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there’s not really much discussion of child neglect on here so i guess i have to do it

p l e a s e don’t shame neglect survivors for not knowing “basic” things like how to eat a balanced diet, when to go to the doctor, how to drive, etc. you know these things (usually) because a caring adult taught them to you. we didn’t have that. we often enter adulthood knowing jack shit about how to take care of ourselves. we know we’re missing information, and we feel so fucking lost.

it’s okay to, if you have a friend who’s experienced neglect, try and help them learn how to take care of themselves. saying things like “hey, do you think you could try to eat at least one vegetable per day?” or “that infection looks pretty bad, do you want to go to a doctor?” is genuinely helpful. but belittling us for not already knowing these things is completely unproductive and unnecessarily cruel.

don’t be a dick to survivors.


when people talk about parents who feed and house their kids as doing “the bare minimum”, although I totally get their meaning, it’s inaccurate. providing only what’s needed for physical survival is actually neglect. the minimum a parent should be doing also includes what’s needed for emotional survival. that’s saying “I love you”, talking to your kid about the things they’re experiencing, making space for their emotions, facilitating the formation of a sense of self in your kid, etc. like maybe a parent isn’t perfect at those things, but they need to try. that’s the bare minimum


some people think i learned braille for Cool Points but i actually learned it bc my medicine holder has the days printed in braille and i forget to take my medication a lot. i didnt feel like turning on a light one night just to see my medication so i learned braille out of spite. now everytime i go anywhere i have to read the braille signs and i have seen “woman” misspelled as “noman” SEVERAL times.

Tired Of Waking Up To Take Medication? Learn Braille


the catholic church gives wine to 7 year olds but gay marriage is wrong

I mean this is totally out of context but is technically true. It is believed to be the blood of god and they are only given 1 tiny sip once a week but otherwise this is totally correct.

the catholic church encourages 7 year olds to drink blood every week but gay marriage is wrong


french recipes: if you’re not making this in paris then what’s the point. fuck you

italian recipes: use the left leg meat of a pig from one of three farms in this specific area of tuscany, or from this day my grandmother will begin manifesting physically in your house

american recipes: buy these three cans of stuff and put them in a pan congrats you cooked


chinese recipes, as handed down from mother to child: season it with a pinch of this and some of that. you want to know the exact amount? feel it in your heart. ask the stars. yell into the void. 


English recipes: boil and salt it. Okay that’s it enjoy

mexican recipes: start cooking with the sunrise only after you have all your 54 ingredients lined up in front of you to hopefully be done by lunch time, theres a very specific order and method to mix in each ingredient which will be whispered to you by the humming birds and the rustle of leaves in the little town your abuela was born in


Brazillian recipes: you’ll need some meat and carrots, or potatoes, or tomatoes, or just more meat, or chicken, or cheese whatever just add it in whatever amount you want. cook it. or boil it or deepfry it, your choice. serve with salt, or mustard or sugar do as you please. you can stuff it with cheese or more meat or oranges whatever


i know ive talked about this before but we literally have no reason not to bring the original gay flag made in the 70s by gilbert baker back to regular use!


the pink stripe was simply taken away because pink fabric was too expensive to mass reproduce at the time, and the turquoise stripe was taken away for a really odd reason: for the harvey milk remembrance parade in 1979, they wanted three stripes on each side of the street and didn’t want it to be asymmetrical, so they did away with the turquoise stripe. like, they could have fixed it in some other way without removing a whole stripe, but eh whatever history’s history.

the pink originally symbolized sex and the turquoise was for magic/art and it would just be really cool if we could bring both the stripes back into regular use again since there wasn’t any significance behind the removal of the stripes and we’re perfectly capable of mass producing flags with all the stripes again!

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