
moved to toxiicpop


archive mostly as of 16 Aug 2018

moved blog!

find me at @toxiicpop now

this blog will stay up but it won't be active anymore


ok so it's been almost 2 years since I got a ton of folks together for WWE 25 Days of Chrismuts. I didn't organize one last year, and I'm kinda leaning towards doing one this year if there's any interest. does anyone wanna participate? feel free to message me on the new blog @toxiicpop for details


This isn't related to anything but I thought it might amuse you. My girlfriend has a theory that Seth plucks his eyebrows, like, thins them out and shapes them to make them less bushy. It's hard to tell but I think she might be right, and anyway, the idea of him making faces at himself in the mirror as he tries to get them both the same shape is delightful imo.


Seth if you’re reading this, I just want you to know…

I feel your pain. On a spiritual, physical, emotional level. #heavybrowbroski2k18


coming from a real life cosmetologist, if he does he’s damn good at it cause them fuckers look natural as hell. boy got some great eyebrows but even after examining several HQ promo photos I can’t fucken tell what the fuck he may or may not be up to in that department

Do you think he does it, or the awesome makeup people who work for WWE?


I'd imagine makeup would do a wax and get it over with, tweezing both fucken eyebrows takes FOREVER


This isn't related to anything but I thought it might amuse you. My girlfriend has a theory that Seth plucks his eyebrows, like, thins them out and shapes them to make them less bushy. It's hard to tell but I think she might be right, and anyway, the idea of him making faces at himself in the mirror as he tries to get them both the same shape is delightful imo.


Seth if you’re reading this, I just want you to know…

I feel your pain. On a spiritual, physical, emotional level. #heavybrowbroski2k18


coming from a real life cosmetologist, if he does he's damn good at it cause them fuckers look natural as hell. boy got some great eyebrows but even after examining several HQ promo photos I can't fucken tell what the fuck he may or may not be up to in that department

Anonymous asked:

funny knife story: I wanted to buy the knife in that post you just reblogged that has the Celtic knot looking handle. it's got some kind of jewel set into the end and I thought it looked super neato. consulted with knife expert Atlas, who was of the opinion that it looked like a butt plug. I couldn't unsee it and ended up not buying that particular knife. [tox]

Omfg I want that knife so bad! I saw it in a sporting goods store and haven’t stopped thinking about it ever since. But now. Now I’ll never be able to think about it without remembering this lmao


suffer with me

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