
Daily Moniato

@ai-wa / ai-wa.tumblr.com

Aiwa's art blog.
Anonymous asked:

Do you have any favourite pairings for the siblings (revelations route)

I pair Leo with Sakura because I love them both and they are cute together, also it's politically good, but am struggling to pick for Xander...

(He is my favourite so I'm being maybe too picky XD)

On conquest runs I marry Leo to Azura,

I'm not much of a shipper, there are pairings I like more or less but I don't feel too strongly about any. I never get the child units either so not like I have to choose when playing lol I like the idea of Leo and Sakura but find their support a bit boring so I don't have much actual content to back it up. Azura is the only marriage candidate for Leo I do like. Their Japanese support is very sweet. They bond and support each other through their shared childhood trauma but it's very subtle at it. The S support is the only one for Leo in which he genuinely seems to care for the girl.

For Xander I think everyone fits him, he does his best to support and make his support partners feel comfortable. He would be a good husband to anyone.

I like Camilla single. Her original ending of leaving the royal family and travelling the world is so good. She deserves freedom.

Idk if you only meant marriageable supports, but I love Elise and Sakura.

Anonymous asked:

your art feeds my soul, it is gorgeous. also very happy someone out there still loves fe:fate enough to make fanart of it. but I would love anything you make, your style is mwah mwah chef's kiss

Aaah thank you so much!!!

Anonymous asked:

Your art is so gorgeous! I was curious where you get the inspiration for the outfits you dress Leo and the other Nohrians in?

Thank you! I mostly look for period outfits and mix and match them. At this point I have a lot of reference books for them, but basically I look for paintings of a certain period and take what I like. The MET web has a lot of cool outfits and capes too.

Anonymous asked:

By chance, I stumbled upon a post of yours from 2019 announcing that you had Leo chibi charms up for sale and it made me so nostalgic! the charm I bought from that series still goes with me everywhere <3

Aaah thank you so much!! It means a lot to me the Leos I made are still being cherished!!

Anonymous asked:

I'm so happy to see your Fates art especially Xander with Leo is so precious :')

Thank you so much!! I love the relationship the brothers have the most so it makes me really happy ;;


Hi! I checked your FAQ and it says your commissions are open, so I thought I'd double check and ask. If they are open, I'd love to commission you! :D My ask is canon x oc, but if you don't want to draw that I can think of something else. Let me know if you're interested - no troubles either way! <3 I hope you have a lovely day. :)



Sorry I did the FAQ years ago and forgot about it 🥲 Commissions are currently closed. I don't mind OCxcanon comms though!

Anonymous asked:

hi ! do you have a date of when the leo sitting figure preorder will open? im looking forward to it !


Yes! This Friday. Thank you so much for your interest! 🥰

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