those people that are swinging your result away from what you hypothesized but not enough to catch those pulling it the other direction, that's p-hacking.

Second, think of all the different ways you can cut the data and analyze subsets of it to see when this relationship holds. For instance, if it works on men but not women, we have a moderator. Here are some groups you'll want to break out separately: Males Females Lunch goers Dinner goers People sitting alone People eating with groups of 2 People eating in groups of 2+ People who order alcohol People who order soft drinks People who sit close to buffet People who sit far away and so on…

Remember that whole "break your data up into 20 different conditions so that one of them will look significant by chance" thing? Yup, that was the how-to manual.

Third, look at a bunch of different DVs. These might include # pieces of pizza # trips Fill level of plate Did they get dessert Did they order a drink and so on…

Method #3 of p-hacking: Pick and choose your dependent variables.

Dependent variables (DVs) are the variables you're measuring, to see whether or not they are affected by your independent variables. This is basically the same thing as method #1— method #1 was just about picking and choosing independent variables and/or moderators, and this one is about picking and choosing dependent variables.

This is really important to try and find as many things here as possible before you come. First, it will make a good impression on people and helps you stand out a bit. Second, it would be the highest likelihood of you getting something publishable out of your visit.

Translation: Do this if you want the job. Do this if you want to get published. I hold your career in my hands and if I tell you to commit academic fraud, you will.

Work hard, squeeze some blood out of this rock, and we'll see you soon. Best, Brian

Translation: I am fully aware that these data show nothing. I am openly acknowledging it's like squeezing blood from a stone, an expression generally used to express something is impossible. Because I know this is impossible to do without being completely fraudulent in the way I represent these data. I am a shameless liar.

*deep sigh*

These days, there's more oversight and awareness of p-hacking— most reputable journals make you pre-register your hypotheses and method. Fortunately, someone probably couldn't get away with this now. But this norm of pre-registration is still very new (as in, within the last decade) and I expect we'll be seeing older studies exposed for shoddy science for quite a while.

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