
In Progress Lol


wanted to make a demiro positivity account bc there's like none

The way so many aro people see other aro people talk about aro loneliness and their solution isn't to support them, or lend an ear or a shoulder, but instead to say "have you tried getting more friends?" "you still can have friends though!" "QPRs are out there! Try one of those!" "Hey have you heard of a QPR yet?" You are not better than people who treat getting a romantic relationship as a cure-all. You are doing the exact same "a relationship will fix you!" routine and I'm kinda tired of aros treating it as different because it's platonic.


aspec people are queer. aspec people deserve to be in queer spaces. aspec people are welcome to pride. aspec people are queer even if they're cis. aspec people are queer even if they're heterosexual. aspec people are amazing and deserve the world.

I have done a meem

[ID: Drake hotline bling meme. In the first frame, Drake does not approve of: "Romantic behaviours and flirting." In the second frame, he approves of: "Romantic behaviours and flirting but with that one person you've bonded with over two years. End ID]


Fun fact: Not all aros want a qpp.

Another fun fact: You're not doing aromanticism wrong if you don't want a qpp.

Yet one more fun fact: Some aros are very tired of well meaning alloros substituting the word 'qpp' or 'qpr' in their amatonormative assumptions about you after they hear you're aro. Some of us are very tired of alloros treating QPRs as this gold standard Otherwise Acceptable Replacement For Romance: Romance Lite™ which is unbelievably unfortunate considering why the term even exists.


Happy pride specifically to the heteroromantic aces, and heterosexual aros. I love you all. You are wonderful human beings and an important part of the lgbtqia+ community.

Love the positive responses to this! I see pride posts for almost every other identity, and since I'm an ace blog, I figured I better make one for my aros and aces (acknowledged that not everyone on the spectrum is hetace/hetaro).

*remember the spectrum! The above identities exist on a spectrum along with many, MANY more. Love EVERYONE on the ace and on the aro spectrum!*


If you're arospec and experience romantic attraction and would rather engage in a qpr or have no partner at all, you're very cool and valid! Your romantic attraction doesn't diminish your other relationships or lack thereof, and you're an important and valued member of the aro community :]!


Huh. So, apparently the demiromantic subreddit has been resurrected?? It was dead in the water when I was questioning…

(Considering the tumblr tag was pretty quiet until a few months ago too let’s have a big cheer for the demiromantic community renaissance 👏💚)

If you are questioning demiromantic I’d recommend heading over there too, it’s got a bit more space than tumblr for detailed discussions about people’s specific experiences so it can be more user-friendly to see if you relate to them - here is the link



😤😤 I'm a greyromantic person who really loves the idea of relationships I just never seem to have romantic feelings for some one. No, this is not the same as wanting to have a relationship for validation or societal standards. WE'RE ALLOWED TO BE ROMANTIC, TO LOOK FOR AND SEEK PEOPLE WE MIGHT LIKE ROMANTICALLY AND WE'RE ALLOWED TO ENJOY BEING IN LOVE OR BEING IN A RELATIONSHIP

And to all of y'all who haven't yet felt romantic attraction and don't want to, THATS FINE TOO WE'RE ALL VALID 💕💕


One thing that bothers me is when people says demisexuality is not a sexual orientation. Because that’s just not true.

Demisexuality has everything to do with attraction, like any other sexuality. Let’s take lesbian as an exemple. Lesbians can only by attracted to women. Demisexuals can only be attracted to people they have a strong bond with. That’s it, that simple! Sexual orientation is about how we experience attraction to other people so yeah, demisexuality falls into that to!

Some demisexual will have preference when it comes to gender, of course, and will like to add demisexuality as a plus to their prefered gender attraction, like demipansexual. Other demis, like me, will simply use demisexual has a label, because it is a full sexuality! For me, it’s not a “micro-label”, it is my full sexuality! That’s how I define my attraction!

Same things goes for demiromanticism!


Any other ace-spec/aro-specs a little put off when people tend to acknowledge Aspec identities outside of ace and Aro is when it comes to shipping discourse?


Yeah, if I'm reading this right like, your talking about when a strictly aromantic or strictly asexual or a non oriented/angled aroace is confirmed and instead of the fans taking the time to respect and understand the complexity of aspec identities and that aros in general can choose to participate in romantic relationships in the same way aces can choose to participate in sexual relationships, they just do a skim over the aspec identities and push things purely for shipping.

Like the demiromantic and demisexual lables have been very much used by shippers in a very disrespectful way, and 9 times out of 10 they dont even do proper research into the identities they are using.

Like yeah lesser known aspec identities need to be acknowledged and have more representation, but doing it purely to ship a character is not the right way to go about it.


can we make a thread suggesting help blogs for aspec’s micro-labels?

could really help people

Here’s the blogs I follow/know of:

Non-SAM Aro:







Fictoromantic / Self Shipping Aros


I would just like to make it known that it’s okay to also talk about your attraction if or when you experience it. I know we often put our lack of attraction on the forefront, but it’s just as okay to talk about your relationship with attraction. It does not diminish your identity nor make you any less aspec.


I’m here for all aromantics, regardless of how they fall on the romance-favorable to romance-repulsed scale!

Aromantic and romance-favorable? That’s fantastic! You’re not a “fake aro” just because you like/desire romance and/or romantic activities!

Aromantic and romance-neutral? That’s very neat! You’re not a “fake aro” for being apathetic towards romance and/or romantic activities!

Aromantic and romance-repulsed! I support you! You deserve to have your boundaries respected! You’re not the “less palatable aro” for your repulsion!

Aromantic and fluctuate between these? Understandable! Attitudes change all the time! It’s not that you can’t “make up your mind” or that you don’t know yourself- sometimes your feelings just change!

Aromantic and feel favorable towards certain activities, neutral towards others, and/or repulsed to some too? Very valid! It can be confusing to feel this way, but I promise you it’s completely normal!

Aromantic and have no idea if you’re repulsed/favorable/neutral? No worries! You’ll figure it out! Or you might not, and that’s totally okay as well!

Just keep being your beautiful self! (No romo ;) )

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