


I love my prodigy children 🥺 (perryshmirtz and ferbnessa shippers dni, nsfw dni)

Viewing all phineas and ferb characters as autistic is so nice because you rarely see a range of personality types with autistic characters in the same show


Bless Bless Bless

Also let me help you back this up:

  • Phineas and Ferb freaking out because someone broke their rutine (Bully Bromance Breakup episode)
  • Phineas and Ferb's echolalia in "Candace against the Universe"
  • Ferb having selective mutism and only chosing to speak when he has an interesting fact

To continue in part 2

Part 2

  • Phineas being oblivious about Isabella's love indirects (that sinking feeling episode)( and most of the episodes too)
  • Baljeet having a written schedule and hyperventilating when they do something it's not there (Bubble boys episode)
  • Baljeet having a lof information about a specific subject (tip of the day episode)

To continue in part 3

Part 3

  • Candace having an special interest/hyperfixation in Ducky Momo since she was a little girl to now into teenhood
  • Candace can't break the routine to bust her brothers or she feels empty

I also HeadCanon she has ADHD as she is very loud and impulsive and can't focus on anything that doesn't has to do with busting her brothers, her boyfriend Jeremy, or Ducky momo

To continue in part 4

Part 4


Where. Do . I. Begin

  • I headcanon him with autism and ADHD as well.. First, he can't do simple things and chose to do it the complicated way.
  • I mean, he flew the Big Ben to be close to his departamento so he didn't had to drive to the store and buy a watch
  • In another occasion he made clones of himself so he didn't had to wait in the line to buy things
  • He rambles.. A LOT
  • Changes subject in the conversation too quick ,forget what he was talking about and is a bad listener. (Maybe that's why he gets along with Perry because he doesn't talk and Doof has freedom to lead the conversation)
  • The 'a platypus?' 'Perry the platypus???' (prosopagnosia right there)
  • The way he stands with his hand in this pose
  • His happy stimming

To be continued in part 5

Part 5

  • Buford. He doesn't like the taste of two thing together. He prefers them separately
  • Speaks a lot of languages and play a variety of instruments

Lawrence Fletcher:

  • Pls he works at an antique store and is an history nerd
  • The echolalia. Fossils dun dun dun

Also he in general. There's no doubt he is Ferb's father


I see Candace trying to bust her brothers as her being controlling as a mechanism for mitigating her anxiety. It's not just about her blindly sticking to that role for the sake of it. If everything goes the way it's "supposed to" then there will no unexpected disruptions that she doesn't know how to deal with.

There's also that indignation keenly felt by all eldest siblings, at how unfair it is that their younger siblings are treated much more leniently now that their parents have mellowed out and are much less uptight about policing their children now that they have enough experience as parents to realise how little of a big deal all their previous fretting was. Not inherently a neurodivergent thing, but it's a big part of her nevertheless.

Also, there's that thing I don't quite know how to put to words, where autistic girls tend to be much better at masking than autistic boys, and tend to be much more cognisant of the consequences of inadequate masking, and so she's so overpowered by cringe that she's compelled to police them at all times lest they call too much attention to themselves, which—in her opinion—is inherently risky to them and their safety, on top of being risky to her by 'blowing her cover'.

Also, that rigid adherence to making sure everybody 'follows the rules'. I've seen that in a lot of autistic girls before.


Justfound out my Christmas fic has the exact same title word for word as a dsmp fic

Anonymous asked:

metaphor-cheese pls come back from the war we miss u and all ur bufordposting

Im sorry 😭 my brain got a new hyperfixation

As a consolation i did dig up some byoofs from waaaaay back in my camera roll 🥺


really big fan of men in shows who have one extra special little guy and as soon as their buddy isn’t around they cry so hard they throw up

everyone who isnt this user shut the fuck up



GALAXINA GALAXINA YOU GET IT YOU GET IT YOU GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous asked:

Are you doing ok? I haven’t seen you on my dash in a while

Yeah just moved on interest wise

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