

@lobotomeat / lobotomeat.tumblr.com

18 aged old
It's when your teeth are sad :[ MAXIE / LOBOTOMY / HÖLLISCH ] are names that i took. stole. I am HE/IT, these are my 'pronouns' . Girl can't you hear my scratching :[

Forgot that I can just. Do this. Yeah. Lineless weeeee !

Text ID: A lineless drawing of Mike Madhouse. He has his tongue sticking out of the right side of his mouth. He has one eye on the left side of his face looking to the left, looking a bit smug. He has a fuzzy texture and faint stars in his fur./End ID


I don't know which artist needs to hear this, but if you don't like your lineart...if you find that the lineart stage does not add any value to your artwork...then you do not need to do lineart. your artwork is still complete if you go straight from sketch to colours. as long as you think it's complete.

The same goes for any stage of art making. does shading not bring joy or improve the piece in your eyes? then you do not need to shade! some art styles genuinely look better without shading!


Great! I was fired from my job in Germany today because I am Palestinian. :)

Hi, I'm Amal, a Palestinian architect from Gaza! I traveled to Germany two years ago to support my family back in Gaza. Since we lost our house, shops, and all our sources of income, I've had to shoulder the financial burden alone. It's been incredibly tough for me in the last eight months to send money to my family weekly, especially with the ongoing war destroying our income and causing prices in Gaza to skyrocket. There were days when I had zero money for days on end. I even had to downgrade from an apartment to a single room to cover my expenses and rent. I also lost my company; yes, I had a small architectural firm in Gaza. I had dreams of seeing it grow, but everything crumbled.

Now, both my family and I are without homes and jobs. This is unbearable! Is being Palestinian a curse, or what?

I really can't bear it anymore. Isn't it enough that our photos are all over social media platforms, appealing for donations on GoFundMe? What bothers me the most is that the innocent people who donate to us are just like us, struggling to pay rent and taxes, already burdened with their own hard lives. On top of that, I feel like a burden to them. Why should nations pay for the consequences of the stupidity and brutality of their leaders? They might start World War III instead of stopping genocide!

Four months ago, I fell victim to someone in a high position in Egypt who pretended they would evacuate my family for 20k, instead of the 40k. To some of you, this might seem like a small amount, but for me, it was all I had. Why does the world agree to suffocate us? Why do we have to pay money for our lives at all?

I feel daily ashamed for not joining the protesters; I keep asking myself if I get arrested, they'll kick me out. But to where? I am completely without a home to shelter me if I was kicked out! What will happen to my family? Who will support them? Why are we being exterminated, and our children slaughtered?

Why was I fired? 💔

Why is this world so cruel? 💔

A Thousand Whys and Whys!

I needed to vent my anger. Thank you to everyone who read this.

Title: A Normal Day for a Palestinian Abroad


if you are struggling with choosing which fundraisers to support, please consider donating to the following places providing medical aid, food, and other supplies to palestine at this time:

if you are looking for individual fundraisers to donate to but are struggling to choose, gazafunds gives a spotlight to fundraisers that are not close to their goal.

instead of watching and supporting eurovision tonight, please instead boost this post & donate if you can. keep your eyes on rafah.

Source: villainelle

controversial hot take of the day:

game of thrones fans deserved what they got in 2019.

they deserved it.

nine years.

NINE years.

NINE YEARS they circle jerked themselves all over the rest of us, with the "omg game of thrones is the best story ever written in the history of humanity" and "it's so dark and there's so much sex and violence and it's so hot and it's sooo mature, it's not boring and sexless like lord of the rings-"

yeah well, Lord of the fucking Rings stuck the landing, didn't it?

it also had a fucking ending.

game of thrones fans probably won't see a novel ending. so the TV show ending is their canon ending.

and they deserve it.

they talked it up for nine years, acted like it was this perfect beautiful thing that would go down in history as the greatest story ever to grace this earth, and if you didn't like it, then you were called some kind of moron.

by fucking soccer moms with the literary comprehension of a tortoise, and cis white men who think anything with tits, rape, and people being beheaded is "deep" and intelligent.

I remember being pestered nonstop by my peers and my coworkers to watch it, because it's part of the "cultural zeitgeist" and it was a "part of history."

Well, well, well.

Icarus called to tell you your time was up, but you didn't listen until you hit the ground.

But those wax wings sure were beautiful while they existed, weren't they?


I caved and watched a few seasons and like... it's fine? I guess? Didn't really understand the hype. I had cartoons to watch

Adventure Time is deeper than Game of Thrones


Yeah the books are actually kind of shit, to be completely honest. I’m sorry, but constant rape murder and pillaging just doesn’t do it for me.

animorphs handles its dark tone and mature themes better than game of thrones and I am dead serious.


Look. At. What. You. Guys. Did.

With the help of the funds you guys raised through the last post, Mona and some volunteers were able to cook and distribute so many chicken and rice meals that fed entire families!!!!! This is amazing!!! Please remember to donate, you are changing and helping maintain so many lives. EVERY DOLLAR COUNTS. P*ypal.

Don't forget! None of this is possible without Mona's hard work! If you'd like to send her a kind message please respond in the replies or the tags or reblogs! She was very happy to recieve kind messages from you guys under the last post as well!



this is actually the coolest thing i've heard in a minute. there's something really reassuring about it, honestly. that there's a place in nature, carved out by these creatures, and that even with hundreds of years of separation, they slot back into these spots where they're meant to be

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